Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why You Should Consult An Asbestos Attorney

By Bart Icles

Mesothelioma is a very deadly condition affecting hundreds of people each year in America. Many laws have been enacted prohibiting the use and handling of asbestos materials and its byproducts, yet still many people have been affected by it due to negligence or outright blatant disregard for the safety of the working individual. If you or someone you know has contracted this disease, you should contact asbestos lawyer to help you get rightly compensated for it. An experienced asbestos lawyer is one who is familiar with laws covering asbestos and its compensation. An experienced asbestos lawyer is one who is familiar with the laws covering asbestos and its compensation, and can firmly establish that asbestos caused you to contract Mesothelioma.

The disease can be contracted from either short term or long term direct exposure to asbestos materials, asbestos laden materials and its derivatives. Since the 1940's, asbestos has been mined and used commercially, and can be found in shipyards, foundries, schools, automotive brake pads and clutch plates, shoes, firefighters clothing, thermal pipe insulation, cement asbestos pipes, vinyl floor tiles, sheeting, adhesives, talc, children's crayons, and many more.

Even though the material was been banned many years ago, the disease has a very long incubation period of up to 30 or more years before manifesting itself. Once it does, and the symptoms begin to show, any affected individual should immediately get medical treatment. There have been some cases of individuals being exposed to asbestos most of their lifetime who did not show any signs whatsoever of getting Mesothelioma. Regardless of these findings, it's best to be on the safe side, so it's important to tell your physician about your history with asbestos exposure, and be monitored for any physical changes and symptoms of this deadly disease.

For individuals already showing signs of Mesothelioma, it's vital they get immediate medical help and also the services of an experienced asbestos lawyer to help them get legal action for filing a compensation case. The asbestos lawyer will ascertain the merits of your case in collaboration with your physician to determine the course of action to be taken. Your asbestos lawyer can help you get properly compensated for the pain and suffering you and your family have endured due to the negligence of your employers, who should be brought to justice and answer for their crimes.

Asbestos lawyers have access to relevant records and materials directly linked with your case that can properly identify the source of your asbestos exposure. Because of their vast knowledge of past and present Mesothelioma cases, they know well enough the lifestyle you are living now, and so can determine what useful ways you can do to alleviate them.

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Bleeding Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Just about everyone knows what a hemorrhoid is, but what are bleeding hemorrhoids? Is it the same, or are bleeding hemorrhoids worse? This article will explain what bleeding hemorrhoids are and its characteristics, including how it can be caused and what symptoms they have.

What consists of a Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that are in or around the rectum and anal canal. There are many causes of hemorrhoids. Some are caused by stress, being pregnant, smoking, drinking, and the number one cause is constipation. They can start off being very mild and if not treated they will become severe and even turn into bleeding hemorrhoids. There all literally millions of people every year who get hemorrhoids and are treatable with home remedies. Some home treatment options include sitz baths, over the counter creams and ointments, and by eating healthy. If you eat more fiber you can avoid flare ups that are caused by constipation. However if you do nothing to treat them then you will need professional medical treatment. This can include a very painful, costly procedure called a hemorrhoidectomy. This is a surgical procedure that usually is done at the last resort when all else fails.

What are Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

Bleeding Hemorrhoids can be external or internal and involves blood coming from the hemorrhoid. These are serious forms of hemorrhoids and needs to be seen by a doctor right a way. Your symptoms will depend on whether it's an internal or external hemorrhoid. They usually will include blood oozing out of the affected area. If you find blood in your stool more than likely you have bleeding hemorrhoids. Some times weak rectal walls are to blame for bleeding hemorrhoids. This condition will cause emotional stress.

Bleeding hemorrhoids can be painful and scary at first to those who suffer from them, and they always require the attention of a qualified physician. Knowing the symptoms and causes of bleeding hemorrhoids is the first step to obtaining relief from the discomfort caused by this affliction.

The symptoms of Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Normally the symptoms are the same in both types of hemorrhoids, except with the bleeding hemorrhoids they bleed of course! The first symptom you should see is the blood in the stool or on the toilet paper when wiping. Don't ignore the blood because some other serious medical conditions include bleeding in the anal like colon cancer. Other symptoms can include anal itching, sharp pains and oozing blood. Hard lumps are also a sign you have bleeding hemorrhoids. Mucus that makes you itch extremely badly is another symptom of bleeding hemorrhoids. If you currently have these symptoms you need to get help right a way. You may only experience one or more of these symptoms but over time they certainly will get worst if you don't seek medical help right a way.

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A Simple Cure to Plantar Fasciitis

By Sandy Lenner

Foot pain affects millions of people each year and is responsible for mild discomfort to debilitating pain. This article is not about preventing Plantar Fasciitis, rather its about curing it. This article was written by a layperson who is not skilled in medicine, science or rehabilitation who after study, analysis and persistence cured the Plantar Fasciitis problem.

Plantar Fasciitis is debilitating and depending on its severity, can prevent you from running, walking and many other physical activities. It is common for athletes who are over 30.

This article is based on my personal knowledge and my experiences fighting Plantar Fasciitis for almost three years. During the three years that I had Plantar Fasciitis, I tried various medications, numerous medical tests, steroid injections acupuncture, stretches and nothing worked. I considered collagen injections and surgery. The solution is simple to say, but hard to implement, namely, lose weight !. Before you undertake any action from this article please consult with your doctor.

The first step is to go to a doctor to discuss your particular problem and request orthotics.I used the custom made orthotics, and found out that my insurance covered most of the cost. The orthotic is a plastic device that is inserted into a shoe to help stabilize the foot and ankle. The orthotics enabled me to walk again, for short distances. After three years, I was only able to walk (with the help of the orthotics) short distances but, I was still unable to play tennis or jog. I finally decided to listen to my doctor and lose 35 pounds(from 215 to 180).

I am now able to jog and play tennis, with some limitations. I also use othodics and wear only Rockport shoes and clogs. No more fancy shoes lacking foot support. The bottom line, if you seriously want to rid yourself of Plantar Fasciitis, then lose weight.

You will feel better, sleep better and feel younger if you lose weight. However, this solution worked for me and may not work for you. So before you undertake the commitment to lose weight, try some of the other above mentioned recommendations, and please discuss it with your doctor.

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Why People Feel Ill After Detox?

By Lee Jacobs

The elimination or cleansing of pathogens or toxins from the body will inevitably lead to a healing crisis. Though many people do want to enhance their over all health, they say that they do not want to feel worse before starting to feel well.

Experiencing headaches, muscle and joint pain, nausea, sore throat and suffering from general malaise and flu-like symptoms after detox treatment is a common occurrence. Feeling ill after the treatment is actually your body's way of telling you that the treatment was effective.

Such reaction was named "The Herxheimer Reaction", which is actually a sign that the body had responded to the treatment. Feeling worse before feeling better after detox treatment is one of the well-documented effects of assisted body detox.

Though it's a well known and documented process, every person needs to go through the Herxheimer Reaction to achieve good health.

The common mistake that most individuals commit is when they cease the supplement or medication they are supposed to take to help drive the response from the body. Consequently, they also stop the treatment that is meant to actively make them feel better while undergoing the detoxification process. Even though this process has been recognized, the Herxheimer Reaction must lead its way in order to win through the side of health and strength.

When large volumes of pathogens are being eliminated, endotoxins that are inevitably released trigger the immune system to respond. This takes place because the body's organs find it hard to get rid off the toxins rapidly, thus causing its own symptoms.

People should have understood by now, that we can acquire bacteria or microorganisms everywhere we go. It may be harmful or sometimes beneficial to the human body. The accumulation of pathogenic stressors begins from the time of birth. It continues to happen progressively and slowly that we often become unaware of. Normally, it's only after several years when we finally realize the fact that we are not as invulnerable as we once were. This realization shall never be ignored. More often than not, we blame it to aging and to the lifestyle choices we have previously taken where numerous pathogenic elements are to be blamed.

