Friday, January 8, 2010

How Useful Is a Whole House Water Filter?

By Clint Walker

Pollution is an old topic and everyone knows what they should do to keep the world clean. The problem is: people do not, and there can still be microscopic problems which leak into your drinking water. Water purifiers are great, but most people only have them for their sinks. What about for the toilet? And what about for the shower? You will soon learn the benefits of using a whole house filter system.

If you have never heard of this before, it is a lot less complicated than it sounds. It is merely a filter that connects to the main water line, stopping the problem immediately. This way, all of your water sources inside your house will have totally clean water. This is handy because some things, like washing machines, do not have filter systems, where others, like sinks, have filters that are an eyesore.

Your water may be severely contaminated or it may be fine. But if you are used to the water quality there, you will probably never know. And even if you can sense that something is off, you probably will not be able to pin point the exact chemical or mineral that makes your water sub-par. So get your water tested so you can buy the right type of filter.

Whole house filters are infinitely better because it stops polluted water even in places you did not think would matter. Why would you need pure toilet water, for example? Water in the toilet evaporates. If there is chlorine in your water, it will get in the air and can enhance asthma or allergies. Chlorine can get into your clothes in the washing machine and it will give your dishes soap scum in the dish washer. In the shower, you better watch out if you are a blond, because chlorine can turn fair hair greenish.

Your over-all health will improve if you get one of these filters. Your skin and hair will be healthier looking and your drinking water will taste better. Your respiratory system may even feel cleaner. What is there to lose?

Some think the attachable filters are enough. For sinks, maybe. But what about your shower? Why would you want to shower in something if you are not willing to drink it? There is no such thing as a fully effective shower filter; the only way to purify shower water is with a whole house filter system. This allows for the water to be purified right from the start, before the temperature of the shower interferes with the filter's ability to purify.

The reason why you really do not want chlorine is because it is a cancer-causing agent. Think of bombs and deadly gases made with this element. Think of how bad air conditioners are for the environment--it is because of the hydro-chlorofluorocarbons that air conditioners break up the ozone. Though it will not KILL you, chlorine in your water certainly will not do you any good.

Something else that people tend to dislike to think about is the chance for your personal or city sanitation system to be faulty. A whole house filter will keep you from drinking things no one wants to envision. Filters are relatively inexpensive and do not often break--so there is no reason why you should not get one.

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