Sunday, January 3, 2010

A way To Forestall Hemorrhoids - Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally

By Ron Aguilar

Hemorrhoids also called piles is in external piles there is a lot of discomfort, less bleeding and In case of internal piles there's discharge of dark blood but relatively less discomfort than external piles. Some causes for hemorrhoids causes are straining with bowel movements, continual sitting for lengthened period, lengthened sitting on the john, pregnancy, obesity, lifting heavy weights either in gymnasium or at work.

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Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally :

The best and of course natural remedy for hemorrhoid is prevention, as everyone knows that prevention is the best treatment. Any ways, if you're suffering from hemorrhoids, follow these prevention and treatment tips :

- to forestall hemorrhoids stop straining and trots. Include diet rich in fibers such as fresh fruits, leafy plants, whole-grain breads and cereals eliminate every type of ice cream, cheese, meat, processed food, fried food, fast food from your diet menu. Always go for raw fruit and veg as.

-Do not rub anus with toilet tissue or wet towel as it worsens the hemorrhoids and irritation try to keep your ass dry because damp anal area is more prone to irritation and infection of the skin. Drink lot of water, at least six eight glasses daily. Avoid extended sitting take 5 Make it a point to stand and walk at least 5 minutes every hour and try and shift frequently in your chair to avoid direct rectal pressure.

- In order to treat hemorrhoids naturally take one big spoon juice of green coriander leaves +1 teaspoon of sugar added, drink this mix three times daily.

- In order treat hemorrhoids swelling, apply Witch hazel with a sterile cotton ball, three times per day.

- For bleeding hemorrhoids-Take 2-3 grams of dried mango seeds ( powdered ), 2-3 times daily.

- Scraped white radish mixed with honey is also used to treat hemorrhoids naturally.

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