Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stroke Recovery and Treatment Guide

By Barb Hicks

When a patient has suffered a stroke, IV medications are the treatment implemented in the beginning and oral medications are prescribed during recovery and rehabilitation. Treatment for stroke should be administered within three hours of symptoms to avoid complications such as severe brain damage or death. Initially, the goal of treatment is to restore uninterrupted blood flow throughout the body.

Two types of blood clots that cause a stroke are embolus and thrombus. The embolus is a piece of a blood clot that broke off and travels to another part of the body. A thrombus forms inside the artery and does not travel.


The role of medication is to restore blood flow to the cells. Some meds are used to dissolve clots, and others work to prevent cells from adhering to each other, which result in the formation of a blood clot.

Tissue Plasminogen Activator ( tPA): Is a clot busting medication given through an IV line, administered within 3 hours of symptom onset. It works by breaking down the fibrin strands, and can only be given for ischemic strokes.

Antiplatelet Meds: Prevent platelet cells from adhering to each other. Aspirin Aggrenox Plavix: Is an antiplatelet to slow clotting time. Aggrenox and Plavix replace aspirin when it is contraindicated. The inhibition of clotting can lead to severe bleeding episodes, and is a side effect of using these drugs.


Heparin Warfarin (Coumadin)

Used in the prevention of blood clots in the heart due to atrial facilitation, anticoagulants also come with certain risk for side effects. These include bruising and hemorrhage.

For those on anticoagulants, Vitamin K intake must be monitored. The body requires Vitamin K for its natural ability to clot; therefore this vitamin can affect the ability of Heparin and Coumadin to work properly. Green vegetables are where vitamin K is commonly found and while you don't need to give them up, your doctor may need to monitor you or adjust your medication.


Once a patient is stable they will be released from the hospital to either a rehab facility, home and outpatient therapy or home where therapy can commence. There is no set timeframe for recovery and treatment. It can last six months or longer and is a lifelong endeavor for the patient.

If the patient is to be cared for at home, everyone must be willing to accept the changes that are bound to take place. The patient and the caregiver must settle into a routine to make the transition as non traumatic as possible. Special home modifications may be required to accommodate the patients needs, such as hand rails in the bathroom and wheelchair ramps.

If the patient is bed ridden, a hospital bed may be necessary. Special beds will help to prevent the incidence of decubitus ulcers from forming on the bony prominences of the body such as the elbow, heels, and pelvis bones. To prevent ulcers, make sure the patient is turned on to the left side and right side, alternating sides, propped on pillows every 2 hours. This is very important not only to prevent bed sores, but prevention of pneumonia as well. Elevating the feet to keep heels free from any type of pressure will prevent ulcers in this area.

The redness of skin breakdown can become painful very quickly; a physician can better determine the best method of treatment.

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The Reality of Breast Cancer

By Pedro Lopez

Breast Cancer

Cancer is a group of cells that do not obey the normal physiological functioning of the body. These cells are called as tumors. These tumors do not allow the organs to efficiently work. The tumor that arises in the breast tissues are called as breast cancer.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

Breast cancers occur due to a variety of reasons. The main reasons for the breast cancer are female gender and sex. Although this is the primary reason, there are also other reasons for the development of breast cancer and some of them are discussed below.

Environmental factors

The environment in which you live also contributes to the formation of breast cancer. For instance, if a woman is constantly exposed for longer periods to radiations while the treatment process; it may lead to the development of breast cancer.

Particularly in the case of the treatment of Hodgkin disease, the individual is required to be exposed to the radiations in her upper part of the body. This increases the risk of developing the breast cancer than the other people.

Dietary and life style factors

Dietary factors influence the triggering of breast cancer in some ways. It has been observed from a study that the people in some regions of the world who consume more amounts of fats develop breast cancers than the people who consume less amounts of fat. Breast cancer risk factors also increase with being overweight and obese.

Consuming alcohol has also been reported to be one of the reasons for the triggering of the breast cancer. It is also noted that the risk factor of breast cancer increases proportionately as the amounts of alcohol consumed.

Lifestyle of a woman has also been associated with the development of breast cancer. People who do not regularly exercise have been reported to have high risks of developing the breast cancer.

Breast diseases

Certain breast disease can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Certain types of breast changes can lead to the development of breast cancer while the others are usually not harmful. To be on the safe side, it is best to consult a doctor if there is a breast discomfort.

Apart from the above certain types of causes like the hormonal causes and genetic cause are also responsible for the formation of breast cancer.

What are the diagnostic tests that are available for breast cancer?

For the diagnostics of breast cancer there are several tests which may include the physical and visual inspections and the feeling of breasts. Some of the most common tests for breast cancer diagnostics may include mammography, biopsy, ultrasonic tests and MRI. Among the above, biopsy is the only test that can certainly detect the tumor while the others can give a false readings.

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First Signs Of Diabetes - Common Symptoms To Watch Out For

By Veronique S Dalby

Diabetes is a serious condition that affects certain people whose bodies are incapable of converting glucose into energy and which may be a consequence of insufficient glucose being produced by the pancreas which is generally impaired in its functioning. It is normal for diabetes symptoms to develop in a slow and gradual manner and at first they may not be all that easy to detect and some of the common diabetes symptoms include being fatigued, having abrupt loss of weight and even having trouble focusing one's vision.

Other diabetes symptoms include injuries that take ages to fix, pissing is frequent and worse at night, and the diabetic also will be feeling very thirsty most of the time which is due to loss of liquids and successive disproportionate pissing also. So, if you should happen to have all of these conditions you must get you checked by a doctor to determine whether these are actually diabetes symptoms, and particularly if you have heart difficulty, issues with vision and deadness in the feet as well as legs, you need to get it checked up immediately.

It is frequently also a standard occurrence for some diabetics to also not show any diabetes symptoms, and the example of type two diabetes is an example because this kind of diabetes can even take a long time to develop before it is ultimately diagnosed, and then they're different from individual to individual. Also, type one and type two diabetes symptoms are totally different to each other, and in the case of youth or babies, will take some few days or maybe weeks before they show up.

Some of the commoner type one diabetes symptoms include feeling remarkably thirsty, having a dry mouth, urinating frequently, losing pounds, feeling low and worn out, and having difficulty with vision which is generally unfocused. The type two diabetes symptoms are dissimilar and include cuts or injuries that take a considerable time to heal, inflammation of the skin, feeling more thirst than is standard, urinating frequently, and having discomfort in the leg.

There is another type of diabetes as well which is gestational diabetes and the common gestational diabetes symptoms include feeling very thirsty, urinating more than is normal, losing weight even in spite of a good appetite, feeling worn out and fatigued, feeling nauseous as well as taking to vomiting, and having many infections related to vagina, skin and also to the bladder.

So , one must be on ones toes and need to even bear tests to discover whether one is troubled by diabetes, and then to watch out for different diabetes symptom that apply to different sorts of diabetes.

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What Are The Causes Of Cysts?

By Amanda Clark

Cysts are very common in women who are in their child bearing years. They are fluid filled sacs which resemble blisters and grow on the ovaries. The majority of cysts resolve without any treatment. Causes of cysts vary from a hormonal imbalance to the egg from the ovary not releasing every week.

Functional ovarian cysts occur when the empty follicle that produces an egg every month fails to dissolve and a cyst results from this. Dermoid cysts and polycystic ovarian cysts happen as a result of an imbalance between oestrogen and progesterone which are the two female hormones.

