Dr Rashid Buttar has a constant battle with the North Carolina Medical Board over his clinic and its work. He believes they are trying to keep the court cases running in the hopes of diminishing his money to a state where he cannot afford to run the clinic any longer. There are many doctors who support his work and do whats best for their patients and let them choose the best course of action for them about treatment. But its the institution of modern medicine that is opposed to his practices.
Dr Buttar pushes on to help as many patients as he can, and with a great deal of success. Hes had some great recoveries from cancer and his DVD: Cancer-The Untold Truth is one in a series of discs called "Know Your Options". His philosophies on healing certainly includes prevention is better than cure. But in most cases, people never think about illness until it happens to them, he advocates that dealing with 7 toxicity problems in our bodies, allows the body to function as it should and heal itself.
He maintains that according to conventional medical literature, most cancer is cause by some type of toxicity causing the immune system damage and yet Chemo, Radiation, and surgery do not take care of the immune system. Also, surprisingly, Dr Buttar says many cancer patients actually die from malnutrition, but nothing is really addressed as far as keeping the correct nutrients up to the body during treatments.
He does extensive work with Autistic children, and is having a dramatic effect on their quality of living and that of their families. Other conditions he treats on a regular basis are:
* Hepatitis
* Auto Immune Conditions (myasthenia gravis, MS, etc)
* Cancer
* Stroke
* Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
* Heart Disease
* Peripheral Vascular Disease
* Hypertension
* Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Degenerative Joint Disease
* Degenerative Joint Disease
Quite an extensive list. The world is certainly a better place for people like Dr Buttar. He not only gives hope but he gives quality of life, that is a gift that just cant be beaten.
Dr Buttar pushes on to help as many patients as he can, and with a great deal of success. Hes had some great recoveries from cancer and his DVD: Cancer-The Untold Truth is one in a series of discs called "Know Your Options". His philosophies on healing certainly includes prevention is better than cure. But in most cases, people never think about illness until it happens to them, he advocates that dealing with 7 toxicity problems in our bodies, allows the body to function as it should and heal itself.
He maintains that according to conventional medical literature, most cancer is cause by some type of toxicity causing the immune system damage and yet Chemo, Radiation, and surgery do not take care of the immune system. Also, surprisingly, Dr Buttar says many cancer patients actually die from malnutrition, but nothing is really addressed as far as keeping the correct nutrients up to the body during treatments.
He does extensive work with Autistic children, and is having a dramatic effect on their quality of living and that of their families. Other conditions he treats on a regular basis are:
* Hepatitis
* Auto Immune Conditions (myasthenia gravis, MS, etc)
* Cancer
* Stroke
* Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
* Heart Disease
* Peripheral Vascular Disease
* Hypertension
* Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Alzheimer's Disease
* Degenerative Joint Disease
* Degenerative Joint Disease
Quite an extensive list. The world is certainly a better place for people like Dr Buttar. He not only gives hope but he gives quality of life, that is a gift that just cant be beaten.
About the Author:
As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life. Join our unique community of cancer survivors to be right now and receive a FREE report on Cancer Survivor's tips.