Friday, January 8, 2010

Medical Researchers Looking At Sandalwood

By Amy McDermott


Sandalwood, or Santalum, is identified as belonging to the Santalaceae family. This small tree reaching to about 10 meters is indigenous to Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, Australia and India. Much of the commercial production of sandalwood comes from Santalum album (India) and Santalum spicatum (Australia). Although both of these species are considered true sandalwoods, there are other species commonly called sandalwood that are not included in the Santalum genus and are therefore have differing compositions. These unrelated plants are sometimes used as fillers to reduce the price of the increasingly expensive Santalum oil yet are considered of inferior quality. Research has identified a wide spectrum of applications for both the simple essential oil and its active components. Traditional and ceremonial uses of sandalwood continue to be an important part of cultures around the world.

Sandalwood from the Mysore region (known as "sandalwood city") of southern India is generally considered to be of the highest quality sandalwood available, providing great commerce for this region of India. Of the traditional areas in Southeast Asia where sandalwood is found, India has been the front runner in creating plantations in which to continually harvest Sandalwood (The Australian Government has also set up reserves as well). Trade and harvest of Indian sandalwood is under strict regulation and the trees themselves are under government protection; only the government of India is permitted to own the trees. To produce commercially valuable sandalwood with high levels of fragrance oils, harvested Santalum trees are recommended to be at least 40 years of age, but 80 or above are preferred. However, trees at 30 years of age are still harvested but considered of inferior quality.

Much of the valuable wood is found in the roots of sandalwood and thus harvested by uprooting the entire tree versus cutting it at the trunk. In the last few years alone, the price of sandalwood has skyrocketed, mainly due to rising demand and limited supply. Increased demand has mainly come from the perfume and aromatherapy industry. Sandalwood essential oil and paste is used in Indian and Chinese medicine and of course aromatherapy botanical medicine. The perfume industry covets this oil for its ability to blend well with other perfume oils; hence, it is used extensively in hundreds of cosmetic products.

Such value is found not only in its iconic-making wood, medicinal oil and fragrance but also in it religious and ceremonial value. In the Buddhist tradition, sandalwood incense is a popular offering to the Buddha and its scent is believed to have transformative qualities while in meditation. Chinese and Japanese religions also use sandalwood incense in their worship and various ceremonies. One of the oldest religions, Zoroastrianism (thought to be originally from Iran), burns the sandalwood in their sacred fire temples.

Sandalwood May Help with Antibiotic Resistance

In late December of 2009 a length article by the Associated Press entitled "Pressure Rises to Stop Antibiotics in Agriculture" reported on rapidly emerging bacteria that are resistant to current antibiotics from supposed misuse of antibiotics in the agriculture industry. It was all over the internet in a matter of days. The article provides quotes from professors, researchers as well as government agencies all expressing deep concern and even alarm at the rate of microbial resistance to standard treatment. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) web page includes recent studies regarding antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA) (both of which cause great harm to humans and animals alike) linked to heavy uses in food agriculture. This scientifically sound web site also provided a press conference statement (way back in 2001) by Margaret Mellon, Ph.D., director of UCS Food and Environment Program stating that 70% of total antibiotic production is devoted to non-therapeutic uses in the cattle, swine and poultry industry. It seems plausible that over the last nine years since this press release, microbes have developed an armor of resistance to antibiotic treatments.

Concern for antibiotic-resistant microbes is worldwide. A need to find alternatives to conventional antibiotic treatment is rising. Essential oils have been gaining attention by research scientists for their antimicrobial properties. A collaborative study of researchers in Austria and Germany (Flavor and Fragrance Journal 2006 May/Jun; 21(3): 465-468) found that santalols of sandalwood (the main chemical components of sandalwood) in medium and/or high concentrations showed significant antimicrobial potential against the yeast Candida albicans, the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, and the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Additional Applications

In a 2007 science review (Food and Chemical Toxicology 2008 Feb.; 46(2): 421-432), researchers found that sandalwood oil and its major constituents (namely alpha-santalol) have anticarcinogenic, antiviral and as well as bactericidal activity. Phenomenally, a study conducted by the Department of Virology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany (Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2007 May; 51(5): 1859-62) found that sandalwood essential oil exhibited virulence against isolates of drug-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1. The dreadfulness of virulence spread by mosquitoes is well-known, especially in Africa and South America. Mosquito-borne diseases include such maladies as malaria, dengue fever, encephalitis and yellow fever. Conventional mosquito treatment relies on chemical pesticides which are often administered in water where mosquito larvae reside. Yet, the risks to people and the environment are well established. Naturally derived insecticides, especially from aromatic plants and their essential oils was recently investigated at Omar Almuktar University, Elbieda, Libya, Africa (Parasitology Research 2006 Sep; 99(4): 466-72). Sandalwood essential oil (as well as other essential oils) induced 100% mortality of various mosquito larvae species within 24 hours or less.

Summing It Up

Since ancient times humankind has relied upon plants for their nutrition, their health and for other therapeutic uses that enrich their way of being. Today is no different. It is evident that in modern times, conventional overuse of antibiotics and pesticides has resulted in harm to humankind and the environment. As more information is brought to light about antimicrobial resistant bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, medical scientists will be diligently searching for alternative solutions. The science studies published thus far indicate that research into alternative treatments, including the use of sandalwood essential oil, to remedy this problem is increasing. It is hopeful that sandalwood and other essential oils will be incorporated into medical healthcare and perhaps awaken the larger populous about the importance of living simply and in partnership with the earth.

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