Other cysts will form due to a mixture of reasons. Dermoid cysts are filled with various types of tissue including skin and hair. Endometriosis cysts are blood cysts and occur when the tissue from the lining of the uterus attaches to the ovaries. This will bleed every month when a woman has her period, causing the cyst to swell.

Sometimes cells develop on the outer surface of the ovaries, these are adenoma cysts. In a condition called polycystic ovaries a hormonal imbalance and results in a follicle cysts building up and thickening. In turn the ovaries enlarge and the outer coating becomes very thick which can mean that ovulation cannot occur, leading to fertility problems.

A dull ache in the lower abdomen along with pain or bleeding may indicate a cyst. Although a large majority of cysts do not cause symptoms and therefore a women may not ever know that they have one.

Surgery is not usually required for asymptomatic cysts and the advice given may be to leave them alone to see if they go of their own accord. If, however, the cyst ruptures or is very painful or large, surgical intervention may be indicated.

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Researchers Map The First Complete Human Epigenome

By Aleksandro Imles

Although the human genome sequence faithfully lists (almost) every single DNA base of the roughly 3 billion bases that make up a human genome, it doesn't tell biologists much about how its function is regulated. Now, researchers at the Salk Institute provide the first detailed map of the human epigenome, the layer of genetic control beyond the regulation inherent in the sequence of the genes themselves.

"In the past we've been limited to viewing small snippets of the epigenome," says senior author Joseph Ecker, Ph.D., professor and director of the Genomic Analysis Laboratory at the Salk Institute and a member of the San Diego Epigenome Center. "Being able to study the epigenome in its entirety will lead to a better understanding of how genome function is regulated in health and disease but also how gene expression is influenced by diet and the environment."

Their study, published in the Oct. 14, 2009 advance online edition of the journal Nature, compared the epigenomes of human embryonic stem cells and differentiated connective cells from the lung called fibroblasts, revealing a highly dynamic, yet tightly controlled, landscape of chemical signposts known as methyl-groups. The head-to-head comparison brought to light a novel DNA methylation pattern unique to stem cells, which may explain how stem cells establish and maintain their pluripotent state, the researchers say.

The emergence of epigenetics has already changed the way researchers think about how disease arises and how physicians treat it. Epigenetic changes play a crucial role in the development of cancer and some drugs that directly interact with the epigenome have been approved for the treatment of lymphoma and lung cancer and are now tested against a number of other cancer types. "Unless we know how these drugs affect the entire epigenome, we don't really understand their full mechanism of action," says Ecker.

Recognizing the central role of the epigenome in many areas of biology and medicine the National Institutes of Health launched a five-year Roadmap Epigenomics Program in 2008. The San Diego Epigenome Center, headed by Bing Ren, Ph.D., Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and head of the Laboratory of Gene Regulation at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, is an integral part of the five-year, $190 million push to accelerate research into modifications that alter genetic behavior across the human genome.

The current study, to which Ren and additional members of the Center located at the University of Wisconsin and the Morgridge Institute for Research in Madison, Wisconsin, also contributed, is not only the first complete high-resolution map of an epigenome superimposed on the human genome, but also the first study to be published as a direct result of the Roadmap Epigenomics Program.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

News On Ovarian Cyst Treatment

By Amanda Clark

It is not unusual for females to encounter unpleasant changes in their bodies. A common diagnosis amongst many women is cyst on the ovaries. Although this sounds scary to those who have never endured this medical experience, there are ovarian cyst treatment methods. Here is a little education that may help relieve your mind.

Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid. Usually something goes wrong with the sac. In some cases they dissolve, in other cases they don't and the fluid increases. It is also not unusual for the cyst to accumulate uterine tissue that causes growth.

A different occurrence that may result in a cyst is when the follicles contain a matured egg that is not released. This can cause additional growths and might require ovarian cyst treatment.

It's been discovered that it doesn't matter how old you are or what stage your lifetime you're in. An ovarian cyst can occur at anytime for any reason. It could happen when you are in your teen years, when you are attempting to have children, or in the older years during menopausal stages.

Ovarian cyst treatment would depend on the type of cyst you have. The size and its position can also be a factor in how it is treated. Healthcare providers will generally perform an Ultrasound to view the cyst. This will tell them the condition and how it can be treated.

Many cysts are deemed benign and are just observed through blood testing to insure it does not develop into a malignancy. A benign ovarian cyst treatment may also consist of laparoscopy which is surgically removing the cyst.

Signs to watch are pain in your abdomen, frequent bleeding and cramping, and problems conceiving a child. If you notice anything unusual, it is always a good rule of thumb to get an exam.

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It's Quite Common To Have Cysts On The Ovaries

By Amanda Clark

Cysts on the ovaries are very common in women, regardless of age or race. The fact remains that many women will get ovarian cysts at some point in their lifetime. There is no reason to worry about them as many are considered harmless. On occasion, women can also be faced with more serious types of cysts, therefore it is important as a woman to understand the difference.

Therefore, it is advised that regular checkups be scheduled for all women. Of course, with some cysts, symptoms will have you running to the doctor, or even the emergency. And with others, women will not experience any symptoms.

Some women actually experience an aching pain in the pelvic area, which could even extend to the finest in the lower back. Other women experience pain, as there period nears and during sexual intercourse.

In addition to that, women can also feel heavy in the abdomen or even some pain is n trying to urinate or defecate. Of course, all these symptoms may be confused with other conditions that are associated in the area, and therefore it is necessary to see your doctor, as there are emergency situations that could result. For example, sudden pains in the abdomen, fever and vomiting.

As mentioned above, it is important for everyone to understand that ovarian cysts are quite normal, because during each month in the menstrual cycle, the ovaries produce something similar to cysts. Basically, they come and go. However, in some cases, they just continue to grow, and therefore grow into a typical cyst.

Your doctor will treat your cysts depending on their size, which he will see with an ultrasound examination. Typical treatment includes birth control pills, surgery to remove the cyst, and in many cases, simply by letting nature take its course and allowing it to fade away on its own.

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How to Deal with Depression: Surmounting a Lonely Disease

By Carl Clark

A lonely, devastating and utterly commanding dis-ease (not ease!) - This is how prevailing the impact of depression is to a lot of people who are robbed by the ability to enjoy of what could have been a happy and meaningful life. It is a feeling that no words can ever articulate, a sense of desolation, a hint of death, and yet you feel alive.

From numerous emotional disorders sweeping the vast world, it is no doubt that depression belongs to one of the top maladies that is gradually becoming rampant and out of control. Some may feel its a passing mood, but its more than just momentary, more than the thought of having it willed or wished away. You may feel as if you're facing an impossible disorder to surmount, but there are ways you can do on how to deal with depression and its definitely not far from impossible.

Firstly, how to deal with depression entails a strong belief that outside events will never come to manipulate you, and that everything will fall into place. If you're able to set your mind in this way of thinking, favorable things will certainly come to pass. Small things lead to bigger outcomes " this should be your mantra in fighting against major depressions in your life. If going out when the first light appears at the start of your day would pave way for you to have a relaxed mind and body, do so! Provide yourself the freedom to be grateful of the things that welcomes your day. Be thankful that you're able to feel the days first breeze, see the ray of sunshine, and smell the goodness of the morning. These simple things will help you triumph over negative moods and bring you to moments of elation.

According to experts, the proper ways on how to deal with depression generally starts from a positive perspective in starting your day. So, whenever you wake up in the morning, instead of complaining, perceive the day as another opportunity to live life to the fullest. Remember, a peaceful and gratifying attitude leads to good and finer things. If you're able to live by this positive outlook every single day, turning things to your advantage is achievable.

