Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that attacks the mesothelium, which is a membranous sac that protects most vital organs of our body. This type of cancer occurs when the cells of this covering start showing abnormal behavior by dividing on their won without any order. Slowly the malice spreads and the adjoining tissues and organs also get affected.
It has been found that the cancer is mostly caused by persistent exposure to asbestos. Workers employed at factories and workshops that use this material are always at risk of getting afflicted. Being a highly useful natural substance, asbestos has been put to extensive uses, but now governments around the globe are waking up to its terrible side effects. Some countries have even banned the use of asbestos. A huge chunk of all mesothelioma cases occur due to over-exposure to this material.
Mesothelioma cancer is of three types. The first one attacks the lining protecting the cavity around the lungs. It is called the pleural mesothelioma. This is a very serious condition from which it is very difficult to escape. The second type affects the case around abdominal organs, especially the GI tract. This is known as the Peritoneal mesothelioma. The third form, which is the most malicious, attacks the protective lining of the heart. This type is known as the Pericardial mesothelioma and is found rarely.
The symptoms of mesothelioma appear very late after the person comes into contact with asbestos. This makes the diagnosis and treatment process complicated and uncertain. Various symptoms of the disease are traces of blood in sputum, abdominal dysfunction, pain in chest wall, breathlessness, fatigue, cough, weight loss for no apparent reason etc. There are laws by which the victim can claim compensation from the employer for not taking adequate precautionary measures to protect the health of the employees.
The traditional methods of treatment employed for mesothelioma treatment are surgery or removal of cancer, chemotherapy or use of drugs and radiation to kill malicious cells. Combinations of two of all of these are also employed in extreme cases. Researches are on to find a successful remedy, but early detection, diagnosis and treatment are essential to achieve everlasting success in the fight against this induced physical malady.
It has been found that the cancer is mostly caused by persistent exposure to asbestos. Workers employed at factories and workshops that use this material are always at risk of getting afflicted. Being a highly useful natural substance, asbestos has been put to extensive uses, but now governments around the globe are waking up to its terrible side effects. Some countries have even banned the use of asbestos. A huge chunk of all mesothelioma cases occur due to over-exposure to this material.
Mesothelioma cancer is of three types. The first one attacks the lining protecting the cavity around the lungs. It is called the pleural mesothelioma. This is a very serious condition from which it is very difficult to escape. The second type affects the case around abdominal organs, especially the GI tract. This is known as the Peritoneal mesothelioma. The third form, which is the most malicious, attacks the protective lining of the heart. This type is known as the Pericardial mesothelioma and is found rarely.
The symptoms of mesothelioma appear very late after the person comes into contact with asbestos. This makes the diagnosis and treatment process complicated and uncertain. Various symptoms of the disease are traces of blood in sputum, abdominal dysfunction, pain in chest wall, breathlessness, fatigue, cough, weight loss for no apparent reason etc. There are laws by which the victim can claim compensation from the employer for not taking adequate precautionary measures to protect the health of the employees.
The traditional methods of treatment employed for mesothelioma treatment are surgery or removal of cancer, chemotherapy or use of drugs and radiation to kill malicious cells. Combinations of two of all of these are also employed in extreme cases. Researches are on to find a successful remedy, but early detection, diagnosis and treatment are essential to achieve everlasting success in the fight against this induced physical malady.
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