Dry mouth is a common every day occurrence, and one that millions of people deal with around the world. While some of us chalk it up to something that we just have to live with, this isn't necessarily the case.
I'm going to give you a few tips that I've used for the last few years, all of which have made things a lot better from me. Take my advice if you're serious about fixing this problem, because these little tricks will go a very long way.
First of all, you should drink a lot of water. I know this sounds like an obvious one, but it's one that people neglect all too often. Especially the people who do things like drink sodas and other stuff that's loaded with sugars or caffeine.
Not only does water naturally benefit your dry mouth, but drinking water would normally imply that you're not drinking things full of caffeine and/or sugar, both of which end up drying out your mouth more than it was than you started. Alcohol happens to do the same thing, so if you drink, have even more water.
I would also recommend eating many vegetables and fruits. These foods are full of enzymes and other vitamins and minerals that balance out the state of your mouth. They also activate the salivary glands in your mouth, which in turn leads to more moisture through and through.
These fruits and vegetables will also strengthen the lining of your gums and inner cheeks, both of which are prone to chafing, soreness, and even infections when you're suffering from dry mouth.
Another thing I would definitely suggest doing is beginning the use of a product such as Biotene, which fights dry mouth symptoms from the root. With a formula that attacks the bacteria and moisturizes your mouth, Biotene has worked wonders for me since I started using it two years ago.
The bottom line is that there are many ways to handle your dry mouth situation. Be proactive about it, and you'll be in much better shape than you are now.
I'm going to give you a few tips that I've used for the last few years, all of which have made things a lot better from me. Take my advice if you're serious about fixing this problem, because these little tricks will go a very long way.
First of all, you should drink a lot of water. I know this sounds like an obvious one, but it's one that people neglect all too often. Especially the people who do things like drink sodas and other stuff that's loaded with sugars or caffeine.
Not only does water naturally benefit your dry mouth, but drinking water would normally imply that you're not drinking things full of caffeine and/or sugar, both of which end up drying out your mouth more than it was than you started. Alcohol happens to do the same thing, so if you drink, have even more water.
I would also recommend eating many vegetables and fruits. These foods are full of enzymes and other vitamins and minerals that balance out the state of your mouth. They also activate the salivary glands in your mouth, which in turn leads to more moisture through and through.
These fruits and vegetables will also strengthen the lining of your gums and inner cheeks, both of which are prone to chafing, soreness, and even infections when you're suffering from dry mouth.
Another thing I would definitely suggest doing is beginning the use of a product such as Biotene, which fights dry mouth symptoms from the root. With a formula that attacks the bacteria and moisturizes your mouth, Biotene has worked wonders for me since I started using it two years ago.
The bottom line is that there are many ways to handle your dry mouth situation. Be proactive about it, and you'll be in much better shape than you are now.
About the Author:
For more tips on how to fight dry mouth, visit my biotene site, where you read about biotene toothpaste information.