The next thing you can do is to remind yourself from time to time that in order to attain happiness; you need to strive hard to make it happen. If you just confine yourself inside your room, refuse to accept calls from friends, and turn down all social events, you're only bringing yourself to a much deeper and graver status of depression. But, if you know how to deal with depression properly and choose to act on things the other way around, happiness will surely come your way. As simple as that!

Finally, the ultimate way on how to deal with depression is through emotional intelligence. Although disappointments, failures and frustrations will always be part of a persons life, a raise of emotional intelligence will help you pull through and recover quickly from major setbacks. You may be bound with strong and difficult impulses, but you can always rebound from a forlorn state through a conscious struggle to make things better. So strive to make your everyday living worthwhile, so that the happy pages of your life will thicken more and more.

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Medical Breakthroughs on Obesity

By Jason Myers

WHO reported that there are presently 1 billion adults who are overweight and 300, 000 of them are identified as obese. The growing number of overweight and obese people has increased at an alarming rate; it has even arrived at global epidemic proportions. Reasons of obesity have been linked to over consumption of food that are rich in sugar and saturated fats that are animal-based, inactive lifestyle, and the altered eating patterns among cultures in highly urbanized areas around the globe.

Obesity is one of the many forces of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and certain kinds of cancer. Today obesity has become one of the most known medical issues specifically among developing countries.

If this problem is not resolved quickly, people will be at risk of deadly diseases due to obesity. Medical science the world over has continuously in research of medical breakthroughs about obesity. This is in response to the global demand to alleviate health-connected risk of obesity. A research in Albert Einstein College of Medicine's medical researchers has yet to be confirmed as one of the medical advancements on obesity.

According to the research that keeping the amount of fatty acids in the brain can be the cure to obesity. Moreover the study aims to change the effects of molecular substance malonyl CoA. This molecule is believed to have been an effect on the performance of the hypothalamus, which as a result increases the hunger of a person.

If the scientist can search for a way to alter the content of malonyl CoA in the brain, people will not crave anymore for so much food. This research is posing promise to cure obesity to children and adults alike, although it is still to be experimented on humans.

Medical scientists from Imperial College have discovered a way to suppress the hunger for food among humans. Injecting a drug that enhances the oxyntomodulin content in the abdomen was being done in diabetic patients. This hormone, which is produced naturally by the body sends out anote to the brain that the stomach is full.

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Are You Wondering What Causes Cysts?

By Amanda Clark

You have just left the doctor's office where you were told that you have a cyst. If you are like most people, you are wondering what causes cysts. To find that answer, you first need to know what a cyst is.

Cysts are sac like structures that are somewhat like a blister, but are formed inside the body. They may cither contain a gas, liquid or even semi-solid type substance. They form inside a tissue and may be found anywhere in your body. Cysts may be of various sizes, from microscopic to large enough to displace the organs of the body.

In the discipline of anatomy, the term cyst can be used to refer to normal sacs found in your body, such as your bladder. However, in this article we will use the term only in reference to the abnormal growths.

Cysts are abnormal growths. They are not a normal part of the tissue where they are located. Cysts have a skin like cyst wall membrane that separate them from the other tissue. If that sac happens to be filled with pus, then it is not a cyst, but an abscess.

Cysts can be caused by tumors, wear and tear, genetic conditions or many other conditions. Ask your doctor why your cyst formed.

Fortunately most cysts are benign. They may have been caused by a duct or other outlet from the body being plugged. Some cysts may be malignant however. They are usually tumors or formed inside tumors.

If the cyst is not located deep within the body, you may be able to see its outline under the skin. Come cysts may feel very hard as the pressure of the fluid builds up in them. Other cysts may only be discovered when you have a CAT scan or an MRI.

Some women form very painful cysts in the mammary glands. The cysts may be discovered when the woman is doing a self exam.

If a cyst is in the brain, it may cause headaches or other symptoms.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Battery Mobility Scooters - Powering Through Disability

By Bill Measures

If you are struggling to get around these day, then you may well have been considering a battery mobility scooter. These very modern solutions to an age old problem, are generally designed with a seat mounted over the rear wheels. They have a flat platform for your feet, bags etc, and handlebars up front. These turn one, or sometimes two wheels. Many designs also have a seat that swivels outward to make getting on and off easier.

They typically have controls mounted on the steering column. There is usually and forward and reverse direction controller, with a variable speed controller. These may be in the format of switches, paddles, or a lever. The vast majority of models available are battery powered, given the ever increasing efficiency and simplicity of the electric motor. In these green times, they are also very much less polluting than the petrol counterparts.

Battery mobility scooters are generally rear wheel drive and a charged via connection to an external power supply. When looking at their advantages and disadvantages, they really have to be contrasted against electric wheelchairs.

When looking at their place in the market, it should be recognized that their main competitor is the conventional wheelchair. That said, their main advantage is that they look very different to wheelchairs!

They are great for people that lack the arm and shoulder mobility and strength to use a conventional wheelchair. The swivelling seat arrangement is also a lot easier to use than the movable footrests on a wheelchair. In al, they are particularly suitable for people with systemic illnesses but who are not, yet, at the stage where they require the additional torso support a wheelchair offers.

The main disadvantage is closely linked to this last point. The do still need a reasonable amount of stamina and flexibility fro their users. They are also, physically, much larger than standard wheelchairs and suffer from all the hindrances that this entails.

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Quick Intro To Breast Cancer

By Jackson Noah

Breast Cancer

Cancer is a group of cells that grow rapidly and out of control thus forming an unwanted tissue in the body. This tissue can affect the functions of the area or the organ in which it is present and show some bad effects on it. The cancer tissue is also called as tumor. The tumor that arises in the breast tissues are called as breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the second most leading cancer in women. Its death rate is high. Although this disease is a primary women disease, it also occurs in men at about 1percent. Women always run at a risk of developing the breast cancer throughout the life. Recent survey suggests that the death due to breast cancer is declining sharply due to the treatment methods available.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

The causes of breast cancer are very simple. It is caused mainly due to the gender and age. In women gender is constantly at a risk of developing the breast cancer. Even a born child can be affected with breast cancer. A woman of age 30 is running at risk with 1 in 280 chances of developing breast cancer.

Likewise a woman with age 40 runs at a risk of developing cancer in 1 in 70 chances and so on. So the probability of developing the breast cancer increases as the age progresses. Several studies over different parts of the world suggest that the white women are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer than the dark skinned women in African region.

Hormonal causes

It has been proved that hormonal causes can lead to the development of breast cancer in women. Women who mature at an early stage and end their menopause at an age of 55 can run at a high risk of developing breast cancer. On the other hand, if a person started the periods at a late stage and ends their menopause at an early stage, it helps them from decreasing the risk factor of developing the breast cancer.

Another cause for the breast cancer is when a woman gives birth to a child after the age of 30. This greatly increases the risk of developing the tumor and on the other hand, if a woman gives birth to a child before 30 years of age, then she might have less probability of developing a tumor.

Genetic causes

Genes has been long known as a culprit for many diseases. Genetics also play a role in tumor development. If a mother suffers from breast cancer, the child also runs a risk of developing the breast cancer. In all the patients, about 6 to 10 percent of them are believed to have cancer due to genetic causes.

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Differentiating Infrared And Steam Saunas

By Benjamin Andrews

Apparently, some of us are behind the curve. There is a large and growing segment of the population using Far Infrared Ray (FIR) Saunas instead of steam saunas and they are wondering why the rest of us are not. Let's see what all the excitement is about.

