Sunday, August 9, 2009

What Is The Difference Between Bipolar Depression And Other Depressions

By Ken P Doyle

This depressive disorder has been known to be with us since man started recording history. We read in the Old Testament, Job as well as the famous King David, suffered from this terrible illness. Hippocrates the Greek physician called depression, a black bile (melancholia). A clinical depression is a serious medical disorder that is negative in nature which affects how we feel, think and act. It has been written in literature arts for many, many years, but what does it mean when we refer to this mental illness - depressive disorder or a bipolar depression disorder? In the last century, depression was portrayed as a weakness of temperament which was inherited. Only in the beginning of the 20th century did Freud link the progress of depression to guilt with conflict.

The Two Divisions

During the middle of this century depression was divided into two:

Endogenous: may be caused by the body itself but nobody knows its source and is probably linked to a genetic origin. Bipolar depression falls under this type of depression.

Neurotic or reactive: is caused from outside, like the death of a loved one, losing somebody special and the loss of the only source of income. The focus changed from the cause, to the effects of depression in the 70s and the 80s.

We may never know what causes depression or bipolar depression, but most would agree that:

It is a syndrome that reflects severe sad, irritable mood which can be classed as abnormal sadness or grief. These feelings of sadness of depression are both intense and takes a long time when compared to the normal ups and downs.

The characteristics are the presence of negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors and not to mention the physical symptoms like, crying spells, aches in the body, very low energy in both work and sex. Other problems may include eating, weight and sleeping problems.

The risks for coronary artery disease, HIV, asthma, and some other medical diseases increases also with mortality rate.

The human costs of depression in the United States alone are huge which includes - treatment and other indirect costs, like absenteeism of workers and lost in productivity.

Bipolar Depression Signs

This bipolar disorder is caused by the brains neurotransmitters producing its lows with feelings of worry, sad, angry, guilt, isolation and hopelessness. This can cause sleeping and eating problems and a shift in moods.

Problems of Not Treating Depression

Like most serious diseases, bipolar depression can create problems with those living together, members of the family, close friends, and your boss at work. With family members of those with bipolar depression it can drain out the energy level of family members.

Bipolar Depression and Bipolar Treatment

Is a member of your family or a friend showing symptoms of bipolar depression like sleeping too much, sad, feelings of helpless, worthless, and hopeless with decreased energy and concentration. Seek medical advice near you so they can be given early bipolar treatment.

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