Over the last month, your dog lost a few pounds, seemed a little listless and could not tolerate much exercise. When he decided he no longer felt like eating, however, alarm bells sounded and you had him to the vet the same day. Your vet ran some blood work, shot a few x-rays to back up the findings and now you are sitting in an exam room with your faithful companion and wondering how you missed the warning signs for cancer.
Cancer in dogs is an all too common problem and much like the human equivalent of the disease, there are so many types, treatments, grades, stages, and protocols the pressure to know what is best for your dog is intense and unrelenting.
What is Cancer? The correct name for cancer is actually neoplasia meaning new growth and there are two types "malignant and benign. Malignant tumors invade, grow, destroy healthy tissue, and spread. Malignant tumors metastasize or spread through the lymphatic system, the circulatory system, and through growth.
Benign tumors grow in one area and do not invade or spread into other parts of the body. Benign tumors are also easy to remove because they have formed edges like an egg where malignant tumors can look more like an octopus with long tentacles. For an accurate diagnosis of whether a tumor is benign or malignant, your veterinarian or, preferably, a pathologist must examine a sample under a microscope.
Types of Cancer: Around half of all dog cancer is skin tumors with sixty percent of these being benign. The next most common form of cancer is mammary tumors which account for almost sixty percent of tumors in females with half diagnosed as benign. Only ten percent of tumors in dogs are in the digestive or alimentary system, ten percent in the lymphatic system, five percent in the reproductive system and the remaining five percent are a variety of types.
Some breeds of dogs are more prone to specific types of cancer than others. Large or giant breed dogs are more likely to develop bone cancer. Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Standard Poodles and Giant Schnauzers are more likely to develop hemangiosarcoma or malignant spleen tumors.
Dog Cancer Terminology: The basic terminology veterinarians use to describe cancer can be as confusing as how best to treat it. Terms like Stage, Grade, and Metastasis are daunting to an already scared layperson, but are simply basic descriptions.
STAGE describes how far along, or progressed, a tumor is when examined. An early stage tumor means it is small, singular, and non-invasive where as a late stage tumor is large, there may be multiple sites, and has invaded other parts of the body. GRADE grading a tumor describes how aggressive the cancer is and how quickly it will invade or spread to other parts of the body. The higher the grade (I to IV), the worse the prognosis is for the pet. METASTASIS describes the spread of a cancer i.e. Fidos stomach cancer has metastasized to his lungs.
Dog Cancer Protocols: How you treat your dogs cancer is an important, and often heart wrenching, decision. Although chemotherapy is an option, research the type of cancer your dog has, the prognosis of the disease, and the overall advantages in trying radiation therapy. Second and even third opinions are a vital step in dog cancer treatment and if there is a canine oncologist available in your area, book an appointment for you and your four-legged friend.
Most likely the cause of the cancer is in your home. The likely suspects are household cleaners, artifical air fresheners, water, food, pesticides, insecticides, and other toxic substances that are in close proximity to your dog. Make sure you use metal or ceramic food dishes. Provide clean, filtered water and change it after every meal.
If you take your dog to a holistic veterinarian, they will view your dog as a whole living, breathing organism. When all systems are in balance your dog is healthy. When he/she is not healthy (out of balance), their approach is to determine which parts of your dog are out of balance, and nourish them back to health with all-natural supplements, even if they have cancer! A healthy diet is critical. If you can't make the time to prepare your dogs meals then research the web for the best all-natural dog food, and fortify it by administering soil-based probiotics, vital pet lipids, minerals, and super pet enzymes for maximum digestion and nutrition absorption. In fact, even if you are giving them the best organic foods, they still need natural supplements to aid digestion and absorption, skin, muscle, and joint elasticity, as well as to maintain optimal digestive balance and intestinal flora. This regimin is especially important should you opt for chemotherapy and radiation.
Literally 80% of your dogs total immune system is located in their intestinal system! The other 20% relies heavily on the digestive system being in balance to provide its' nutritional requirements. You can spend a fortune feeding your dog high-quality organic meats and vegetables, but if his body is not capable of absorbing the nutrients, all that good food is wasted. Literally! The right compliment of supplements not only helps to overcome cancer, they provide your dog with precisely what he/she needs to live the longest, healthiest, and happiest life possible. Isn't that what dog ownership is about? Soil-based probiotics support a healthy intestinal flora, allowing the full impact of those nutrients to be digested and used to help fight the invading cancer.
Most holistically trained vets are well versed in nutrition. While attempting to restore your dogs health through proper nutrition and supplemention is their preference, they will employ conventional therapies if necessary. If you do not have a holistic vet near by, try to find a dog nutritionist who is experienced in cancer therapy. Short of that, all-natural dog cancer protocols are available on line without a prescription! Some holistic vets my be willing to consult with you by phone or email. Basically, you want to incorporate antioxidants, soil-based probiotics, vital pet lipids, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, selenium, and zinc to support your dogs immune system.
Even if your dog is feeling sluggish, make sure he gets fresh air, sunshine, and exercise daily! And make sure you give him/her plenty of love. Encourage him to chase a ball or go for a walk. Depression affects dogs just as it does us. Even a little exercise can help release natural endorphins and alleviate stress.