FIR saunas emit far infrared rays, which are part of the sun's natural spectrum, just beyond visible red. They warm the body directly instead of heating the air in the enclosure like traditional steam saunas. Steam saunas require temperatures ranging from 175-200F (80-95C) to promote perspiration and some people have difficulty breathing this hot humid air. The lower heat range of 160-175F (70-80C) for the FIR-Real sauna produces similar results.

Greater muscle relaxation is realized from the deep penetrating heat of infrared saunas. The heat from FIR saunas also improves our ability to remove toxins because of its deep penetrating (2-3 in. or 5-8 cm) heat.

The dry heat that comes from infrared saunas is free of mildew and mold. Steam saunas can be more conducive to spreading and cultivating bacteria. This make the FIR sauna the more sanitary of the two.

According to the International Institute of Holistic Healing, humans sweat differently in a FIR sauna compared to steam saunas. Their research shows that typically the sweat from an infrared sauna contains 15-20% heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, uric acid and other fat-soluble toxins. Whereas, steam sauna sweat is mostly water with about 3% of it being toxins.

The infrared sauna is choice for the budget conscious person. As a result of their low heat operation, FIR saunas require roughly 4 time less energy than a steam sauna. With great energy efficiency your savings will be evident on your power bill.

In many cases FIR saunas are portable. Their portability is a huge advantage to steam heat saunas and has added to their popularity. Portable saunas can be packed up in just a few minutes and tossed into the back of your compact car.

FIR saunas don't seem to have anything to hold them back. They have so many health benefits as well as optional portability. This puts them on the fast track to being the preferred type of sauna on the market.

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The Best Mobility Scooter Batteries

By Veronica Jacobs

If you need a battery for your mobility scooter then there are many options available. You should be sure to choose a site that specializes in mobility scooter batteries to know you will have access to professional assistance if needed.

If your scooter seems sluggish or isn't running as well as it used to then you may need a new battery. You can also tell you need a battery when the battery goes dead sooner than it should or takes longer to completely charge up.

There are several things you will need to know before you purchase your battery: manufacture, battery size, and scooter brand. They will also want to know if you need a gel or AMG battery. This information will determine the price you will pay for your battery which may be as little as 45 pounds or as much as 150 pounds each.

There is a good possibility that you will need two batteries for your scooter. You should be aware that it is recommended that you replace both batteries at one time if yours has two. They may be encased in a box and simply look as if it is one battery. You may want to open the box to determine if it is one large battery or two small ones. This will also determine the size battery you will need.

You should be careful to read return policies before you place your order as some places may not accept returns unless there was a mistake on their end. You can order you battery online or if you feel more comfortable then there are several shops to choose from. You may want to go back to the company you bought your scooter from as they will have knowledge of you specific scooter.

When considering the purchase of mobility scooter batteries you want quality. This will help to ensure your safety or the safety of a loved one.

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Where To Find Your Wheelchair Vehicle

By Stanley P Major

Wheelchair users often find a wheelchair vehicle necessary to maintain their mobility and independence. Transportation to and from work, running errands and performing day to day activities require having access to their wheelchair at all times. Standard vehicles were not created to to accommodate wheelchair bound individuals and their chairs, making the purchase or conversion of a mobility modified vehicle a necessity.

There are many options for those wishing to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle. As with purchasing any other type of vehicle, the consumer can choose between buying new and used. A used vehicle more than a few years old probably isn't a wise investment, as it has been exposed to more wear and tear. Warranties on these used vehicles when available, may be limited due to the age of the vehicle. In addition, buying new may have many benefits such as warranty and/or replacement services, the option of extra features, and not to mention state of the art wheelchair accessibility equipment.

Finding a vehicle that will suit the needs of the individual is almost as important as choosing the right kind of chair. There are many types available, while many of these vehicles may be vans, there may be several other vehicle models available.

This is not only true of a vehicle set up for a wheelchair, but for any other vehicle on the market.

Lifts and/or ramps that can be controlled without assistance have also gained momentum. This assists by allowing the individual to safely and conveniently come and go as they please. Not having to wait outside for lifts or ramps to be accessible are just a few of the other perks that may come with these vehicles.

For so many persons with limited mobility, a reliable wheelchair vehicle means the difference between remaining self sufficient and having to rely on someone else to transport them to where they need or want to go. Like purchasing any vehicle, one must take into account cost, personal needs and preferences, comfort and most importantly the quality. It is possible to get a good deal on such a vehicle. Through careful evaluation and consideration, one can invest in a reliable vehicle that should last for several years to come.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bipolar Disorder Affecting Families

By James Rowland

Family dynamic range are eternally very complex. Add to the calculation a mentally ill ego and people often fragment under the urgency and pressure of dealing the forbearing. There are numerous rational bedlam which can influence nationality. Of , mood illness like Bipolar illness not only put on the unusual but have important reverberation for the thorough household.

A human being with ailment classically swings between mania and depression. These mood fluctuations come nigh on and can each episode can last for up to days, harmfully moving the frame's and conduct. In severe example of mania the party skill hallucinations and misbelief and in severe depression there is cheerless . In each of these site, the becomes very trying to accomplish and there is a itemization in communication and relationships.

If someone has bipolar disorder, it affects families to a very large degree because the person's behaviour is abnormal and not what is accepted in society. This takes a toll on the families. For example a depressive episode will make the person lethargic, uncommunicative, and withdrawn, lose confidence and self worth, and become irritable and even suicidal. Since these people avoid meeting anyone, or if they do, seem disinterested and very sad, they make other people uncomfortable. In a manic episode the person becomes socially inappropriate by becoming overly aggressive, talking loudly and very fast, becoming reckless with the spending of money and risk taking behaviours, becoming argumentative, engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviour etc.

Bipolar disarray critically imitate extended family because there is an supplementary expressive, rational and physical tension that comes along with taking care of an ill party. It is very tough to see a worshipped one go through the hell of a cerebral chaos. This becomes unusually complex when the families don't completely the confusion and are latch unawares.

If there is a domestic limb with bipolar illness, type are posh negatively also because of the whole dishonor emotionally involved to conceptual condition. Families live with fear and guilt of the order of how others will look at them. A by-product of what society thinks approximately rational affliction is also superficial in the services and structure provided for those unnatural by them and their nearest and dearest. This adds to the anxiety of taking care of someone with bipolar malady because there is no real ordinary help away from each other from hospitalisation which is a last option and pricey at that.

Families are also precious badly if an earning leg has bipolar condition. This creature may end up building bad willpower as a upshot of the condition, like imprudently stop a well paying job, or key to sell the business, and thus adopt the whole household.

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What You Can Expect From A Good ENT Specialist

By Mark Kelly

ENT specialists are experts in handling common as well as serious problems of Ear, Nose and Throat, which gives the abbreviation ENT. ENT specialists are trained physicians in extensive analysis of these body parts and subsequently conducting treatment for any disorders.

A good ENT doctor should be able to take care of most ailments of the ear including development of infections and hearing impairment. They are also skilled in dealing with common problems with the nose, such as general allergies to pollen, nasal obstructions and sinuses. Finally, any speech disorder, relating to the voice box, or even a problem with swallowing should be well understood by an ENT doctor.

Some of the ENT specialists are also capable of curing certain infections that can be potentially fatal if not addressed immediately. In fact, some of these doctors even diagnose and remove fatal tumours.

