Monday, October 5, 2009

Migrating Joint Pain

By Margaret Savorente

Individuals who have migrating joint pain, suffer in joints all over their bodies all at once or joint by joint. Health care providers classify joint pain as sub-acute or acute. This pain is thought to be caused by accidents or injury or illnesses. Frequently when someone has rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease), they suffer from migrating joint pain all over the body. At first, the compromised joints may only feel stiff from time to time. For example, pain is bad when the person tries to get up in the morning. This can result in really bad discomfort especially for the joints of the wrists, knees, elbows, and ankles. When one has systemic lupus erythematous, (an inflammatory infectious tissue disease that bears some similarities to rheumatoid arthritis) migrating joint pain happens all the time. An additional reason for migrating joint pain can be metabolic. Metabolic problems can lead to single joint and or multi-joint pain. Moreover, viruses such as the common cold, influenza, chicken pox, German measles, and herpes simplex can leave many people with migrating joint pain. Inflammation caused by Crohn's disease can result in many different forms of arthritis affecting any or all areas of the body. Joints are typically inflamed when the digestive system is not functioning as it should. Inflammation as a result of migratory arthritis can go on for days or even weeks and tends to get better with proper autoimmune function.

There are many other medical conditions that result in joint pain, but it is more important to learn what to do about it.

Migratory joint pain can be treated using several different herbal remedies. Actea spicata is a natural herbal supplement that can reduce migrating joint pain in the feet and hands, and with any swelling and stiffness. Apis Mellifica, another potentially helpful remedy can be taken three times a day to reduce joint pain and to bring down any inflammation. Arctium can also help. This herb supports supports the reduction of nerve pain as well. This herb is taken four times a day to provide the best pain relief.

Migrating joint pain can also be treated with Belladonna, but you should check with your physician first because of the special properties of this herb. This should be used only when the painful joints are also swollen and inflamed. Berberis vulgaris is a homeopathic medicine that will work with joint pain, and this herb works really well with knee joint pain. It is suggested to take this herb 4 times a day to get rid of pain and keep it gone.

For migrating joint pain that becomes worse when you move, Bryonia Alba taken three times a day can really improve your joint condition and eliminate pain. It is suggested that dulcamarta should be taken on the hour for joint discomfort that is acute to mitigate discomfort. It has been found that Chamomilla is effective with acute pain, making it possible for you to move freely.

Migrating joint pain can ruin your everyday life. When the pain starts, every day activities become difficult chores that create a cycle that can result in even more pain.

When you are in a lot of pain, you can't move as freely. In turn, when you don't move, the joint discomfort, swelling and stiffness gets even worse. Exercise could help to keep the joints flexible, but when we are in pain, many of us won't exercise at all, and this is a big mistake. Be sure to talk to your physician about exercises that target migrating joint pain.

There are many options when it comes to finding supplements to reduce migrating joint pain. A good quality joint medicine will have glucosamine to help the body in rebuilding cartilage tissue, and antioxidants that will lessen damage from radicals.

Don't forget to talk with your doctor first before you start a migrating joint pain treatment.

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