Thursday, January 7, 2010

Treating A Cold Sore - Amazing Results With Cold Sores

By Denny Bodoh

Are you treating a cold sore right now? If so, you will want to read this excellent article before wasting any more of your money or time with unproven and costly treatments.

Treating a cold sore quickly using top methods is essential for best success. And you do not have to buy any expensive commercial salves to accomplish this. Just use the great techniques mentioned here.

You can achieve great results by using either internal or external type treatments. But, your best outcome will be if you use both at the same time.

If you do, you will be amazed how quickly your outbreaks will disappear using these simple remedies.


Since these are surface sores, topical treatments are the best and most direct approach for fast relief. Below are four of the most popular external remedies for treating a cold sore.

1. ICE. Ice or other cold object will work wonders when applied before a sore opens up. It greatly reduces pain and swelling. It also gets in the way of the herpes replication process.

Applying ice or anything cold at the first indication of a pending sore will delay the outbreak. It can often prevent it altogether.

2. GARLIC OIL. Crush your own fresh garlic cloves for best outcome. Start applying it at the very beginning when you feel the first tingling sensation and keep using it until the sore is healed.

Garlic is strong medicine against virus infections. It will absorb directly through the skin and attack the virus infection. If the garlic smell bothers you, your second choice would be oregano oil.

3. HOT COMPRESSES. Stop using ice as soon as your cold sores open up. Now the best therapy is to apply heat using warm, moist tea bags. Keep in mind that cold slows down healing and heat hastens it up.

Black tea works well, but if you find some with mint, it will work twice as fast. Do not heat up directly in a microwave. The radiation destroys the benefits. Use hot water only.

4. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. Regular cleansing of your cold sores is important for fast healing. Alcohol is most commonly used for this purpose and it gives good results.

I feel hydrogen peroxide is better. It works similar to alcohol for cleaning the wound. However, peroxide also is rich in extra oxygen molecules. This extra oxygen will boost your healing speed.


Treating a cold sore using internal treatment methods will super-charge any external remedy. You will not be able to prevent future outbreaks unless you use internal cures.

Do not spend another dime on perscriptions until you try these two internal methods of treating your cold sores.

1. THE LYSINE SECRET. The protein arginine is the main ingredient needed to build new herpes virus. Lysine is another protein that actively flushes excess arginine out of your system. This will stop an outbreak real fast.

Lysine must get into your cells from your bloodstream to work in treating a cold sore. The only way to accomplish this is by getting it in your diet. Better yet, take lysine capsules.

You can get high amounts of lysine from Wisconsin dairy products and some fish, such as flounder. But it is almost impossible to get the quantity you need for fast results from these sources alone.

Lysine capsules are the only way you will get high enough levels of lysine to see a difference. You can find them easily and cheaply. 3000 to 4000 milligrams daily is the commonly used amount during active sores.

2. VITAMINS AND MINERALS. Are you troubled with a lot of cold sores? Then it would be wise to begin taking a high quality multivitamin. This is an excellent method for treating cold sores.

Important vitamins for beautiful skin and quick healing are A, D and E. Vitamin C and the entire B family are known as the stress vitamins. They reduce outbreaks by reducing the effects of stress.

Zinc is the healing and prevention mineral. Any good supplement program will give you a minimum of 15 milligrams daily.

Calcium is the main nutrient that keeps your body alkaline. This is critical for treating a cold sore. The herpes virus will become inactive in an alkaline environment.

It really is just that simple. Proven solutions that heal and prevent outbreaks.

You do not need expensive commercial remedies for treating a cold sore. Yes, there are other remedies you may want to know about, but all you truly need are these well proven common sense methods.

Giving these cold sore remedies a try is the best way for effectively treating a cold sore right now.

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