When approached by a patient, an ENT specialist studies the case history of the patient including previous ailments and treatments undergone. This helps the specialist to decide whether your condition needs just medication or a surgical treatment.

After understanding your medical history, the ENT specialist should thoroughly examine the affected area. This is quite important as only by a proper examination can an ENT specialist gain a clear understanding of the condition. These specialists often make use of sophisticated equipment for a comprehensive examination of the patient. Once the problem has been diagnosed after the examination, the specialist recommends a suitable treatment to deal with it.

It is not difficult to find a reputed ENT specialist nowadays as there are many trained doctors in this field throughout the world. If you live in Singapore, and suspect some irritating problem in your ear, nose or throat areas, then either ask your acquaintances for a reference or simply search the internet by typing 'ENT Singapore' and you will find the names and addresses of many ENT specialists.

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How Food Allergies Affects Children

By Roger Calfsman

In years past, food allergies weren't nearly as plentiful as they are today. Today, many children and adults have very serious food allergies. Some have one food allergy and others have many [*T]. Folk have allergies to highly specific items, like strawberries, as well as broad items, like gluten. Unfortunately, there are plenty of food allergies that are dangerous and even most likely deadly to kids. These are some methods that children are influenced by their food allergies.

At School

Kids with food allergies are influenced very much so in their schools. If a child has a food allergy to peanuts, this can be a life threatening condition. Years back, the kid was simply made to cope with this on his or her own. Because such food allergies have been growing in intensity in the recent years, some faculties have made the drastic and extremely difficult effort to become completely peanut free schools.

These colleges don't sell items that contain peanuts, they don't make peanut items in their refrectory, and they don't permit other scholars to bring in food items that contain peanuts. While this can appear acute and cruel to non allergic scholars, scholars with a food allergy to peanuts might be killed by the air born particles from a peanut product.

Some faculties , however , have not gotten completely on board with a peanut free environment. These schools do sometimes try to help the scholar with a food allergy though. These faculties make allowance for a peanut free table in the lunchroom. This is a table where only kids who have peanut free lunches can sit.

While this can appear to be a great idea and a great compromise, it is simply isolating a child with a food allergy from the remainder of the class. Some have argued this goes against the tenet of least restrictive environment as laid out by up to date instructional laws. A kid with a food allergy should not need to be isolated from the rest of the class and their pals during lunchtime.

At Home

If you have a child with a food allergy, you try and do anything you can to avoid a food allergy symptom. Food allergy symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, swelling, hives, and even anaphylactic shock and death.

The home front is also a battleground for kid food allergies in that you need to be very diligent in keeping your kid safe from poisoned foods. In some examples, it becomes mandatory for the entire family to cut the allergen out from their diet.

A kid faces a repeated battle when diagnosed as having an extraordinary food allergy like peanuts or gluten. Do your part to become educated and aware.

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How Sleep Apnea Symptoms May Point to More Serious Health Concerns

By Craig Denevo

Do you regularly get up in the middle of the night? Are you feeling exhausted the majority of the times when you are awake? Does your partner moan that your snoring wakes them up at night? If you answer yes to these questions then you could be showing sleep apnea symptoms.

So how can I tell if i am afflicted with sleep apnea? Well one of the first symptoms is getting up in the middle of the night, and when you do get do you regularly feel out of breath, like you were running.

Second constantly feeling exhausted or drained during normal hours when you should be awake is another apnea symptom. There are some individuals that get a good night's rest but will still feel exhausted during the daytime.

If your partner often complains about how your snoring keeps them awake at night, then clearly that could be a sleep apnea symptom. In truth you might say that snoring is the sign to keep an eye open for. People snore because their airways are obstructed while sleeping.

Also people suffering from sleep apnea will whine of headaches during the day. Generally this symptom will affect most apnea sufferers.

It is important to point out that healthy lifestyle will lead to healthy sleeping. So it won't shock you that overweight folks have a tendency to have a greater chance of going through sleep apnea than others.

Many analysts have demonstrated that indulging in alcohol just before bedtime will prevent you from getting a good night's rest. Therefore alcohol will only serve to get worse your respiring pattern which is in a bad state.

If you're feeling that the above discussed sleep apnea symptoms describe you, then you will have to get help as fast as possible. More so if you're a certain age, as the older you get the worse any medical conditions become.

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For Men Only - Reverse Ravages of Time

By Anju Mathur, M.D.

Men, this article is for you. We're not talking here about aging gracefully. More like aging energetically and youthfully. If you are already exercising and already eat healthy, yet you still feel dragged down by signs of age, then continue reading.

Recent research reveals that a dwindling supply of hormones from the endocrine glands directly correlates with advancing age. This process happens on a gradient - after age 30, the older you get, the less productive the endocrine glands are.

When most people speak of hormones they think of male and female hormones - testosterone and estrogen. But there are other hormones related to the aging process - human growth hormone and thyroid hormone and others. A man can experience low libido, loss of hair, excess unwanted weight, memory loss, weakness of muscles and other symptoms.

This is not to say that exercise and diet are not important in keeping a youthful, healthy body. They are very important. A regular exercise program and healthy diet can improve the body, make it appear and feel more youthful. Supplements, vitamins and minerals can also make a difference.

But men, take a tip from the ladies on hormones - doctors have been prescribing hormone replacement therapy for women for some time. Why not for men, too? Recent research demonstrates that hormone replacement can be just as beneficial for men as for women.

Hormone replacement therapy can not only stop the aging process, but even reverse some of the symptoms. You would need to make an appointment with a doctor to get onto hormone replacement therapy. If you are already eating a healthful diet, and exercising regularly, then continue, but if not, you might want to get some help in those fields, also.

When you see a competent doctor concerning hormone replacement, the doctor will give you some medical tests. These tests determine how much of which hormones you would need to restore the hormone levels to a time when you were younger. This varies from person to person. An important thing you should know is that when getting hormone replacements, make sure they are bioidentical - that is to say, not synthetic, but biologically exactly the same as the hormones the body produces.

Hormone replacement has been shown over and over to be a successful treatment for men, not only for stopping symptoms of age, but in many cases reversing them. If you already have an exercise program and good eating habits, continue them. If not, get some help to get onto an exercise program and good diet. But - very important - see a doctor and find out how to get onto hormone replacement therapy. You could also enlist the help of a nutritionist regarding diet and nutritional supplements your body might need. Don't slow down because you get older. Feel young again! Be more energetic! You can do something about it.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rare Gout Causes

By Bart Icles

People affected with gout not only have to regularly check on the contents of the food and drinks that they ingest, as some of the ingredients being used may be harmful to them and bring about a sudden attack of gout. Some inherit the condition from their parents and so on, and are advised a medical regimen to help alleviate the pain and further prevent a recurrence. However, some gout causes are not commonly known to many.

Others have been diagnosed with having gout even though none of their immediate family members have ever suffered one. Although hereditary factors play a great role in determining a person's susceptibility to such a condition, some other hidden reasons need to be looked at to help find ways and means of addressing the problem.

People with an insulin resistance problem are more at risk to suffer from gout against those who don't have it. Insulin resistance happens when there is a high concentration of insulin in the system due to an imbalance in its production. This can lead to diabetes if left untreated, while also elevating the risk of developing gout in some individuals. Another factor that causes gout to happen and that is beyond the control of many sufferers despite following a low purine diet is of the consequence of having sustained a previous injury to a joint. Injured joints have the tendency over the years to accumulate a heavy build up of uric acid crystals and thus bring about gout.

