Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ovarian Cysts Natural Treatment - How Removing This Food From Your Diet Is The First Step To A Cure.

By Lisa Page

Before we talk about the best Natural Treatment for Ovarian Cysts - lets answer one important question - What are Ovarian Cysts?

They are small sacs called follicles that develop on or inside the ovary and they tend to vary in sizes.

A simple ovarian cyst is filled with fluids but other more complex cysts may contain solids like hair, teeth, nails etc.

Ovarian cysts tend to be common in women who are in their reproductive years but that is not to say that older women who have gone through menopause do not develop cysts.

Functional cysts form as a result of the ovulation process that a woman goes through on a monthly basis and can vary greatly in sizes ranging from the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit.

Most cysts are functional in nature and therefore harmless but others like hemorrhagic, dermoid cysts and endometriomas need some sort on intervention.

What are the common symptoms of ovarian cysts?

1. Irregular, painful menstrual cycles and abnormal bleeding.

2. Pelvic pain just before your period begins or before it ends.

3. Constant or dull intermittent pelvic ache that may radiate to your lower back and sometimes your thighs.

4. Pelvic pain during sexual intercourse.

5. Nausea and sometimes vomiting.

6. Breast tenderness similar that can be compared to that experienced in pregnancy.

7. Pressure or pain in abdomen.

8. Pressure on rectum or bladder.

Dairy and Dairy Products: Designed For Cows and Not You and Me

We have all been brainwashed into believing that dairy produce is healthy food for humans. If the truth is to be told it is not.

What is the number one step in the best ovarian cysts treatment? Elimination of dairy and diary products especially milk contains insulin growth factor (IGF, a growth hormone), excessive cow oestrogen and progesterone and so consuming it throws your body's natural hormone levels out of balance.

Cow's milk is packed full of growth hormones that promote cell division and it is designed to nourish calves through their biggest growth years and give them about 300 per cent growth within a year!

The chemical and hormonal structure of milk stimulates growth in calves, it literally sends a message to their cells to grow and when you drink it, it sends a similar message to your cells - Grow.

The problem is if you are a fully grown adult where is all this growth likely to take place? In tumours, cysts and an ever expanding waist line.

So my friend, the first step to obtaining permanent freedom from any growth, cysts, tumours and hormonal imbalances is the elimination of diary and dairy products like milk, cheese, ice-cream etc

Now you have been introduced to the first step in the best ovarian cysts treatment, but there is so many other things you need to be aware of, it is virtually impossible to discuss it all in one article.

There is a great resource, the only one of it's kind, that will teach you a step by step plan to instantly relieve intense pain,shrink your cysts in as little as 2 months, eliminate all your symptoms and become totally cysts free.

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