Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Is The Best Hemorrhoids Diet?

By Ai Qin

Hemorrhoids have several causes, but the most common are being overweight and having constipation. This hemorrhoids diet will help all three problems.

When you suffer from constipation, you strain when trying to pass feces. It is this straining which can cause hemorrhoids, or make them worse if you already have them. While there are several reasons why you might be constipated, changing your diet is going to help.

Dietary fiber is the substance in food that keeps our intestinal tract clean, healthy and working properly. It helps to keep the bulky mass of indigestible food moving steadily through your intestines, maintaining moisture. Sluggish intestines make the stools very dry, hard and difficult to pass.

Reversing and preventing constipation are only part of the good work that fiber does in your body. The action of fiber in your intestines also helps to prevent some cancers, lowers cholesterol and regulates blood sugar. High-fiber foods prevent hunger pangs by keeping you feeling full, so you eat less.

Fresh fruit and veggies are the classic fiber foods, and as a bonus, they are rich in nutrients and have loads of health benefits. Eat them at every meal and as snacks in between. Plan to have half your plate covered with vegetables in a variety of colors for balanced nutrition. Processed food is out with your hemorrhoids diet because all the fiber has been processed away; salt and sugar need to be added to make them taste good again.

So, your hemorrhoids diet plan is to eat wholegrain breads and cereals and leave the white, processed stuff on the shelf. Limit fatty foods; avoid fast food; cut out added sugar and salt in food. Have 3 smaller meals and 3 snacks in a day, making sure you eat some protein each time. Make your snacks fruit, nuts or skim dairy. Legumes like peas and beans, lentils, chick peas etc are good because of their fiber and protein content. Drink plenty of water.

This is not only a great hemorrhoids diet; with small portions of lean protein, it is a wise eating plan for optimum health and weight management.

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