Other reasons besides the presence of an injury to a joint that is linked to having gout can also be traced to placing undue stress on the joints, from lifting of heavy objects and to constantly making quick and sharp joint movements. People with hip problems, as also those with knee or ankle problems, such as the elderly or the overweight tend to become future sufferers of gout. The problem can mask itself as an attack associated with the injured joint, but may well be in fact being already an impending gout attack. For some, it may not occur at all, but for some unlucky ones the probability is high.

One gout cause can be due to exposure to very cold temperatures. For gout sufferers who reside in areas where there is a winter season, it may be in their best interest to temporarily move to some warmer places to avoid getting painful attacks. If, however, this cannot be done, then it is best to invest in thick clothes and apparels to keep warm at all times, and to stay indoors most of the time.

These not so common reasons may be beyond our control, but by just knowing how they cause gout attacks to occur can help address the problem correctly.

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A Few Simple Truths About Choosing An Allergy Relief Air Purifier

By Roger Calfsman

Life for someone subjected to an allergy can become a living hell and it therefore requires finding out appropriate methods to conquer the symptoms.

A doctor will most likely recommend using medicines which often proves to be sufficiently efficacious in helping control the symptoms. However, if the allergy is due to the environment including dust in the air and on your furniture then installing an allergy relief air purifier makes complete sense.

Allergens Being Removed Efficiently

The truth of the fact is that an allergy relief air purifier is a productive way of removing just about each allergen present in the air and this in turn makes sure better health as well as allergy-free living. If you feel that an allergy relief air purifier will help you combat allergies then you need to go ahead and choose an acceptable device.

Rather than act on impulse it's better to thoroughly appraise the good points and bad points of various models and makes. In addition, you must also consider the size of your house or the room in which you want to install this device and it is also obligatory to grasp the process by which an allergy relief air purifier helps to affect purification of the air. Other things worth taking under consideration include recurring costs as well as total cost and the efficiency of the purifier.

So, before purchasing your allergy relief air purifier do measure the room and also determine which model will work best for your room or home. To make sure that the measurements are right you need to ask the sales person to visit your home and then figure out the space and know which capacity of allergy relief air purifier will suit your requirements the best.

At the moment allergy relief air purifiers can filter air in other ways including by employing replaceable filters. The only difficulty with replacing filters in an allergy relief air purifier is the extra cost ( recurring ) and in addition you will also need to be sure about upkeep concerned. How much you end up paying for your allergy relief air purifier will rely on your position. Fortuitously there are numerous different models that may suit all types of budgets.

Natural herbal allergy relief is something you should try out in order to find release from the indications of allergies without having to take medications or use synthetic means.

When you find out the dimensions within your home in which an allergy relief air purifier will purify the air you can then start taking a look at different models and accept one that's reasonable and most efficient for the cubic area in which it should operate.

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Ovarian Cysts Surgery: The Basics

By Amanda Clark

Ovarian cysts are sacs of tissues, which develop within the ovaries. A very common issue for many women, they are most often completely painless and do not require treatment. However, whilst most remain small and are formed as a normal part of the menstrual cycle, there are some which need ovarian cysts surgery.

Whilst most cysts remain benign, (harmless), they can turn malignant (cancerous). However, this cannot be ascertained until looked at under a microscope.

Procedures to operate are relatively straight forward, but do require general anesthetic and, as with any form of surgery, risks do exist. Two options are offered depending on severity and suspicions of malignancy.

The first technique is a laparoscopy.

A form of keyhole surgery, two incisions are made and a tube with a microscope attached inserted. Gas is used to move the walls of the abdomen away from the organs, and the surgeon removes all or part of the cysts using small tools.

As this surgery is relatively pain free, does not require an overnight stay, and has minimal risks of affecting a women's fertility, it is the preferred method of treatment.

However, should the cyst be suspected as being cancerous, or be quite large, a laparotomy will most likely be recommended by the medical team.

This is a more serious form of surgery, but still relatively straight forward. It requires a cut to be made at the top of the pubic hairline; to allow greater access for the surgeon. In such surgery, the cyst will always be removed completely. It will require at least an overnight stay.

Whatever type of ovarian cysts surgery is advised, all details will be thoroughly explained. As is necessary, further surgery may of course be required, though this is seldom the case

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Warts Treatment Using Duct Tape Does It Work?

By Deborah Valley

As more and more people end up looking for warts treatment they usually end up coming to the internet in search of ways to remove their warts permanently. Most likely you are one of the thousands of people in our society who have been affected by this condition and are suffering from warts on parts of your body.

There are many people in our society who are suffering from this condition who have absolutely no clue as to what it takes to get rid of their warts. Most likely if you are reading this article then you may have already spent hundreds of dollars on trying different types of over the counter medications and prescriptions that have promised to rid you of your problems only to find that it has lied.

We all know that the internet is full of warts treatment that may or may not work. It is vital to know that you are going to have to try several different methods before you find one that works for you.

By now you should be aware that the internet is full of several different types of natural methods that have been proven to work and duct tape is one of the most common types used. You should also know that duct tape is the only type of tape that is strong enough to do the job.

You will want to keep an eye on the tape everyday; replace the piece that you are using on your wart everyday. It is best if you replace the tape twice a day which means once in the morning and once in the evening.

It is vital that you know this is not a quick fix and so do not expect to notice overnight results. Many people before you have removed their warts with duct tape however you should know that it could take several days or even weeks to notice your wart disappearing. The good news is that if you follow our advice and replace the tape everyday then eventually you will begin to notice your wart disappearing.

Be sure to stop by our site below to find some more valuable tips and advice that have been proven to work. We will reveal some more natural wart treatments that have worked for thousands of people and the best of all is that they are guaranteed to work.

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Mesothelioma Early Identification Is Crucial

By James Stacker

Persons who are exposed to asbestos particles usually are threatened to come up with the deadly disease, mesothelioma. The sickness produce wicked cells in the epithelial tissue - the inner membrane that protects the interior parts of the body. Mostly, Mesothelioma damages the insidemembrane of the thorax wall and the lungs. It may as well have an effect on the peritoneum - the inner coating of the abdomen and the pericardium that protects the heart along with tunica vaginalis.

Those working in asbestos associated fabricating companies are the most at risk and have registered the biggest number of mesothelioma patients. Furthermore, families who have a person or people working in these types of businesses are too struck by the carcinoma as they repeatedly come in contact with asbestos detritus when they launder their clothes or from lots of other activities that subject them to asbestos detritus.

Although there will be a prominent risk of getting mesothelioma with inhaling smoke from cigarettes, it is not directly associated with smokers. Nevertheless, lung cancers are most striking disease between smokers whereas mesothelioma affects simply those who have connections with asbestos associated manufacturing or in the company of their family members. People who live near to these installations are too at risk of contracting mesothelioma as others.

Those who have a medical condition with mesothelioma will not display signs and symptoms of the illness in its early periods. For this reason it is very difficult to diagnose it at the initial stage and by the time it is detected, it can be by that time excessively overdue to treat them. The indications and symptoms comprise chest pains, weight loss and trouble breathing nonetheless they might differ depending on the circumstances of the patients.

CT scan, X-ray and tissue sample are the diagnosing techniques practiced on a patient to clarify if mesothelioma is the situation. The tissue samples are extracted by placing a camera with a conduit to the affected parts and these tissue samples are directed for microscopic diagnoses. Immediate verification of the illness aids doctors to administer helpful remedies to reduce the effects.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Modern Allergy Relief Products Are Very Versatile And Effective

By Roger Tavares

There aren't many ailments that may cause quite as much misery as an allergy. If you happen to be unlucky enough to have an allergy problem you would do well to check out some allergy relief products usually available on the market today that when used together with different kinds of allergy treatments will prove to be terribly effective.