Chlorine dioxide was found have a powerful pathogen-killing action. Administering low dosages of this substance inside the body were proven effective in fighting diseases-causing body pathogens and parasites by promoting body detox. Hence, the pathogen-fighting action of chlorine dioxide results to Herxheimer reaction, which explains why most people get the impression that chlorine dioxide supplements tend to worsen their condition.

As one of the body's effective detox aids, chlorine dioxide is a strong precursor to vitality and health. Aside from preventing diseases, it helps flush out years-worth of accumulated toxins from the body.

MMS is different from other medications since it just remains and works in the body for some hours to eliminate toxins before it itself starts disintegrating without leaving any kind of side effects or chemical products in the body.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement by Jim Humble packs a solid punch!

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Drive Away With Dog Repellent

By Charlie Duff

These animal repellents are not meant to kill animals but to drive them away from humans. These self-defense products are usually in aerosol forms which can be fired at an effective range of 5-35 feet away from you with the effect of immobilizing the attacker. The bigger the size, the larger is the volume and the farther is the firing capacity of these animal repellents.

These animal repellents come in several models with corresponding distinct different features that will suit to your specific needs. They also come in different sizes and colors with respective accessories of your choice. Refills are likewise available for some product models.

Pepper is the usual ingredient of these products which causes blinding effect on the animals as well as humans. These animal repellents come in several models with corresponding distinct different features that will suit to your specific needs. They also come in different sizes and colors with respective accessories of your choice. There are also refills available for some models of these products.

There are animal repellents formulated for huge creatures like bear sprays and dog sprays for smaller creatures like canines. There are other animal repellents which have specific mixtures of ingredients like the wildfire pepper sprays. It contains pure hot pepper applicable to fierce attackers. All active ingredients of these products are regulated by the EPA guidelines.

The children must be educated by responsible adults or parents on the proper use of these defense weapons which they might mistake as playthings. Keep these products out of small childrens reach. There are many other related types and models available online about these interesting animal repellents.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Ready for a "Humble" Miracle Mineral Supplement?

By Lee Jacobs

Jim Humble's invention, the Miracle Mineral Supplement, has been used for a lot of different diseases over the years, which has led to a lot of documented information as to how this supplement can best be used. The protocol is different whether the condition you suffer from his chronic or acute, and reading further will tell you which is best for what.

When one has an acute condition like malaria, you should ingest 15 drops immediately and then another 15 drops after two hours have gone by. If you have an acute infection such as a snakebite or food poisoning, it's less likely that you'll experience nausea from this dose than you would if you had a chronic condition.

If an individual is suffering from a chronic condition it is best to begin slowly and take one's time building up to the required 15 drops thrice daily. This is easier said than done, as some type of nausea and sickness is usually always experienced. As this is the case, it is more proactive to encounter such reactions later on in the program rather than at the beginning stages. With this being said, choosing the times wisely that an individual ingests the MMS can make a big difference. Based upon much feedback it appears that by taking the MMS in the morning an hour after one's first meal, and then again in the evening directly before bedtime, much nausea can be avoided. This doesn't mean that you will not experience nausea, but at least in the evening the body is asleep when it hits!

If suffering an acute infection, a different methodology is suggested. Acute conditions require a beginning dose of 4 - 5 drops with the subsequent increase in dosage to happen quite quickly, regardless of sickness or possible encounters with nausea. As mentioned above, a double dose of roughly 13 - 15 drops is required for poisonings, snake bites and the like.

If you have a sinus infection, you can breathe in the chlorine dioxide fumes given off by mixing a drop of MMS to five drops of citric acid. It's very effective to do this, but it's also somewhat irritating, so be careful.

If you have an inflamed skin condition, you can bathe the affected area with a solution of chlorine dioxide to experience considerable relief. For example, those who suffer from chronic psoriasis have found their conditions have completely cleared up after this treatment, when several weeks have passed.

Again, if there is infection within the mouth, such as infected gums and abscessed teeth - then a solution of 7 drops of MMS solution that has been rinsed throughout the mouth and gargled also has been found to be highly effective. As with any protocol, it is best to play around with dosages and see what works best in one's own personal circumstance.

With tissue burns, there have been some amazing results with pure MMS solution. This remains inactivated as long as no citric acid used. After tissue burns have happened, the area becomes very acidic. If you apply a solution with a pH of about 13, acid byproducts are neutralized almost immediately. You should remove any solution from the skin within 30 seconds, because pure MMS is very caustic and can make the burn worse than it was previously. However, if you do this correctly, the burn will heal up to four times more quickly than it would if it were left untreated.

Needless to say the chlorine dioxide molecule is an enormously useful tool if used wisely, and it is suggested if using MMS for other applications than originally prescribed in Jim Humble's protocol one is required to use their own common sense, and be sure to take heed of the information provided above.

To your best health.

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Genital Wart Treatment

By Brad J Johnson

Usually genital warts can disappear even without treatment, but often times a fleshy growth can still appear. It is very difficult to predict whether or not the genital warts will grow or disappear.

The way that genital warts are treated is based on the size and location of the warts, and doctors will take different methods to resolve the issue. If you refer to the statistics youll notice that genital warts are the leading sexual transmitted disease, but it can be treated. Even when there is no sign of an outbreak, the virus can still be within your system, and this is how the virus can spread to your partner without you even realizing it.

Most treatments that doctors recommend will focus on the removal of the actual warts that are visible, but not the actual virus, as there is no cure. One of the most popular treatments is called Cyrotherapy which is a treatment used to freeze warts. Liquid nitrogen is what is used in the process to freeze the wart. This is a treatment that is performed by your doctor.

The use of electric current is also a method of getting rid of warts. Doctors use a form of laser treatment that is called Electrodessication to help with the removal of the genital warts in patients.

Even with these treatments, they all come with great risks. Another option available is to use natural treatments as they are the safest methods. By using all natural herbal products that have been shown to provide proven results, you are reducing the risks involved with some of the treatments mentioned earlier. There are products available with all natural ingredients that can help with the treatment for genital warts.

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Cure For Tinnitus - Advice You Can Follow

By Aidan Ashcroft

Noises produced in the ear that are heard even though there aren't any outside sources to cause them are collectively called tinnitus. This condition involves ringing, buzzing, or whooshing noises produced inside the ear and is a major annoyance to people all over. Tinnitus can also sound like cricket chirping and can be present in both ears. This condition is also termed "phantom noises" and can pop up every now and then or can be consistent.

Considered a symptom of many root ailments, tinnitus is frequently related to ear infections, hearing loss, stress, severe neurological trauma, anemia, and other conditions. But even though it can be serious, most people don't pay enough heed to it. Tinnitus is not a condition and is a symptom, but it should still be dealt with so that it doesn't intensify and lead to something more dangerous. Tinnitus is usually divided into two groups: objective tinnitus, and subjective tinnitus. The objective type is more dangerous because the noises that the sufferer hears can also be heard by bystanders and observers. Treatment for this type is often hard to carry out and usually is best conducted with preventative and natural treatment options and methods. Subjective tinnitus is not nearly as difficult to treat because it features noises that no one else can hear.

If you are concerned about your tinnitus, then please keep reading. Outlined and described below are several options you can use for relief of your condition.

- Tinnitus maskers- These days, many types of equipment have been developed to help people with cutting the ill side-effects of tinnitus. Noise maskers for the inner ear and hearing aids are very popular forms of a cure for tinnitus. Tinnitus maskers in particular look very similar to hearing aids, yet do not amplify sounds from the outside. These maskers are designed to cut down the hissing noise you experience in your ear. These constitute a very effective cure for tinnitus.

- Hearing aids- Researchers and developers in the medical industry developed hearing aids as a curative measure to help people with hearing loss. They work by increasing in volume the external noises that are detected by the damaged ears of people with hearing loss. This is also a cure for tinnitus because it lets the wearer concentrate on those external noises and not the tinnitus itself.