The good news is that dog cancer is treatable without resorting to radiation or chemo. The internet is a great source of knowledge, but it also contains a lot of disinformation. While you are learning about your choices, make sure you give your dog plenty of love and attention. It is impossible to know how much time you have left together. Chances are he/she is scared, but unable to express it.
Cancer in dogs is an all too common problem and much like the human equivalent of the disease, there are so many types, treatments, grades, stages, and protocols the pressure to know what is best for your dog is intense and unrelenting.
What is Cancer? The correct name for cancer is actually neoplasia meaning new growth and there are two types "malignant and benign. Malignant tumors invade, grow, destroy healthy tissue, and spread. Malignant tumors metastasize or spread through the lymphatic system, the circulatory system, and through growth.
Benign tumors grow in one area and do not invade or spread into other parts of the body. Benign tumors are also easy to remove because they have formed edges like an egg where malignant tumors can look more like an octopus with long tentacles. For an accurate diagnosis of whether a tumor is benign or malignant, your veterinarian or, preferably, a pathologist must examine a sample under a microscope.
Types of Cancer: Around half of all dog cancer is skin tumors with sixty percent of these being benign. The next most common form of cancer is mammary tumors which account for almost sixty percent of tumors in females with half diagnosed as benign. Only ten percent of tumors in dogs are in the digestive or alimentary system, ten percent in the lymphatic system, five percent in the reproductive system and the remaining five percent are a variety of types.
Some breeds of dogs are more prone to specific types of cancer than others. Large or giant breed dogs are more likely to develop bone cancer. Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Standard Poodles and Giant Schnauzers are more likely to develop hemangiosarcoma or malignant spleen tumors.
Dog Cancer Terminology: The basic terminology veterinarians use to describe cancer can be as confusing as how best to treat it. Terms like Stage, Grade, and Metastasis are daunting to an already scared layperson, but are simply basic descriptions.
STAGE describes how far along, or progressed, a tumor is when examined. An early stage tumor means it is small, singular, and non-invasive where as a late stage tumor is large, there may be multiple sites, and has invaded other parts of the body. GRADE grading a tumor describes how aggressive the cancer is and how quickly it will invade or spread to other parts of the body. The higher the grade (I to IV), the worse the prognosis is for the pet. METASTASIS describes the spread of a cancer i.e. Fidos stomach cancer has metastasized to his lungs.
Dog Cancer Protocols: How you treat your dogs cancer is an important, and often heart wrenching, decision. Although chemotherapy is an option, research the type of cancer your dog has, the prognosis of the disease, and the overall advantages in trying radiation therapy. Second and even third opinions are a vital step in dog cancer treatment and if there is a canine oncologist available in your area, book an appointment for you and your four-legged friend.
Most likely the cause of the cancer is in your home. The likely suspects are household cleaners, artifical air fresheners, water, food, pesticides, insecticides, and other toxic substances that are in close proximity to your dog. Make sure you use metal or ceramic food dishes. Provide clean, filtered water and change it after every meal.
If you take your dog to a holistic veterinarian, they will view your dog as a whole living, breathing organism. When all systems are in balance your dog is healthy. When he/she is not healthy (out of balance), their approach is to determine which parts of your dog are out of balance, and nourish them back to health with all-natural supplements, even if they have cancer! A healthy diet is critical. If you can't make the time to prepare your dogs meals then research the web for the best all-natural dog food, and fortify it by administering soil-based probiotics, vital pet lipids, minerals, and super pet enzymes for maximum digestion and nutrition absorption. In fact, even if you are giving them the best organic foods, they still need natural supplements to aid digestion and absorption, skin, muscle, and joint elasticity, as well as to maintain optimal digestive balance and intestinal flora. This regimin is especially important should you opt for chemotherapy and radiation.
Literally 80% of your dogs total immune system is located in their intestinal system! The other 20% relies heavily on the digestive system being in balance to provide its' nutritional requirements. You can spend a fortune feeding your dog high-quality organic meats and vegetables, but if his body is not capable of absorbing the nutrients, all that good food is wasted. Literally! The right compliment of supplements not only helps to overcome cancer, they provide your dog with precisely what he/she needs to live the longest, healthiest, and happiest life possible. Isn't that what dog ownership is about? Soil-based probiotics support a healthy intestinal flora, allowing the full impact of those nutrients to be digested and used to help fight the invading cancer.
Most holistically trained vets are well versed in nutrition. While attempting to restore your dogs health through proper nutrition and supplemention is their preference, they will employ conventional therapies if necessary. If you do not have a holistic vet near by, try to find a dog nutritionist who is experienced in cancer therapy. Short of that, all-natural dog cancer protocols are available on line without a prescription! Some holistic vets my be willing to consult with you by phone or email. Basically, you want to incorporate antioxidants, soil-based probiotics, vital pet lipids, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, selenium, and zinc to support your dogs immune system.
Even if your dog is feeling sluggish, make sure he gets fresh air, sunshine, and exercise daily! And make sure you give him/her plenty of love. Encourage him to chase a ball or go for a walk. Depression affects dogs just as it does us. Even a little exercise can help release natural endorphins and alleviate stress.
The good news is that dog cancer is treatable without resorting to radiation or chemo. The internet is a great source of knowledge, but it also contains a lot of disinformation. While you are learning about your choices, make sure you give your dog plenty of love and attention. It is impossible to know how much time you have left together. Chances are he/she is scared, but unable to express it.