The good news is that there are several different allergy relief products some of which are very easy to use. Whether or not you are a first time allergic or you have previously suffered from allergies it is a brilliant idea to discover in which direction modern allergy relief products are moving.

Increasing Quantites Of Allergic Folk

According to latest research and according to the results of surveys it is apparent that the quantity of allergy patients in all elements of the world is consistently growing. In truth, some surveys even go so far as to show that as much as 54 % of northern Americans have an allergic reaction to some kind of pathogen or the other.

Consumers too are demanding better allergy relief products and in this the medical industry too has responded well by coming up with new innovations including air purifiers that are reasonably priced and not as ponderous as they were once were.

Allergies are typically caused by a number of factors including hair from animals, dust mites as well as losing of skin. In truth, it's also not uncommon for some people to suffer with allergies for years on end before even becoming conscious of their problem. Today, modern allergy relief products such as allergy resistant sheets as well as pillow cases are making the lives of allergic people a load more bearable.

The life of an allergic is bound to become hellish and part of the reason for allergies is the presence of chemicals which will really ruin someone's life. The good news for such folk is that allergy relief products are helping folk overcome those allergies that are caused by paints and chemicals.

The money that you spend on such allergy relief products is well spent and even folk that are allergic to chemicals are now able to life live typically and freely.

There is further good news for people affected by allergies caused by the environment in which they live because allergy relief products such as an allergy relief air purifier can ensure that you don't breathe in dust or other allergens ordinarily found in the air in your home.

The medical industry has taken giant steps in making sure that modern allergy relief products meet the highest standards and are most efficient in providing relief to those who suffer from assorted types of allergies.

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Women Using Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella Birth Control Can Have Heart Attacks, Blood Clots, Strokes

By Bruce Westbrook

For oral contraceptives, millions of women place their trust in pharmaceutical companies. Those drugs are supposed to do their job -- prevent pregnancy - and do nothing to harm the user. Sadly, that is not the case with Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella.

Those birth control pills - and those only - contain an ingredient called DRSP, or drospirenone. That drug is known to cause high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and even death in women who take Yaz, Yasmin or Ocella.

Women who suffer as a result have a right to press for just and fair financial recovery for their hardships, including medical costs, lost present and future salary, and pain and suffering. In order to gain such compensation, they may need a defective drugs lawyer or attorney from Jim S. Adler & Associates, a veteran personal injury law firm which serves Texans across the state from offices in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Channelview.

A Yaz, Yasmin or Ocella defective drugs lawsuit can hold negligent manufacturers accountable in the legal arena. In this case, Bayer is the manufacturer of Yaz and Yasmin, while Ocella, produced by Barr, is a generic brand of the drug.

As well as being a potential health hazard, Yasmin and Yaz have been advertised and marketed with false claims. The federal Food and Drug Administration and the attorneys general of 27 states complained to Bayer about its TV ads for Yaz and Yasmin, which made it sound as if the birth control pills reduced discomfort from PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and mild acne. These claims were not true, and Bayer had to air other ads to counter its own false claims.

Users of Yaz, Yasmin or Ocella should be alert to these side effects and symptoms: confusion, sudden dizziness, fainting, sudden shortness of breath, tingling, weakness or numbness in the legs or arms, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, severe headaches, vision problems, coughing up blood, pain, warmth or swelling in the groin or calf and chest pain or pain in the jaw or left arm.

Those with such symptoms should see a physician immediately. At a later time they also should consider alerting a defective drugs attorney to seek the economic recovery to which they are entitled under the law.

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Will A Diabetic Menu Help Me Control My Diabetes?

By Lyndsey Love

If you have diabetes then you should be well aware of the fact that you have to begin eating a diabetic menu that will help you better control your diabetes. Unfortunately there is no cure for diabetes; however research has been shown that if you are suffering from this condition it could be because of your weight.

We are all well aware of the fact that our society is known for people who are overweight and most of them do not even realize that they could have prevented this condition if they would have just paid attention to their weight. If you are overweight then you most likely suffer from Type 2 diabetes because people who are overweight tend to suffer from this type. One of the great things about this type is that it can be cured by simply learning how to eat right and losing weight.

So what exactly is a diabetic menu and what will I be eating?

You should know just by eating more fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber you will find that they will help you digest your food a lot easier. In fact some of the fruits and vegetables that you should consume are; apples, oranges, bananas, broccoli and spinach.

Cut down on those deserts that are making you gain weight. In fact we also highly recommend that you visit your doctor for a check up and to see what they will tell you about implementing a diabetic diet menu into your daily life.

You will discover that the only way you will be able to get rid of this condition or prevent yourself from acquiring other health related problems is to get up off the couch. One of the first things that we all seem to dread is providing our bodies with the exercise that it requires; however this is the only way that we will ever stay healthy and avoid health problems.

No matter why you are trying to find out more about a diabetic menu you owe it to yourself to visit the site below. You will receive tons of information and resources that will help you learn how to control this disease and prevent it from taking control of your life.

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New Research Study For Mesothelioma Patients

By Sally Clapper

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in the Carolinas have partnered to study causes and factors related to a rare cancer called mesothelioma. FirstHealth is an acute care, nonprofit hospital that serves as a referral center for a 15 county region in the Carolinas. Wake Forest Baptist operates one of the nation's leading cancer centers, offering more than 200 cancer-related clinical trials.

Jill Ann Ohar, M.D. is the principal investigator of this study. She is a professor of medicine at Wake Forest whose primary interest is in the genetics of occupational diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. The purpose of clinical trials is to research causes and genetic factors leading to disease. Clinical trials also look for novel therapies to treat mesothelioma, including alternative combinations of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Dr. Ohar is hoping to uncover genetic factors that may predispose one to malignant mesothelioma. If done, this could help to identify high risk patients must sooner, which could aid diagnostic and treatment efforts.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral used in many industrial and commercial products until the mid 1980's. As such, many workers in the mining, milling, automotive, shipbuilding, and construction industries were likely to have been exposed during their daily job duties. Not only were workers exposed directly, but many family members were also exposed when workers would bring home asbestos particles on their clothing or bodies.

Exposed workers and family members would then not show signs of mesothelioma until many years after initial contact, anywhere from 10 - 40 years after. Once diagnosed, prognosis is usually poor. To date, despite increase in research, mesothelioma remains an incurable form of cancer. Preventing any exposure is essential, for even a single incident of inhalation can lead to an asbestos related disease.

Mesothelioma is caused when asbestos fibers lodge in the mesothelium, or protective lining surrounding the lungs, heart and abdomen. Early diagnosis is difficult due to the long latency period between exposure and development of symptoms. More than 3000 alone in the United States develop mesothelioma, a particularly painful form of cancer.

Dr. Ohar hopes to reduce that number by being able to identify patients who are at higher risk due to genetic predisposition. Ohar hopes that identifying clinical and genetic characteristics that increase risk of developing mesothelioma might lead to earlier detection, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, resulting in longer survival times or even a cure.

For anyone diagnosed with mesothelioma who is interested in participating in the study, please contact Dr. Ohar at 866-487-2344 or FirstHealth at 910-715-2200. Anyone who would like more information on other mesothelioma clinical trials, doctors or medical centers or who would like more information on how to get financial help to cover the cost of treatments, please call toll free and speak to a mesothelioma attorney who specializes in asbestos litigation at 1-800-440-4262.

