Monday, August 24, 2009

How To Treat As Well As Stop Sunburn In It's Tracks

By Mandy Dobbins

So, you went to sleep while on the beach, in the middle of July, and baked in the grueling sun for well past 3 hours. You cannot sit, stand or lie down comfortably. Catching your body in a mirror it is a shade of glowing red. You're striken with a serious case of sunburn.Now, your only option is to nurse your searing skin back to it's original state.

Here are some steps to preventing as well as treating that nasty sunburn in order to keep your healthy skin. How awful is your sunburn? The first step in caring for seared skin is to examine the level of damage. While any burned skin is damaged skin, burns arise in multiple degrees. Is the skin hot while touching it and a red or pink tone?

You could very well be dealing with only a mild burn that will likely respond to any treatment. Has any blistering appeared? If your burn is serious you will likely find blisters coming up on the sunburned skin. Chills, nausea, and headaches could follow soon after.

If this is your case, seek medical attention as this will likely get worse without intervention by professionals. Soothe the sunburn. Time is all that can heal sunburn completely. Badly damaged skin needs to be replaced by healthy, new skin that lies underneath.

Waiting is the only thing that can be done by you at this point. However, certain treatment can get rid of most of the pain. If a doctor's office visit was necessary, you'll be written a prescription of NSAIDS. It will relieve swelling and pain with greater effectiveness than that of an over the counter drug.

Aspirin used in combination with cold compresses will aide with inflammation for less serious cases. Stay hydrated. Exposure to hot temperature causes the body to lose fluids because of sweating. Sun burn elevates the temperature of skin and acts in the same way. Ensure that you drink plenty of water so that you do not dehydrate and your body has plenty fluid to carry out its normal-everyday functions.

Start the process of healing. Applying a low-dose hydrocortisone lotion or cream that contains aloe on top of the area that is damaged can cut time to heal substantially. However, don't apply on blistered or broken skin as this could further irritate the area. Once peeling of your skin starts, continue to apply moisturizing cream as doing this will help new skin to stay healthy as well. Be sure to know your skin type. Everyone under the sun is affected by the suns rays.

A few people feel the burn more strongly than others. People posessing fair skin are more likely to burn whenever they go outside. The fairer the skin the less you should venture into the sun's rays. Pack along an umbrella or hat with you to the beach so that you can enjoy yourself while at the beach and keep your skin healthy.

However, even those with skin that is darker can sunburn from time to time and some types of medications can increase the risks. Reliable staples. Too much sunscreen is never a problem when it comes to applying sunscreen. The first application should go on 30 minutes before going out the door and then reapply every two hours.

It is always best to get a separate formula made if you tend to to have break outs. Don't ever be mislead by cover from clouds, the sun is still shining above the clouds and sunscreen is necessary even then.

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