- Seeing a doctor- You should not hesitate to schedule an appointment with a physician if you have any of the symptoms we've talked about. Some of the causes of this condition may be incurable, but a cure for tinnitus can be used by doctors to help treat the symptoms. Diagnostic tests - like audiograms, x-rays, and evoked response audiometry - are frequently used by doctors to help figure out a treatment path and the causes of the symptoms. These causes can be a wide variety of afflictions, such as depression, anemia, high blood pressure, too much ear wax, allergies, nutritional deficiency, and trauma. There are other, more uncommon maladies that can also result in tinnitus. If you're interested in a natural cure for tinnitus, then you can take advantage of such natural remedies like wild oats, gingko biloba, vitamin A, vitamin B, choline, and wild hyssop. These together constitute a good, solid cure for tinnitus for any type.

- Medicine- Tinnitus is a symptom of a condition, and symptoms can often be treated through prescription medication. Doctors routinely offer medicine as a cure for tinnitus to help deal with and mitigate the ill effects of the symptom and condition.

- Reduce stress- Stress leads to poor health in general, but the more stressed out you become, the more at risk you become for chronic diseases, such as tinnitus. The ringing noises in your ears that care caused by stress or depression typically are objective in nature. Therefore, if you want a cure for tinnitus, you have to try and reduce the amount of stress in your life.

- Attend to your immune system- An immune system that is in bad condition will definitely result in poor health for you, and will also make you more likely to be affected by diseases. Tinnitus is a common symptom of these diseases. A cure for tinnitus thus requires that you take care of your immune system.

Other than these curative methods, experts encourage preventative measures too. These measures can help you stay away from that irritating condition-

- Make sure you lower your volume on your music. Additionally, there are special headphones that are designed to reduce clutter and excess noise, which can really help.

- Keep your ears as clean as possible. Too much earwax leads to blockage, which in turn leads to ringing or buzzing.

- If you like to consume excess amounts of alcohol, you should reduce that habit as much as you possibly can. Too much alcohol leads to a myriad of health conditions, the least of which is tinnitus.

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Colon Cleanse Diet: Cleaning You From the Inside

By Joe Alexis

Overtime, our colon accumulates harmful toxins and anyone having colon problems are prone to get deficient in important nutrients which will then lead to chronic diseases and health problems. For one to maintain regular operation of the digestive system, it is paramount that our colorectal health gets well taken care of. Detoxification is one of the many ways of cleaning our system. Detoxification involves elimination of toxins and other harmful substances which has accumulated in our body over time. One of the many methods of detoxification is through the application of a colon cleanse diet. Using colon cleanser products is also another way. Colon cleanser products are specially formulated to eliminate these toxins and substances that have been collected in the colon.

Getting regular bowel movements is a very important part of maintaining our overall health. If we are to deprive our bodies of bowel elimination at the right schedules, then we are slowly killing our system, our body, and ultimately our life. Our body structure and functions have changed so little since we first walked the earth; but our diet has changed so drastically over the years.

In these times of technology-based lifestyle, everything comes and goes at a fast pace. Almost everything we see on TV, the internet, groceries and many stores are very inclined with the word "instant". And the food we eat everyday is no stranger to this word. People nowadays are so dependent with fast food, meals that have been processed, preserved or canned meat or poultry and other foods that have the label "instant" in them.

It is no surprise that our lives are at an "instant" too, because of all the assaults we are doing with body through these harmful food products, which is also a good reason why cancers are very common nowadays, especially colon cancer.

Colon cancer gets to people when toxins and other deadly substances get stuck in our colon. If we are to eradicate the accumulated toxins that torment our system, then we must start cleaning our colon, particularly by cleansing our bowels.

Constipation is one of the more known digestion problems, both with children and adults alike. It occurs when waste matter in our digestive tract is not immediately eliminated, causing them to get dry and hard because the colon has absorbed much of the water in the bowel. This bowel, when left in the digestive tract for longer periods of time becomes toxic to the body, in which aids in the development of serious diseases and illnesses.

If one wants to get involved in a colon cleanse diet, he or she must definitely get some distance from a lot of processed and unnatural foods, as these contribute to a major amount of toxin in our body. They can start by adding more fruits and vegetables to their meals, which will greatly help to allow the body to absorb more of the nutrients that it needs, as well as revitalizing and restoring it to its best condition.

Having a clean bowel is the main goal of a colon cleanse program. Cleaning the bowel will take anywhere from a few weeks, or even a few months depending on how badly corrupted the system is. Colon cleansing may involve many different methods, which usually will employ the use of colon cleanser products, and making some positive changes with one's lifestyle and the frequency of bowel movements.

The best way of colon cleansing still remains to be the natural means. With a colon cleanse diet, one must consider eating fruits and vegetables, getting enough amount of fiber, and drinking fruit juices that are freshly squeezed. One must also be determined at staying away from processed foods and "instant" meals, as well as trips to fast food restaurants. Getting help from colon cleanser products is also a good option, but you must always consider researching about any particular product and seeking professional help before trying anything new.

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Cheap Hearing Aids For Senior Citizens

By Joanne Wren

Hearing loss can affect more than hearing. A person will often become frustrated. Relationships and work could suffer immensely. Many accept hearing loss as a part of life because they can not afford a hearing aid. I've listed below areas where you can find cheap hearing aids and places that give away free hearing aids.

Assisted listening devices (ADL) are the equipment that is always advertised on TV. It works well for people who have little to moderate hearing loss. It works by amplifying one sound while drowning out another, usually background noise. People use them by their self or with a hearing aid. The cost starts at $17.00

During my web search I found several cheap hearing aids. I will mention the top five they are; A&M hear & glow, Audina EZ ear, Audio D Simplicity, GN Re Sound Advance, Songbird Disposable.

The first three are, Audina EZ, A&M hear & glow and Audio D Simplicity. The first is Audina EZ it is used for mild to moderate hearing loss costing $175. A&M hear & glow is a full ear canal hearing aid, used for mild hearing loss. It costs around $200. Audio D Simplicity is for mild hearing loss and it costs $300

The list of cheap hearing aids continues with the GN Re Sound Advance and Songbird Disposable. GN Re Sound Advance is used for moderate hearing loss. It is the most expensive costing around $500. The last Songbird Disposable is the first disposable on the market. It cost $40 for each disposable aid that last 40 days.

There are resources that will gives away free hearing aids some of them include; Hearing aid manufactures, private foundations, implant center, Shriner's, moose lodge, lions club Sertoma club fraternal order of the eagles, and your doctor.

Children's free hearing aids sources include; Medicare, children's rehab centers, state government, schools, gift of hearing foundation, letthenhear.org, and miracle ear children's foundation.

Hearing aids range anywhere from $200 up to $9,000. The price depends on the style technology, manufacture and hearing loss. The TV advertises ALD's. They are good for people with mild to moderate hearing loss, normally costing around $20. Searching the web you can find a lot of companies who offers cheap hearing aids, and resources that will assist you in obtaining free hearing aids for adults.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunscreen And UV Rays - How To Protect Against Skin Cancer

By Adrian Fletcher

Skin cancer is caused by being over exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. If a person is more genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to UV rays then there is more chance that skin cancer will develop. Typical signs that a person is predisposed to skin cancer is a family history of the disease or a pale complexion that burns easily in the sun. As sunlight is the number one way in which people get exposed to UV rays, much advice is given about how to take precautions so that sunlight does not lead to skin cancer. This article will discuss some of these ideas. In particular it will focus on how sunscreen can help protect your skin and minimize the chances of developing skin cancer.

Before covering how sunscreen works, it should be reiterated that sunscreen is not the only way to protect your skin from the sun. It should be used in conjunction with some of the ideas covered below.

The best way to avoid UV radiation over exposure is to avoid sunlight when it is at it's strongest. Unsurprisingly, this is the period when it is at it's highest point in the sky, around mid day. Twelve noon is the worst time and the few hours around this time are also bad. Stay out of the sun during these times. If this cannot be done then take precautions.

Protect your skin with clothing. Cover as much of your body as practically possible. The arms and legs are often exposed so think about wearing long sleeve shirts or long pants if practical.

Always wear a hat in the Sun. A hat with a wide brim will protect your face and scalp from UV rays. Some people use a sun umbrella to protect themselves too.