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During Pregnancy A High Fat Diet Can Lead To Severe Liver Disease In Offspring

By Aleksandro Imles

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown link between a mother's diet in pregnancy and a severe form of liver disease in her child.

In a study, published in the journal Hepatology, researchers at the University of Southampton found that a high fat diet during a woman's pregnancy makes her offspring more likely to develop a severe form of fatty liver disease when they reach adulthood. The findings are another piece in the jigsaw for scientists who believe diets containing too high levels of saturated fat may have an adverse effect on our health.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition associated with obesity and caused by the build up of fat in the liver. The condition advances in some people and it is important to understand the factors that contribute to disease progression. Until recently, NAFLD was considered rare and relatively harmless but now it is one of the most common forms of liver disease that may progress to cirrhosis a serious life threatening chronic liver disease.

Professor Christopher Byrne, with colleagues Dr Felino Cagampang and Dr Kim Bruce, of the University's School of Medicine and researchers at King's College London, conducted the study, funded by the BBSRC. Prof Byrne explained: "This research shows that too much saturated fat in a mother's diet can affect the developing liver of a fetus, making it more susceptible to developing fatty liver disease later in life. An unhealthy saturated fat-enriched diet in the child and young adult compounds the problem further causing a severe form of the fatty liver disease later in adult life."

The next stage of this research, also funded by the BBSRC, will be to understand, more precisely, the reason why fatty liver disease develops and to intervene to prevent the fatty liver disease occurring.

The University's School of Medicine has a worldwide reputation for its pioneering research into the relationship between mothers' diets in pregnancy and future health problems in their offspring.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soy Protein Supplementation

By Diego Landon

There are numerous health benefits of having soy protein everyday. It prevents you from heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney ailments, and several types of cancer. If you believe the scientific studies done in recent past, soy protein also helps in preventing the development of breast cancer. Soya beans provide you complete nutrition as they contain all eight essential amino acids and almost no saturated fat or cholesterol. Soy offers you more protein than milk, and is a rich source of fiber. As a result, you feel full and have fewer cravings.

Inevitably theres a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it. In fact, some sites show studies that soy protein and soy products can be detrimental to your health. And while its true that early claims of soy wonders might not be entirely true, theres also myth that soy protein is bad.

Are you considering the health benefits of whey protein vs. soy protein? Given the popularity of low carbohydrate diets on health, and recent discoveries of the nutritional value of protein sources other than meat, this is a question which is getting a lot of attention. Up until recently, most westerners look to meat and poultry as their main sources of protein. So what exactly do these plant based proteins offer, and how can you incorporate them into your diet?

Studies concerning the effects of soy protein PMS remedies alone do not always return positive results. A possible cause is that other aspects of a womans life are not considered. There is probably no miracle cure for PMS, but many women have found that making positive changes in diet, exercise regimen, lifestyle and supplementing with soy protein PMS formulas, PMS vitamins, B-complex and multi-vitamins or herbal remedies are effective.

Soybeans also have no cholesterol and the fats in soybeans are mostly polyunsaturated and contain omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat is good for you and has been proven to reduce risks for cancer and heart disease. Other advantages associated with soy foods are their high fiber content. Fiber is one of the best nutrients. It helps all of the bodily functions work well, and fiber also helps prevent many cancers and heart disease.

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Angular Cheilitis Treatment For A Better Life

By Bart Icles

Angular cheilitis is something that you don't want to encounter. It is a fungal or bacterial infection usually resulting from chapped and ultra dry lips that are formed on the corners of the mouth. People who are usually exposed to very hot or cold environments tend to have drier and chapped lips. When lips are dried out, a lot of people tend to moisten them by licking, thus making it a moist. Since fungus and bacteria grow in moist areas, this habit would make them more prone to having angular cheilitis.

Angular cheilitis is a painful, annoying, not to mention, embarrassing condition. Even if it is not a life threatening condition, it hinders one to enjoy daily activities such as eating, laughing and even talking because using the mouth would be painful. This wound also decreases the person's confidence because its appearance looks kind of ugly. Because of all these negative effects, one should know how to prevent having cheilitis.

Since prevention is better than cure, we should be more aware of habits which would probably lead to angular cheilitis. Nail and pencil biting increases the risk having drier lips. They are more prone to getting chaffed and if you ignore putting a halt to this, you might wind up with cheilitis. There are also a lot of people who have very sensitive skin. If you are one of these people, try the product which you will be using the first time on a small patch of your skin. Observe for untoward reactions and if there are none, continue using the product. Some cosmetics, even toothpaste, contain chemicals which trigger allergic reactions with the skin. If not given much attention, it might produce drying effects to the lips and the area surrounding the mouth.

Angular cheilitis treatment is really simple. Before you do self medication, try to consult a physician to verify that you really have this condition. By consultation, you will be prescribed by the right type of medicine. If the doctor diagnosed your angular cheilitis as being fungal, you will be prescribed with a cream or ointment such as Mycolog II. It is a combination of an antifungal, which kills the fungus, and a steroid to help with the healing. Another widely prescribed treatment is 1% hydrocortisone. Although this is proven to heal angular cheilitis, its disadvantage is that it might take a long period before it takes ultimate effect.
Natural remedies are also highly recommended. This treatment works by drying the areas which have been moisturized and prone to the condition.

Some scientists proved that some of these natural treatments work faster because this condition will never survive a day in a dried out environment.

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Tinnitus Treatments - Why Having a Positive Outlook in Life Is Beneficial for You

By Jordan McBright

Finding tinnitus treatments can be very easy if you know where and what to look for exactly. If you are heavily burdened by the constant ringing in the ears and want it to stop, you should be aware of the fact that even though there is no definite cure for tinnitus, there are ways on how you can alleviate the symptoms. One of the most effective tinnitus treatments is sporting a positive change in your life.

You need to have a positive outlook in life if you want to get rid of the effects of tinnitus. You need to know that tinnitus is caused by stress. If you are constantly under a lot of stress from home and work, you have a bigger chance of suffering from this condition. The more stress you have, the more severe your condition can be.

You need to learn how to properly manage stress if you don't want to hear loud buzzing sounds in your head. Find ways to stay happy. Don't think about the things that stress you out and make you feel down. You actually don't need medication for treating tinnitus. You just need to have a strong mind.

Things can get worse if you don't learn how to control stress. The more you get stressed out, the more aggravated your condition becomes, which can lead to even more stress. So if you don't want to get caught in this vicious cycle, start sporting a positive outlook in life.

The best tinnitus treatment is to have peace of mind. You need to de-clutter your mind and get rid of all the things that are bothering you. If you find yourself in a bad situation, learn how to calm yourself. Practice breathing exercises. This should give you relief from tinnitus.

You can eliminate the symptoms of tinnitus by having a positive outlook in life. Learn how to condition your mind to not get affected when things go sour. If you experience problems at home or work, you need to know how to control them. A positive outlook will not let you become affected by such things.

You will end up a lot happier if you have the right frame of mind. You will not be easily get worried about unpleasant things. You will not suffer tinnitus symptoms. Why? It is because your brain is too busy feeling happy, it will not recognize the sound made by tinnitus.

Tinnitus can be easily handled. You don't have to consult the most expensive doctors or buy prescription medicines to make their lives a bit better. Just maintain a positive attitude and you can be on your way to being tinnitus-free.

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