Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The challenges Of Life With Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder +Bipolar

By Ken P Doyle

Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Depression, Bipolar Affective Disorder and Disorder + bipolar is a mood and emotional disorder which is caused by an imbalance of chemical in the brain. These chemical imbalances than causes uncommon shifting (bipolar) of an individuals moods, energy level, and everyday function. These unusual disorder +bipolar( mood swings) can range from severe happiness to complete despair or hopelessness. These feelings can change very quickly for some people and stay on for long periods of time with others. One thing that must be pointed out here is, it is not the normal ups and down that we go through every day. These disorder + bipolar victims up and down are severe, when they are happy that are very, very happy with lots of energy and when down (depressed) they are really down with no energy.

The Question of " Who?

Men and women are known to suffer from this disorder. Children have been diagnosed with it when they were just five years old, with evidence that they had symptoms at the age of two. Bipolar manic disorder will look different in adults and in children, and it is more frequent among relatives of people known to suffer from the disorder.

The Disorder "+"

Disorders are experienced by different people in different ways and with uneven intensity. Many people have very strong cases of these disorders, while others have much less serious problems.

Cyclothymia: It is a milder disorder which includes periods of hypomania and very mild depression " less bipolar (mood swings).

Hypo mania: These people experience mania but not the extreme of mania of bipolar manic symptoms. It is sometimes referred to as the middle ground of disorder + bipolar.

Mania: This is a high energy mood disorder which can bring a lot of severe happiness but also a lot of headaches and heartaches. No one can deny the sense of stimulation mania symptoms brings. While it is the better half of the disorder + bipolar, treatments must be sort because mania has been known to wreck relationships and run people into huge financial debts. For many with bipolar disorder, there's a period of denial.

Depression: What is extraordinary about this depression is, it's the brain making its own lows with feelings of worry, sad, angry, guilt, isolated and no hope. These disorder can cause sleeping and eating problems with the body always tired and unable to do activities once enjoyed. Because of its low energy, the lack of sexual activities and lack of action or motivation are some obvious signs to look out for.

Mixed state: This is when the two main phases mania and depression overlap each other. These two bipolar manic symptoms can occur at the same time or in quick succession one after the other other.

Treatment of Disorder + Bipolar

Not treating disorder + bipolar can be disastrous both for the individual and the families living with you. The disorder affects our relationships with others , school and work activities and which can lead people to suicide or attempted suicide. Always seek treatment whenever you see the signs of bipolar manic symptoms appear.

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