Wear UV protective sunglasses as the eyes can also be damaged by UV rays.

After you have done these things you should then consider wearing sunscreen. Cover the parts of your body that are not covered by clothing. Some advise to cover the arms and legs with sunscreen even if they are covered by clothings as you might roll up your sleeves and it doubles the protection.

Sunscreens come in two types. The more common type is a chemical sunscreen that absorbs UV rays. The other type is a physical sunscreen that reflects or blocks the UV rays (these are sometimes called sunblocks).

The sun protection factor (SPF) of a sunscreen is often used to illustrate it's strength and effectiveness. Most advice suggests that you use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30+. However the SPF of a sunscreen only applies to UVB radiation. Although this is thought to be the worst form of radiation for skin cancer, recent research suggest that UVA radiation can be just as bad. If you want a sunscreen that protects against both UVB and UVA radiation then you should look at what is marketed as broad spectrum sunscreen.

Sunscreens that act as a sun block are particularly useful if you work outdoors or spend plenty of time in the Sun. They are a thick cream that provides a barrier to the sunlight. People often put them on sensitive parts of the body like the lips and nose.

Sunblock creams will consist of either titanium dioxide or zinc oxide (and are sometimes called zinc cream). If you don't fancy having a band of white cream covering your nose then an alternative is ultramicronized titanium or zinc sunscreens. They act in the same way as a sunblock but the cream is clear and is not obvious on the face.

Regardless of the type of sunscreen you go for, remember to always reapply it every 2 hours. This may vary depending on how active you are in the Sun. Get a cream that you like in terms of texture or fragrance so that the reapplication is not such a chore.

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Tips On Understanding What Dog Allergies Are All About

By Jamie Eve

Dog allergies result in uncontrollable itching, and forcing the dog to lick and scratch himself until sores develop on his body. These sores can grow to be infected, accumulate pus and become very agonizing. With persistent attacks, some dogs eventually end up with their hair falling out. By giving regular bath to the dog with cold water and shampoo, this allergy can be arrested.

Some dogs experience watery eyes which has home remedy. Cotton ball, some boric acid, ophthalmic solution, some Visine moisturizing eye drops and a wash cloth would be adequate. Wet the cotton ball in the boric acid solution, and with very light strokes, wipe across the centre of the eye from the inner corner to the outer corner along the eye lids when they are closed. This will lessen the suffering.

Common Labrador allergic diseases are ear infection. Ear infections will make the dog miserable. What makes this worse is that dogs have a heightened sense of hearing and an untreated ear infection can cause hearing loss. The finest way to circumvent Labrador allergies that result in ear infections is to dry the dog's ears after bathing and frequently clean its ears with a cleaning solution in consultation with a veterinarian.

Some dogs suffer from skin atrophy as well. The skin is almost affected more badly than muscle. Symptoms are reddening, hair loss, blisters, and skin ulceration. Slowly, the affected skin becomes scarred. Treatment can be given by a composition comprising at least one thyroid hormone compound together with a pharmacologically adequate base suite for topical purpose. Faces get swollen due to infection, allergic reaction, acetaminophen toxicity, hematoma, cancer, muscle inflammation. Countless dogs with allergies rub their faces on the ground after eating, grind their feet, rub themselves along fence or will roll on rough ground to scratch their backs. As a result of the allergy, they may also develop bacterial or yeast infections of the skin. Such skin allergies can be naturally cured. Feed the puppy a nutritious diet and practice an exercise program apt for the dog.

Few important oils which are prescribed for such allergies are Bergamot for ear infections; Carrot Seed for dry, flaky, sensitive skin which is prone to infection; Cedarwood for skin and coat conditioning and dermatitis of all types; Chamomile for skin irritations, allergic reactions, burns; Clary Sage for nerve calming and nervous system sedation; Geranium for skin irritations, fungal ear infections; Ginger for motion sickness, aids digestion; Lavender for many common animal ailments; Helichrysum for healing of scars and bruises and effective for pain relief; Niaouli for ear infections and skin problems caused by allergies; Peppermint for arthritis, dysplasia, sprains and strains.

Most of the pet danders set in motion allergies and asthma, leaving no breed completely safe. All dogs create dander, yet there are some breeds which create less than others. Miniature Schnauzers are affected by sick sinus syndrome. Fainting is the main symptom. It is characterized by sinoatrial node dysfunction and often includes atrioventricular node disease and bundle branch block. The major sign is fainting. There are four types of dog allergies. These include airborne allergies (atopy), flea allergies, food allergies and contact allergies.

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Bipolar In Children And Its Challenges

By Ken P Doyle

It is so hard being a parent living with bipolar in children, especially when little things get blown out of proportion and you as parents are unable to do anything. We can only shake and bow our head and admire these great mothers and fathers who are hanging in there despite all odds. It is a test of the will and love of parents for their young bipolar disorder children with bipolar symptoms. Parents be rest assured that someday your children will realize all the sacrifice and support you have put in and this will give them extra strength to keep fighting and living.

School Problems

There are alternative schools for bipolar children or parents usually arrange home school teachers for special classes especially those with a high academic potential. One of the biggest problem with affected kids is that in normal schools they are ridiculed and because of the symptoms usually gets them into trouble. While some children with bipolar symptoms actually want to continue schooling, a lot of teachers are just not up for the challenge. The fact of the matter is that schools have to act on what it deems best for students. So the unfortunate fact is that bipolar affected children are not accepted everywhere especially among their peers in schools.

Always Full of Life

They say that there is never a dull moment around bipolar disorder children. They act out their bipolar disorder symptoms by way of words or actions which can surprise everyone. These children can be in high mode one minute and down to low the next. Just about anything and everything can upset them. When going through their tantrums they can hold anything, throw at others and threaten others or themselves in their anger and just around the corner ask for apology. One of their other trademarks is being defiant to those around them. Usually in their angry moments words such as; what will you do about it when they are asked to stop doing what they are doing. In some cases in school children with bipolar symptoms will tell their teachers that they know better.

Double Symptoms

When bipolar symptoms is similar to that of another but are in actual fact different. In other words there could be two disorders experienced at the same time, one of which is bipolar and the other similar yet hard tell.

When Misdiagnosed

We can actually prevent children from having medications and treatments when we call somebody bipolar who are not. Withholding appropriate treatment that will make them sick much longer if they are not diagnosed in time.

Having Right Diagnosis

A good doctor should spend enough time with the parents and finding out the different bipolar disorder symptoms and all the others which may look like bipolar but are not. Talking time on how they are feeling should also be given to the child. Any kind of information should be sought either from teachers or psychologists for past and current. Doctors may see you several times because it can be several months to one year in order for the doctors to say with confidence that your child is ill with bipolar symptoms

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Is Turbulence Training Worth It?

By Craig Jerome

Almost all of us have that same problem: how do we get in shape? We always hate it when we see our love handles and flabby arms but when it comes to doing the actual work, we always find some alibi to get out of it.

We can often hear ourselves say that we are just to busy, or during your free time you are simply too tired. All of us want to get that rocking body but the thing is that we want to get it really quick.

But if its the time that you are worried about, what if I tell you that there is a new exercise that will trim effectively trim your body in as little as 45 minutes for 3 days in a week? This intense work out was designed by Craig Ballantyne and it promises to boost your metabolism in minutes.

Craig Ballantyne is a fitness expert whose name has graced numerous magazines like Mens Health and Oxygen Magazine. Even Jillian Michaels of the famous show The Biggest Loser uses the Turbulence Training routine in the show. So, you are assured that this program was put together by a person who knows what hes doing.

What sets Turbulence Training apart from the other exercise routines is that it combines upper body training and lower body training to make up one complete set that is not called superset training. You may think that you are only doing one exercise in particular, but for every one set you are actually doing two.

Craig Ballantyne has wisely chosen the appropriate exercise routines to make the Turbulence Training so that its followers can increase their metabolism for 24 to 48 hours.

That means that your body will have the capacity to burn fat for up to two days. Turbulence Training also includes seven different workout routines which you will stick to for four weeks. So that your body keeps on responding to the workout routines, you will have to change your exercise for every 4 weeks.

