One of the most challenging aspects of finding a good pain reliever is that they so often have significant drawbacks: they can be bad for the liver, they're addictive, they only mask the pain temporarily, or they just don't make you feel good. Well here's a suggestion: for decades, the essential oil from a little yellow flower called Helichrysum italicum has been successfully used in Europe for profound pain relief. It's easy to use, safe, and readily available. Aromatherapy isn't just about aromas! It's really about the branch of natural medicine dealing with the volatile extracts of plants, many of which are complex healing chemicals. And Helichrysum is fast becoming one of the most popular of these oils -- and not because of its aroma, but because of its fast pain relieving action.
A Remarkable Pain Reliever
The pure essential oil steam distilled from the flowers of the Helicrhysum italicum plant is really an absolutely remarkable healing agent. Not just compared to natural medicines, but compared to ALL pain relieving medicines available today. It is safe, effective, has no addiction potential and very easy-to-use. Pain relief reported by most users happens nearly instantly -- certainly within minutes of application. The oil is listed in 'Essential Oil Safety' as non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. It is regularly prescribed for undiluted application to the skin (where very few other essential oils are). Most conservatively, the oil is sometimes said to be avoided during pregnancy, and by young children -- but this warning is not found in today's most advanced aromatherapy texts. The only other concern is of the oils helpful anticoagulant properties, and is sometimes contraindicated if one is taking blood thinning medication. The amounts absorbed for pain relief are exceptionally small. However, if your situation is questionable, check with a health professional before use, but know that the essential oil is considered to be exceptionally safe for the vast majority of the population.
Pain Relief is in the Chemistry
Essential oils are evaluated using a process called Gas Chromatography. This test tells the us what the oil is made of -- and essential oils are really interesting: they're made of all KINDS of different natural chemicals. Within Helichrysum essential oil, one finds chemicals naturally made by the plant's flowers that 1) reduce inflammation and act as chelators (they can remove unwatned toxins), 2) prevent bruising and blood clots, 3) relax tight muscles and connective tissue, and 4) stimulate cellular regeneration. All in one oil! And it's these components that work together to offer pain relief -- in a big way. Aspirin, for example, is a blood thinner and anti-inflammate. Together, these actions produce its pain relief. Helichrysum is a far more complex natural substance, that not just masks pain, but actually addresses the cellular physiology that is causing it.
Who Can Benefit from Helichrysum?
What sorts of pain can be addressed using this essential oil? Helichrysum is topically applied , and as such works for virtually all pain in the muscular-skeletal system: Muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. All kinds of back pain and neck pain can be helped, as are traumatic injuries such as bruises, sprains and strains. Helichrysum is excellent to have around the house of sports enthusiasts -- one 42 year old hockey player in Boulder, Colorado refers to it as 'the magic oil' for all the beating-up he takes in the rink. Arthritis can be helped too (warming oils like Ginger and Black Pepper can be blended with it, if warming helps the condition). It's safety and efficacy is really remarkable: nearly every form of pain seems to respond positively to Helichrysum essential oil application, whereas the oil has only one commonly-noted warning. As it acts as a blood thinner, those taking blood thinning medication should consult their physician before using, and the oil should never be applied to open wounds as to not interfere with coagulation.
How to Use Helichrysum Essential Oil for the Greatest Benefit
Because Helichrysum used topically, its application is extremely simple. It can be used at any concentration, depending on the condition (most essential oils are diluted prior to use). There are two basic situations which determine whether to dilute the oil or not: whether the injury or pain is chronic or acute. For acute pain and injuries -- those that have JUST occurred -- application at full strength is best. This application should be done as soon as possible if an injury has occurred, as the oil can significantly reduce the potential for bruising and formation of a hematoma. Also, many folks find a drop or two of the oil to be very effective at eliminating pain from burns; it comes in handy in a busy kitchen for sure! Be sure to avoid open wounds, as the oil does have anti-coagulant, blood-thinning properties. Once the wounds are sealed or scab is formed, it is again safe to apply Helichrysum.
