Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby Boomers And Home Care Services

By Jen Pursens

The baby boomer generation is now getting to an age where they are turning to support and home care services to help them maintain good health. As your age increases, so does the likelihood of diabetes, and home care services can help diagnose and assist with these three types of diabetes.

The first type of diabetes is Type I, which is mostly those who are dependent on insulin. Type II diabetes usually does not occur until after the age of forty-five or so. Type III, also called gestational diabetes, is typically brought on during pregnancy.

With enrollment, seniors fifty five and older will meet other people their own age, with an added benefit of wellness screenings, such as blood pressure checks, support groups, and care for specific medical conditions such as diabetes.

To help with your fitness and other health concerns, senior home care agencies provide speakers and other teachers to help with classes like aerobics and yoga. No matter your age, you can stay in shape and be active.

If you really want to reach your fitness goals, then the added support of a group with home health services allows you to work with friends. Exercising with friends gives you added support and more willpower to continue.

Other ways that you can exercise is through dance. If you are looking for activities that aren't physical, then home care services also have crafts, pottery classes and volunteer events to help you gain a sense of community. For a complete healthy lifestyle, then you should consider all the aspects like friendship, learning and community that you get with a home care service.

There are even classes for computer training with many home care services, to help seniors stay up to date with the latest technology. There are also classes for sewing and other hobbies, like book clubs. There is something for everyone at a home care facility.

Friendships will blossom, as group outings are planned, including day trips or other destinations by bus. With special group rates, the fun is just waiting to begin.

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