Finally, Turbulence Training also takes a good look at your food intake. Included in the package are tips on having a diet that works to make you shed those unwanted pounds away. It even includes a calorie calculator so that never again will it be hard for you to keep fit.

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How Diseases Originate

By Musarrat Althaf

The harmful changes that may occur in the human body or any part of it and affects the functions, structure and appearance are what are known as diseases. These conditions can be a result of various associated problems and situations. Many of the problems causes are like the conditions in relation to the economy, wars and natural disasters. An outbreak of a disease can be very detrimental by far to the people in general, worse than any man-made or natural calamity.

If there was to be an outbreak of a certain epidemic, in particular one caused by a virus, containing this virus would be very difficult because of the virus ability to clone itself and mutate to another strain very quickly. This will have very bad and very large effects. A good example is the outbreak of influenza in the year 1918 which killed 20 to 50 million people in the world. A few months thereafter, half a million people died America from the Spanish flu.

The causes of diseases are different and can be categorized into two major groups. There are the infectious diseases and noninfectious diseases. The infectious diseases are the types of diseases which can be able to spread from an individual to another and they are mainly brought about by microscopic organisms which attack the body. The noninfectious diseases cannot be communicated from a person to another and they do not have any infectious agent, or at least they have not yet been established.

The common cold, for example, is a disease that is acute and can appear suddenly and is able to last for a few weeks. Another disease like arthritis, for instance, is a chronic ailment meaning it is able to persist for months and years on. There are others that have been known to have certain body effects that make them identifiable and characteristic. The effects are what are referred to as the signs and symptoms. Fatigue, fever, rashes, inflammation, nausea, dizziness and pain are some of the characteristics.

The symptoms are used to tell the professionals in health-care and physicians what the condition is so that they may be able to make a diagnosis. On the other hand, the symptoms at times point out a few possible disorders. In a case such as this, the doctor needs to rely on medical tests like X-rays and blood tests to ascertain the diagnosis. The treatment that an individual and the individual him or her self will determine which cause the disease will take.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Deal With Parasites - Do You Have Them?

By Lee Jacobs

It might be hard to believe, but there are more than 90% of humans who are or will be infected with parasites at some point in their lives. Most people who have parasites don't realize that they have them, and until parasitic infection reaches a critical level, won't know; instead, they carry out their daily lives as usual. There are many different types of parasites we can be infected with, but the most common are discussed in this article.

Parasites are everywhere! For example, they often begin their cycle in nasty places, such as in fecal matter. They then find their way onto pets, then it's not long before they are in your carpets, and with very little warning they have found their way into your body. Once they travel here they can happily remain undetected for years! It's an unpleasant thought to realize that whilst we sleep they are still wriggling away inside!

Believe it or not, but at any one time over 90% of the world's population is struggling with these nutrient stealing and energy robbing microscopic organisms. Most of us would be shocked to find out that there are over 1000 different type of parasites that can infect the human being. What's even more troubling is that only 1% of these guys will show up in regular stool analysis carried out under conventional testing.

Regardless, though, the most common parasites you'll encounter are flukes, roundworms, tapeworms, bookworms, giardia, and pinworms. Each of these parasites is equally disturbing. If you suspect you're suffering from an infection, read on for more information.

Roundworms: In fact, the World Health Organization reports that over 25% of the world's population has roundworms. Shocking, right? That's about one billion people who are infected with roundworms. These "little" worms can grow up to 15 inches long within the intestines, and are capable of laying more than 300,000 eggs in a day. The reproductive cycle of the roundworm is very fast, meaning that within two months, they can begin to lay eggs. However, they are very sensitive to conventional medication for worming. If there are over 10 inches long, though, they can be more difficult to get rid of. In the most extreme cases, you may need surgery to remove them, followed by nutritional support to replenish nutrients lost in these cases.

Pinworms: These little guys are fairly prolific as well, and over 500,000 million individuals are currently infected worldwide. Pinworms are often responsible for the intense itching around the anus at night. If you are at the itching stage, this means that you have most likely had them for at least 2 - 3 months. After you go to sleep, these guys often sneak out and lay their eggs on the skin directly surrounding the anus.

To confirm that you have a pinworm infection, you should inspect your stools with a torch. If pinworms exist, they'll glow and they'll be about a third of an inch long. You can also confirm that you have them by placing a strip of tape around your anus and then removing it to see if eggs or worms are there. They are very, very contagious and can spread throughout your house very quickly once one person has been. Keep yours and everyone else's fingernails short so that you don't spread contamination by scratching, shower at least daily, and keep bedsheets, clothing and carpets as clean as you can.

Giardia: This is one of the most common parasites found in water. It is resistant to chlorine and can survive in cold water for two months. It is more resistant than most other parasites due to its hard outer shell.

This infection most often comes from hot tubs, swimming pools, ponds and rivers, or lakes. Symptoms take about a week to appear, including nausea, gas, diarrhoea, and stools that appear "greasy." Furoxone is the name of the drug that is most often prescribed to cure giardia.

Hookworms: As one of the most disgusting parasites out there, bookworms usually come in through the skin (usually through the feet or other areas), and then enter the bloodstream to get to the intestines and the lungs. If you have these, you may be read or e.g. where the larvae have entered your skin, and then will show a dry cough, blood tinged sputum, and wheezing once they reach your lungs. If you get them in your intestine, you'll have a diminished appetite, prolific bouts of diarrhoea, and will often have very intense abdominal pain.

Flukes: These guys are considered to be the second biggest danger to society after the Malaria parasite. The World Health Organization has been attempting to control this parasite in third world countries for many years now. Flukes like to call blood vessels home, and often pass their eggs on through feces and urine.

More than 200 million people throughout the world are infected with flukes, with symptoms mimicking flu such as fever, chills and cough. The eggs are more of a problem than the worms are, and prolonged or repeated infections can cause permanent damage in the intestines, liver, lungs and bladder.

Tapeworms: This is where it gets interesting, as these guys can grow to a length of over 20 feet long! If you suspect that you are infected with one make sure that you keep an eye on your stool, as pieces tend to break off them from time to time. As long as the head remains embedded in the intestinal tissue, the worm will continue to grow. The most common mode of infection is through the consumption of cattle - so cook your meat well!

In sum, parasites are literally everywhere. They occur in cats, dogs, kids, adults, and other living beings. There are lots of things you can do to help prevent parasitic infection, including drinking only clean water, cooking and food carefully, and washing your hands often.

To prevent parasites' return if you have been infected, consider taking a preventative dose of Miracle Mineral Supplement, a solution of chlorine dioxide that has been shown to be very effective at eliminating infection from the body, including parasitic infections.

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The Best Way to Use Miracle Mineral Supplement

By Lee Jacobs

Jim Humble's great Miracle Mineral Supplement manages to keep pulling in more customers all these years, now up to shipping 15,000 units every month to various locations across the world, no one can argue about its success. Proof keeps coming in on what this compound can do for people suffering ailments some severe, some minor like dandruff, and no one has reported MMS hurting them. The chemical equivalents can't say this!

There have been several versions of instructions on how to use the MMS, most are just people's interpretations of the directions though. The only best way to get the results you want is to use the directions that Jim Humble originally wrote, we will make certain you totally understand his directions for MMS.

Prior to starting, we need to point out that the MMS needs activation of it and this takes an acid such as acetic acid, citrus acid, or lemon juice even. We recommend the citric acid, which is easily taken. When taking the MMS with citric acid, mix 5 drops of it with a single drop of MMS. When purchasing the kits that are being sold you will find they contain sufficient citric acid, to mix up about 5 times the activator compared to the miracle mineral supplement.

Here is a handy guide to help you with this MMS protocol:

#1 Step: Take one drop of MMS with the right amount of activator a day for the first several days.

#2 Step: Then you need to increase your intake to 1 drop two times during the day usually one taken during the morning and one take during the night. If you aren't feeling nauseous at all, then you can go ahead the next day to the 2 drops in the morning and night, increasing the drops at a pace of one a day. So to give you an example, on day 4 or 5 your should be taking 3 drops both morning and night. And be sure to always mix in the activator too in the right proportion.