In most cases of chronic pain, diluting in another 'carrier' oil -- like Sweet Almond, Jojoba, or even Olive oil -- will 'extend' the Helichrysum, and can help improve its effects over a larger area. If using for the entire mid-back area for example, one can dilute one part Helichrysum into 5 or even 10 parts Jojoba oil and massage-in as frequently as necessary. Making our own formulation is very easy to do. It is recommended to start of with lower dilutions and work your way up only if necessary; this helps you conserve the precious oil by only using as much as required for the desired results. Forty drops of Helicrysum in each ounce of carrier oil will create an approximate 5 percent dilution; eighty drops for a 10 percent dilution; etc.
Mixing With Other Essential Oils
Helichrysum essential oil can be blended with other essential oils in your formula to make a 'custom' recipe. Tea tree can be added to provide antiseptic / antibactieral action. Lavender is an excellent choice if you would like to add a little 'anti-stress' effect. To further enhance the anti-inflammation of the essential oil, Blue Chamomile is an excellent choice (which is most effective used at a low dilution of only 1-2% of the total formula). For a warming effect, Ginger or Black Pepper can be used; these oils will increase circulation and are often included in blends for arthritis support. For even more effective pain relief, Wintergreen essential oil can be used cautiously -- it is actually liquid aspirin, with a potential for overdose. The two oils together can synergize for an extra-strength pain formula for occasional use. Finally, Helichrysum is used in wound and scar healing formulas (again, once the wound is sealed) mixed with Sea Buckthorn Berry, in a base of Rosehip Seed oil (there are many versions of this recipe -- a little searching will help you find the right one for you).
Getting The Right Kind of Oil
All the pain relieving effects discussed here refer specifically to the essential oil from the flowers of the Helichrysum italicum plant. The best of these oils is considered to come from France and the island of Corsica -- these oils have the highest concentration of the muscle relaxing component, and often times the highest concentration of the regenerative components as well. Helichrysum from the Balkans, Croatia and Serbia Montenegro can have higher levels of anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory constituents. ALL these are 'italicum' species however, and will impart their wonderful pain-relieving and healing effects. The oil is not inexpensive! Beware of oils that seem priced too low, as they may not contain pure essential oil, and will not produce the same results. Also, if you are in the care of a medical doctor, be sure to consult them before using Helichrysum essential oil just to be sure there will be no contraindications with your condition or medication. At the same time, a great many people have experienced excellent results with this important essential oil, and if it sounds like it's for you, it's almost certainly worth a try!
A Remarkable Pain Reliever
The pure essential oil steam distilled from the flowers of the Helicrhysum italicum plant is really an absolutely remarkable healing agent. Not just compared to natural medicines, but compared to ALL pain relieving medicines available today. It is safe, effective, has no addiction potential and very easy-to-use. Pain relief reported by most users happens nearly instantly -- certainly within minutes of application. The oil is listed in 'Essential Oil Safety' as non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. It is regularly prescribed for undiluted application to the skin (where very few other essential oils are). Most conservatively, the oil is sometimes said to be avoided during pregnancy, and by young children -- but this warning is not found in today's most advanced aromatherapy texts. The only other concern is of the oils helpful anticoagulant properties, and is sometimes contraindicated if one is taking blood thinning medication. The amounts absorbed for pain relief are exceptionally small. However, if your situation is questionable, check with a health professional before use, but know that the essential oil is considered to be exceptionally safe for the vast majority of the population.
Pain Relief is in the Chemistry
Essential oils are evaluated using a process called Gas Chromatography. This test tells the us what the oil is made of -- and essential oils are really interesting: they're made of all KINDS of different natural chemicals. Within Helichrysum essential oil, one finds chemicals naturally made by the plant's flowers that 1) reduce inflammation and act as chelators (they can remove unwatned toxins), 2) prevent bruising and blood clots, 3) relax tight muscles and connective tissue, and 4) stimulate cellular regeneration. All in one oil! And it's these components that work together to offer pain relief -- in a big way. Aspirin, for example, is a blood thinner and anti-inflammate. Together, these actions produce its pain relief. Helichrysum is a far more complex natural substance, that not just masks pain, but actually addresses the cellular physiology that is causing it.
Who Can Benefit from Helichrysum?
