Acupuncture, which can be used to treat a broad range of conditions and is a treatment which encourages the patient's body to cure itself, is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It had its origins in China, more than 2500 years ago; some even believe it to be as long as 4000 years ago.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points along the body either by needle, laser, or by pressure. The stimulation of these points causes a chemical cascade in the body that creates an optimal environment for the body to heal itself. There are no side effects as no outside chemicals are introduced. Acupuncture needles are 'hair thin' and are not painful like regular needles.
There is no pain. The individual may feel a tiny prick upon insertion of the needle. Sometimes the individual does not feel the needle at all. In some very rare instances there can be a little bruising at the point of insertion. There is no tissue damage as a result of insertion generally as the needles used in acupuncture are very hair like and they have a rounded point and are solid. Unlike in the hypodermic needle the acupuncture needle does not have a cutting edge. There is no actual danger as doctors use single use disposable needles.
In acupuncture the Chinese terms jing luo means meridian or channel and qi (chi) means natural energy or vital energy and xue mean acupuncture points or acupoints. It is believed that qi or energy circulates throughout the body through the jing luo or the channels or meridians of which there are about 12 main ones and about 8 minor ones. The acupuncture points are the locations of the meridians or channels found close to the surface of our body. There may be about 2000 of these acupoints used for various treatments.
Stimulation of the immune system is said to be brought about by acupuncture. It also has an effect on the release of various hormones that take part in helping the body to react to injury and stress. In cases where the use of Western medicine is said to be very limited, like chronic pain management and drug addiction, acupuncture has shown encouraging results.
Many people have the misconception that acupuncture is quite painful; this concept is false, because undergoing acupuncture is actually painless. Most of the acupuncture being performed on television is also misleading because the normal needles used to acupuncture are so thin that it is difficult to see with your eyes alone. The needles as big as injection needles that are used in television are merely for demonstration purposes
If you are one of those toiling millions suffering from acute depression, anxiety and stress, then acupuncture can serve as a perfect remedy. Acupuncture is a holistic method that can integrate functions of mind and body and balance all types of emotional distresses naturally and effectively. With acupuncture proving its success in the whole world, conventional treatments like anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills should be thrown aside. To enhance the overall mood of a person, there is nothing better than acupuncture.
At one time, Western medical circles were very skeptical of the Chinese practice of acupuncture (inserting needles into special places on the body called acupuncture pionts). But after decades of study, it is starting to be embraced (albeit carefully) by conventional as well as alternative healers around the world. Although it looks very painful, a trained acupuncturist knows where to insert the needles painlessly. Acupuncture works for animals, even the notoriously skittish Thoroughbred racehorse, often making the animal go into a deep state of relaxation.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points along the body either by needle, laser, or by pressure. The stimulation of these points causes a chemical cascade in the body that creates an optimal environment for the body to heal itself. There are no side effects as no outside chemicals are introduced. Acupuncture needles are 'hair thin' and are not painful like regular needles.
There is no pain. The individual may feel a tiny prick upon insertion of the needle. Sometimes the individual does not feel the needle at all. In some very rare instances there can be a little bruising at the point of insertion. There is no tissue damage as a result of insertion generally as the needles used in acupuncture are very hair like and they have a rounded point and are solid. Unlike in the hypodermic needle the acupuncture needle does not have a cutting edge. There is no actual danger as doctors use single use disposable needles.
In acupuncture the Chinese terms jing luo means meridian or channel and qi (chi) means natural energy or vital energy and xue mean acupuncture points or acupoints. It is believed that qi or energy circulates throughout the body through the jing luo or the channels or meridians of which there are about 12 main ones and about 8 minor ones. The acupuncture points are the locations of the meridians or channels found close to the surface of our body. There may be about 2000 of these acupoints used for various treatments.
Stimulation of the immune system is said to be brought about by acupuncture. It also has an effect on the release of various hormones that take part in helping the body to react to injury and stress. In cases where the use of Western medicine is said to be very limited, like chronic pain management and drug addiction, acupuncture has shown encouraging results.
Many people have the misconception that acupuncture is quite painful; this concept is false, because undergoing acupuncture is actually painless. Most of the acupuncture being performed on television is also misleading because the normal needles used to acupuncture are so thin that it is difficult to see with your eyes alone. The needles as big as injection needles that are used in television are merely for demonstration purposes
If you are one of those toiling millions suffering from acute depression, anxiety and stress, then acupuncture can serve as a perfect remedy. Acupuncture is a holistic method that can integrate functions of mind and body and balance all types of emotional distresses naturally and effectively. With acupuncture proving its success in the whole world, conventional treatments like anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills should be thrown aside. To enhance the overall mood of a person, there is nothing better than acupuncture.
At one time, Western medical circles were very skeptical of the Chinese practice of acupuncture (inserting needles into special places on the body called acupuncture pionts). But after decades of study, it is starting to be embraced (albeit carefully) by conventional as well as alternative healers around the world. Although it looks very painful, a trained acupuncturist knows where to insert the needles painlessly. Acupuncture works for animals, even the notoriously skittish Thoroughbred racehorse, often making the animal go into a deep state of relaxation.
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