Then take this to the next level and increase the dosage gradually day by day to the top amount of 15 drops administered twice daily, or in the event that signs that detoxification is happening which are occasional vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. If you reach a point where your body is reacting this way, you should back down by 1 to 2 drops on your dosages for about 2 to 3 days. At this particular point hold this dosage until your bad reaction to it subsides.

#3 Step: Just stay with the instructions in the #2 step till you are taking in 15 drops two time each day minus any nausea. Then go to 3 times daily with the 15 drops, and do this stage for one week. Recommended maintenance for adults is 5 to 7 drops on a daily basis, for the younger people it is 5 drops 2 times weekly.

Finishing Point - At the end of this regimen, your body will have a very low quantity of mold, bacterial, or yeast activating going on. You need to understand that any nausea or other side effects that happen are signs that a crisis is happening with your body healing, and it is vital that you stay with it. Understand that the nausea you have is a sign that one of your body's invaders is making a last stand, and they have decided to go out fighting.

Be stubborn and stay on the protocol for the MMS and you won't be sorry!

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Finding Fast Eczema Relief

By Molly Connor

Because eczema patients can't cure themselves of this horrible condition with medications, their only real option for real fast eczema relief is to try and use natural methods.

Medications do little to stem the symptoms of eczema, with this in mind, a lot of people have started to use some pretty effective natural eczema cures, which are proving to be successful.

Because of the way this condition works, it could take a little time for you to find what is going to suit you, but it is time well spent

Keeping the body hydrated is important, as it tends to prevent the symptoms. Finding fast eczema relief is a lot easier if you can keep your skin well moisturized

There are different drugs that can relieve symptoms. Many people are prescribed Antibiotics to help reduce the symptoms

This is a temporary solution because at some point these drugs will no longer work, and this will lead to the use of more powerful substitutes

Corticosteroids are also relatively popular for that purpose, and they are mainly sold in the form of creams. The advantages to these are that they're not as strong as actual steroids, and you can buy them without a prescription in most places.

The problem is that they do not solve the actual problem and just mask it - which can be good if your goal is to just control the disease regularly, but if you want to take some more effective actions against it, you should probably look towards more natural ways which have proved to be pretty effective.

If you see an eczema rash breaking out on your skin, the first thing you should try to do, is to simply relax. Unnecessary negative emotions will push the condition forward, and actually help it develop.

Many people can be allergic to different types of food. It can be these types of allergies that can bring on the onset of eczema.

Try to keep away from foods that are highly processed, high in sugar, or have high levels of saturated fat. This will help your eczema and will will also give you plenty of other health benefits.

You can concoct natural remedies which will give you fast eczema relief, with some very common ingredients, many of which you may already have in your kitchen

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How To Treat Eczema in Kids

By Molly Connor

It is common knowledge that eczema manifests itself by a rash and flaking of the skin. Unfortunately eczema in kids can be pretty common, especially at a younger age. However there is some good news, most kids will tend to grow out of the condition as they age.

When your body is coming into contact with something that it doesn't have the ability to fight off, then it can cause a reaction, of which eczema can be the end result in many cases. Children are more prone to this because they are still at development stage and are not fully equipped to cope.

Start using a different washing power when you wash clothes. Watch out for any changes in the skin as you try different things. Clearly if a change of washing powder is not doing the trick, the problem will lie elsewhere. It is common for certain materials used in clothes to be responsible for your child's eczema.

Scratching at the skin will no doubt increase the symptoms, and on top of this there is also the real chance of developing infections. It is not easy to try and stop your child from scratching, but if you can manage to do this in some way, then the condition will become less inflamed.

Eczema gets worse in children because they are not aware of how negatively scratching will affect their condition. It can be hard to try and get a child to understand this. It can be diffcult but if you can get your child to understand that scratching the skin will make the situation worse, it will be a lot better for the child.

Many prescribed treatments can have harmful side effects, so it is always worth considering a natural eczema treatment when it comes to your child. Many people have had some great results through the use of natural treatments, and if you can find such a way for your child, it will be a far safer option than steroid based medications.

You will need to keep an eye on your child so that you can take some preventive measures at the early signs of the condition. Try to regularly check your child's skin to see if there is an appearance of any dryness or redness. If you notice that something is not right, ask your child if he or she is getting the urge to scratch at the skin, then try to explain why it is good not to scratch.

Always try to use natural eczema treatments when trying to deal with children. Because a child is not fully formed, side effects from medications can be much more powerful.

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What does a Gout attack feel like?

By Kathy Nelson

After a few years of not looking after your body, eating lots of rich meats and drinking to much beer, there is a good chance that your body will have accumulated enough uric acid crystals for your first experience of gout.

If people suffer with one or more of these then they usually find they have gout:-

1.When someone touches your joint (usually your big toe) it will feel warm and very tender to the touch. The toe joint will normally be inflamed and painful.

2. Nighttime can often be the first time you notice the intent pain that gout can give you from even the light pressure of a bed sheet.

3. Many people who suffer from gout find that when an attack occurs the discomfort that they feel comes on very rapidly and may last for a few hours during the night. But then the discomfort that they are feeling will slowly begin to ease once more over the following 2 to 7 days.

4. Gout attacks do subside, I know if you are reading this while having an attack that may be hard to believe, after the pain starts going away you can expect the affected joint to be itchy and you may also see some peeling skin.

The above are just some of the symptoms that people with gout may have. Not everyone who suffers with the above will have gout and not every gout sufferer will suffer with all (or any) of these symptoms.

The most common part of the human body where a person is likely to experience gout is the big toe joint. However, some people may develop gout in other joints in their bodies including their feet, ankles, knees, wrists, fingers as well as their elbows.

Gout can attack after an illness or surgery, to make it even worse it can often be missed and just treated as another ache or pain from the surgery or illness. Older people seem to suffer this misdiagnose more than others.

If you or someone you know starts to have any of the symptoms we have mentioned here it is vital that they go to see a DR. While the initial pain may dissipate after a few days it will come back , and may be much worse the next time, unless they take proper medication.

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Every phlebotomist should exercise certain consistent precautions on a routine basis

By Shahbaz Ahmed

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several disease-specific precautionary policies for patients known to be or suspected of being infected with certain pathogens. With strict following of standard precautions, all sources of specimens (patients) are considered to be potentially pathogenic or infectious.

Standard precautions refer to a system of infectious disease controls that assume that every direct contact with body fluid is infectious. The essential element of standard precaution is to avoid direct contact with patient specimens, and when contact is anticipated appropriate barrier precautions should be used to prevent cross-transmission and exposure of the skin and mucous membranes to infectious microbes.

Every phlebotomist should exercise certain consistent precautions on a routine basis. These standard precautions recognize the infectious potential of any patient specimen and prevent cross-transmission of infectious disease to patients and the protect laboratory personnel from infected patients.

To protect against potential exposure to HBV, a licensed inactivated vaccine (HB) is recommended. The CDCs advisory committee on Immunization practices recommends the use of his vaccine as a precautionary step for persons who are at a greater risk for Hepatitis B infection " clinical laboratory workers, phlebotomists, and pathologists.

Other safe work practices to eliminate the risk of transmitting infectious pathogens for phlebotomists working with blood specimens include:

- To prevent transmission of pathogens, practice hand washing every time after the handling of specimens. - Laboratory or clinics should be isolated from eating, drinking, or smoking areas. - Gloves, lab coats/gowns, masks, safety glasses are the required personal protective equipments. - In case of spills, cleaning up should be done as per protocol of the lab and blood spills should be cleaned immediately, aerosolization should be minimized. - Waste disposal should be done as per the OSHA and NCCLS guidelines. Sharp resistant container should be used for disposal of lancets, needles, scalpel blades and other contaminated waste should be disposed in biohazard marked containers. - Sharp needles and lancets, should not be handled by hand or bent, or broken. - Pre exposure and post exposure prophylactic guidelines for handling potential occupational transmission of certain pathogens should be followed by the phlebotomist.