What sorts of pain can be addressed using this essential oil? Helichrysum is topically applied , and as such works for virtually all pain in the muscular-skeletal system: Muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. All kinds of back pain and neck pain can be helped, as are traumatic injuries such as bruises, sprains and strains. Helichrysum is excellent to have around the house of sports enthusiasts -- one 42 year old hockey player in Boulder, Colorado refers to it as 'the magic oil' for all the beating-up he takes in the rink. Arthritis can be helped too (warming oils like Ginger and Black Pepper can be blended with it, if warming helps the condition). It's safety and efficacy is really remarkable: nearly every form of pain seems to respond positively to Helichrysum essential oil application, whereas the oil has only one commonly-noted warning. As it acts as a blood thinner, those taking blood thinning medication should consult their physician before using, and the oil should never be applied to open wounds as to not interfere with coagulation.
How to Use Helichrysum Essential Oil for the Greatest Benefit
Because Helichrysum used topically, its application is extremely simple. It can be used at any concentration, depending on the condition (most essential oils are diluted prior to use). There are two basic situations which determine whether to dilute the oil or not: whether the injury or pain is chronic or acute. For acute pain and injuries -- those that have JUST occurred -- application at full strength is best. This application should be done as soon as possible if an injury has occurred, as the oil can significantly reduce the potential for bruising and formation of a hematoma. Also, many folks find a drop or two of the oil to be very effective at eliminating pain from burns; it comes in handy in a busy kitchen for sure! Be sure to avoid open wounds, as the oil does have anti-coagulant, blood-thinning properties. Once the wounds are sealed or scab is formed, it is again safe to apply Helichrysum.
In most cases of chronic pain, diluting in another 'carrier' oil -- like Sweet Almond, Jojoba, or even Olive oil -- will 'extend' the Helichrysum, and can help improve its effects over a larger area. If using for the entire mid-back area for example, one can dilute one part Helichrysum into 5 or even 10 parts Jojoba oil and massage-in as frequently as necessary. Making our own formulation is very easy to do. It is recommended to start of with lower dilutions and work your way up only if necessary; this helps you conserve the precious oil by only using as much as required for the desired results. Forty drops of Helicrysum in each ounce of carrier oil will create an approximate 5 percent dilution; eighty drops for a 10 percent dilution; etc.
Mixing With Other Essential Oils
Helichrysum essential oil can be blended with other essential oils in your formula to make a 'custom' recipe. Tea tree can be added to provide antiseptic / antibactieral action. Lavender is an excellent choice if you would like to add a little 'anti-stress' effect. To further enhance the anti-inflammation of the essential oil, Blue Chamomile is an excellent choice (which is most effective used at a low dilution of only 1-2% of the total formula). For a warming effect, Ginger or Black Pepper can be used; these oils will increase circulation and are often included in blends for arthritis support. For even more effective pain relief, Wintergreen essential oil can be used cautiously -- it is actually liquid aspirin, with a potential for overdose. The two oils together can synergize for an extra-strength pain formula for occasional use. Finally, Helichrysum is used in wound and scar healing formulas (again, once the wound is sealed) mixed with Sea Buckthorn Berry, in a base of Rosehip Seed oil (there are many versions of this recipe -- a little searching will help you find the right one for you).
Getting The Right Kind of Oil
All the pain relieving effects discussed here refer specifically to the essential oil from the flowers of the Helichrysum italicum plant. The best of these oils is considered to come from France and the island of Corsica -- these oils have the highest concentration of the muscle relaxing component, and often times the highest concentration of the regenerative components as well. Helichrysum from the Balkans, Croatia and Serbia Montenegro can have higher levels of anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory constituents. ALL these are 'italicum' species however, and will impart their wonderful pain-relieving and healing effects. The oil is not inexpensive! Beware of oils that seem priced too low, as they may not contain pure essential oil, and will not produce the same results. Also, if you are in the care of a medical doctor, be sure to consult them before using Helichrysum essential oil just to be sure there will be no contraindications with your condition or medication. At the same time, a great many people have experienced excellent results with this important essential oil, and if it sounds like it's for you, it's almost certainly worth a try!
About the Author:
The author is a regular contributor to several online resources for the therapeutic use of essential oils and using flower essences and remedies. She can be contacted at