The knowledge of general safety regulations governing the clinical laboratory, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) mandated plans for chemical hygiene and for occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens, the importance of safety manual, and general emergency procedures is mandatory for a professional phlebotomist.

Allied health professionals always face the risk during the disposal of sharps which is a hazardous procedure. The risks involved in venipuncture should be known by the phlebotomist. Proper training in the use of closed vacutainer system, which minimizes the possibility of injuries, should be a must for all healthcare professionals.

Case of a needle stick injury should be handled by following:

- In the event of an injury, bleeding is encouraged from the affected site - Washing with water or normal saline - Appropriate bandaging is used for covering the site - Record should be kept for patients name, identification - It is also recommended that all needle stick injuries should be reported to immediate supervisor - Occupational Health, GP or Accident and Emergency Department should be consulted as appropriate

All the necessary techniques and procedures needed to be a competent and skilled phlebotomist are taught by accredited phlebotomist technician programs. Phlebotomy programs cover the subjects like: Anatomy and physiology, Blood and cell composition, Blood sampling procedures, and laboratory safety, and CPR procedures. Professional behavior, Quality control, Legal issues, Computer training are other courses which may be included in phlebotomy training program. Depending on the regulations and training for work settings each phlebotomy training school offers something different.

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Why Do My Armpits Sweat So Profusely?

By Karen V. Douglas

The body is a wonderful system. It works day in and day out to help people accomplish various tasks and provide relief from environmental threats. Sweating is one way by which the body maintains its normal temperature at 37 degrees Celsius. It is a natural cooling down mechanism in the midst of a hot weather. Without it, one may end up fainting due to a heatstroke.

However, excessive sweating in different parts of the body can cause personal and social problems. It is usually caused when someone has a particularly high number of sweat glands in different areas of the body. For example, excessive armpit sweating is caused by an over-stimulated sympathetic nervous system. Although, the biology might be a somewhat complicated, if you suffer from this condition you know how unpleasant it is.

Excessive armpit sweating can force an individual to change clothes as many times as possible just to feel clean and fresh. It can also limit the persons choice of colors used for clothing in order to avoid those that make it more apparent. It is inevitable though to feel embarrassed in the midst of other people with whom close encounters usually take place with. Consequently, excessive armpit sweating becomes a very urgent concern.

However, if you suffer from excessive armpit sweating dont despair! The first thing you have to do is to stay calm and try not to worry since stress can actually increase sweating. Next, see your doctor and find out if there are any medical reasons for the problem. It is important to rule out illness as a cause of increased sweat production. It can also be helpful to be able to express your feelings in an unthreatening environment.

Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options available to solve the problem of excessive armpit sweating. Fortunately, you do not have to subject yourself to expensive surgery in order to overcome it. Practical and safe remedies are easily available and do not come with the downside of side effects or recovery time.

However, some people do choose surgery and they should be aware that the surgery can actually exacerbate their excessive sweating problem for a while afterwards. There are however, natural and easy to use remedies you can use to alleviate excessive perspiration. Wearing natural fibres can help your body to keep cool. Cotton, for example, is ideal because it breathes and helps to keep your body cool in hot temperatures. Wool, however, should not be worn unless the climate is particularly cold.

If you dont want to sweat excessively, you must keep your body at a normal temperature. To do this, it is necessary to make sure your body is hydrated by drinking adequate quantities of water on a daily basis. Eight to ten glasses of water are recommended. Avoiding worry and managing stress are also important for maintaining a normal body temperature. Anxiety and worry can actually increase the production of sweat.

As well as stress management and wearing natural fibers, many people have found acupuncture to be a safe and effective treatment for perspiration problems. Approved by the FDA in 1996, acupuncture is a natural way to alleviate excessive armpit sweating.

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Why Hospitals Use Credentialing

By Nate Henrie

Until a short time ago I honestly didn't know what hospital credentialing was. I had never heard of it. But now that I have I'll admit that I'm glad that hospitals across the country are doing it! So let's take a look at what this whole credentialing thing is and how it helps patients.

What is Hospital Credentialing?

So what is hospital credentialing? Basically, it's a process that doctors have to go through in order to do certain procedures at a hospital. If they don't have the credentials with that hospital, they can't do the procedure.

Hospitals have learned over the years that a doctor can get their degree, but they still need to do more than that to prove that they are actually competent. Credentialing is a system that many hospitals use to prove this. The process itself varies from hospital to hospital, but it usually at least involves some sort of peer review.

Hospitals that use a credentialing system will usually use some sort of software or other system to keep track of who can do what in their hospital. And this is not something that a doctor has to do only once. They have to maintain the credentials over time.

How Credentialing Helps Everyone

There is always a risk when you go to a hospital that the doctor isn't really qualified to do the procedure. This is the cause of a lot of malpractice suits. So that is the first thing that hospital credentialing helps. It helps reduce the costs and injuries associated with malpractice.

This process is not only a protection to the patients, but also to hospitals as well. Each year hospitals have to pay a ton of money in lawsuits and investigations. But if they can reduce the number of procedures that shouldn't happen in the first place they can reduce those costs.

As I mentioned before, I wasn't really aware of this system until recently. My hope is that if any hospital has not adopted this type of system that they will start to. It only makes sense since it not only protects patients, but also doctors and hospitals.

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Ways to Treat an Oral Yeast Infection

By Dana Goldberg

When you think of a yeast infection the first thing that may come to mind is a vaginal infection, but the fact is they can occur on all areas of the body. One type of infection that may be particularly bothersome is the oral yeast infection.

Thrush, also known as oral yeast infection, can invade the mouth quickly causing an array of different symptoms. It can affect men or women of any age.

Fact about the causes of oral yeast infections

People who have a weak immune system or even those who have had excessive antibiotic therapy often have a limited amount of good bacteria in their body. Without the normal bacteria that our bodies need to fight infection it leaves us open to things like yeast infections.

Signs and symptoms

Once you are infected with an oral fungus it won't take very long at all to start experiencing symptoms.

You will almost immediately experience signs of an oral yeast infection which will come on in the form of a creamy discharge inside your oral cavity. Your tongue and inner cheeks will be especially vulnerable to the substance.

Once the oral cavity starts showing signs of thrush lesions will develop. These lesions exude a thick and clumpy white substance and often times begin bleeding. The results of this are very painful for the sufferer. These symptoms will be shortly followed by fever and difficulty swallowing anything.

An oral yeast infection can quickly get out of control if left untreated. This could lead to more serious diseases from this fungal infection travels into the body through the throat.

Getting diagnosed

As soon as you see your first signs of thrush you will need to see your dentist. They can perform various tests in order to determine whether or not you have this infection. The test may include a sample of the lesions being viewed under a microscope, or even an x-ray. Your doctor will then talk to you about your treatment plans.


If you are diagnosed with an oral yeast infection your dentist can prescribe some kind of antifungal medication. There are some really good probiotic yogurts on the on the market. They will help by replenishing your good bacteria throughout your entire digestive system.

People who develop thrush generally have underlying health issues. If you have developed this infection you will want to make an appointment with your family physician to find the cause of your compromised immune system.

The best way to eliminate the chances of oral yeast infections is by taking preventive measures. Always follow good oral hygiene and avoid foods with a lot of yeast in them. These foods will cause yeast infections in your oral cavity and digestive system.

Oral yeast infections do not have to be a problem. With a little care you can be free of these infections with minimal effort.

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The Facts On Bedwetting Diapers And Self Confidence Of Children

By James Suttonworth

Diapers and Pull-ups are really a controversial subject among parents and doctors when they are discussing bedwetting. The reason for this is that when a child is more than 5 or 6 years old, using a diaper is no longer an acceptable solution.

You will have a hard time finding a doctor that recommends diaper for a child/teenager since the diaper is not doing anything to solve the problem itself. All the diaper does (and does it well) is make sure the sheet stay dry. Well, maybe not all it does as it can also be a big help in raising the self esteem.

There are literally new products hitting the shelves every day. When you go to buy pull-ups or diapers you have to make sure you choose the kind that is the best one for what you need. Therefore you should really investigate and compare products before making any decisions.

Bedwetting diapers can be split in two groups. One group would be the disposable diapers and then there are the cotton diapers. The main difference is that you throw the disposable ones away after use but you clean the cotton ones.

Your main concern should be what the child wants when you make a decision on what to buy. Both types have their ups and downs and you should rather be focused on the comfort of the child/teen rather then what you feel is right.

There are many great new products on the diaper market. There are new teen diapers that simply look like regular underwear. This is is really great for the self esteem of the teen as he can now go and stay at a friends house without anyone knowing anything about the bedwetting problem.

Diaper are both sold online and in all major department stores. The department store usually carry all the major brands and variety of types and regarding the online stores it really doesn't matter as you can simply go to the next store without ever leaving the chair! :)

The main downside of cotton diapers is that they are still quite bulky and big. The disposable ones on the other hand are quite neat and comfortable.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tips And Tricks For Mold Elimination

By Bill Rankle

It is pretty obvious that getting rid of mold in this day and age is something that can be extremely difficult; this is especially true if you do not know exactly what you are looking for in the way of mold or how to get rid of it. Finding the perfect technique for mold elimination is hard but that is exactly what we are going to go through in this article!

First and foremost, you need to understand that mold can actually develop anywhere. They can be spread throughout your house and there are a ton of different varieties out there. The colors vary and to be honest, mold is something that really is gross and can cause a lot of health problems for people, so it is definitely something that needs to be taken care of as soon as you see it.

Red and itchy eyes, constant sneezing and even runny noses might not just be cold symptoms any longer; they could actually be an allergy to the mold that is found in your house without you actually knowing it. Another thing that might be caused by mold is going to be headaches, so if you find that you are having a lot of headaches, you should definitely check into mold as an allergy.

So, clearly, you need to know where specifically to keep an eye out for mold. The spores absolutely love damp places, especially if they are warm. Basements and bathrooms are a particular favorite. They are veritable breeding grounds for mold. However, cabinets and closets can house mold as well - mold can even develop in the carpet!

Now that you know where to look, you are probably wondering how you can get rid of mold once and for all. There are a ton of different ways out there but vinegar is by far the easiest. You just have to spray it on and then - well, scrub and you are all set!

If you happen to have mold in your carpet, there are many easy ways to get rid of it. The first is going to be by simply replacing all of the carpet in your home. While that is one of the best options, some of us can not afford that, so simply sprinkling some baking soda, waiting a few hours and vacuuming it up is a fantastic way to eliminate all of the mold from your carpet.

Clearly, mold is a serious problem. You need to take it seriously. Even if you clean your house rigorously, mold can still develop. There are no guarantees. It pays to be vigilant in the areas where mold likes to grow. Just because you clean your house constantly does not mean you will never get mold. After all, there is little you can do to keep your bathroom or basement from being warm or damp.

As you can see, mold is something that is everywhere, so just make sure that you keep an eye on every surface in your house and you should absolutely be able to kill it all and get rid of it all before it spreads everywhere!

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Coming to Terms with Adolescent Bipolar Disease

By Ken P Doyle

Depending on who you talk to, some terminologies people use to call bipolar by are bipolar disease, bipolar illness, bipolar disorder, bipolar symptoms and medical condition or morbidity.

What is a Disease?

A disease is A pathological or medical condition of mind or body, according to the English Dictionary. An Infectious disease is the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites and prions which are a known abnormal protein. If an infection does not cause a clinically impairment of normal functioning, it is not considered a disease. The more popular forms of disease which are non-infectious are cancer, heart disease and diseases caused by genes.

Clinically Impaired

Even during periods of symptom remission, one of the most obvious signs and growing evidence of adolescents hit with bipolar disease is the mental impairments. Not as severe Bipolar disease falls in the impairments category like Alzheimer dementia and schizophrenia.

Mental Impairment

A big number of patients complain of neuropsychological problems (a psychological processes and overt behaviors linked to the brain). And it is not clear how common are adolescent who are mentally impaired by bipolar diseases. There is a possibility that neuropsychological impairments may be more widespread, because adolescent bipolar sufferers do not complain of cognitive or mental problems.

Time Frame

There is no time frame for each episode of bipolar. Each person will experience this ongoing illness differently which can go from manic to calm to depressive to calm again. For some it can be 2 days manic than 3 to 4 weeks all good calm and normal and 5 days depressing and 1 week of calm and normal again. Other Individuals can experience periods of double or mixed episodes in which symptoms of depression and mania are either present, or a person may transit from one episode to the next without a symptom-free period. This bipolar disease can last from a few minutes to one whole year with some experiencing "normalcy", which is a lack of problematic symptoms.

Important Guidelines

1.Alcohol: Take extra precaution with liquor or drugs.

2. Promiscuity: high to very high sexual libido especially when in the manic episode.

3. Medication: It is not easy for doctors to find the right combination of drugs " do not be disheartened.

4. Suicidal: For some it is the only way out of the situation. Look for injuries especially cuttings on the body.

5. Forcing: Always be gentle with bipolar patients " forcing them to do something they do not want can be catastrophic.

6. Clarity: The clearer the symptoms revealed to doctors the easier for them to diagnose.


A lot of people with adolescent bipolar disease have to be amazingly strong because many mental health conditions can overlap. The darkness that sometimes wells up out of people struggling with bipolar illness can be a big challenge. For families with bipolar children their hopes, dreams and love with someone like this can be really sad. And then watching the person you love melt away and replaced by a completely different stranger can be disheartening.


Bipolar can be controlled successfully and those suffering from the disease and their families must have excess to a support network in those difficult times. Most of the time if medication is taken as prescribed patients can live a normal life without adding stress to families or a partner.

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Bipolar Medication And Good Support Groups Go Hand In Hand

By Ken P Doyle

A lot of individuals are still being misdiagnosed with bipolar medication which has led to high levels of both under diagnosed and misdiagnosed patients, this despite the increased focus on the disorder and the use of support groups to cater for the social aspects of victims, this according to the, 2005 American Journal of Managed Care. Receiving timely and adequate treatment is often hard for victims with the illness when this happens. A good treatment of the disorder can be given if an accurate and early diagnoses of the problem is identified.

Gaining Weight

Many patients with this mental illness have complained that some medications are famous for making them gain weight. Patients have been caught by surprise, because there was no prior warning by doctors or from their psychiatrists. In gaining weight, patients can put on 20 pounds or 10 kilograms in a matter of a few weeks or months. In one year they can put on a total 60 pounds. This weight gain is caused by certain medication which works against the intended result of medication treatments. These extra weights on the body add negative feelings to their dullness and low self-esteem, which happens to be symptoms of depression. A lot of victims may have no choice but to take this medicine because they are able to manage their symptoms well.

Important Factors

Treating this Mental illness successfully depends on many things:

Being given the right medicines.

Making sure you are taking the right dosage.

A good working relationship with a good medical doctor who knows what they are doing.

A warm, good and supportive counselor.

Supportive family and a good support group.

A lifestyle that is well balanced and lots of exercise.

Waking times and regular sleep is very important.

Other Forms of Help

Medications is just one part of helping those with bipolar get better. There is a lot that a patient must and can do to help oneself besides the use of medicine which are all part of recovery process. Beside medication other treatments are available like therapies and a support network beginning from their close keens.

Why a Support Group

Worse than the illness is the isolation which the depressed phase brings. People can lose friends and chase away people during the manic phase. Added to that is the deprivation of meaningful human contact, the stigma and the shame the illness brings. They can also be robbed of their social skills or the ability to react with one another which may be detrimental.

Learning to Cope

A good survival tool which you can pick up in support groups is trying to cope. All can learn from each other in a bipolar support group. You can learn how to avoid mistakes made by others. Successful patients get moral and other social support from attending a support group. A simple advice of ensuring a good nights sleep is sometimes all that is needed from a bipolar support group.

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