Friday, September 18, 2009

Cold Sore Treatment Facts - How To Heal Cold Sores Right Now

By Denny Bodoh

If you seriously want to learn how to heal cold sores, read this article. You will see how to heal cold sores very easily using some amazing cold sore treatment tips.

Of course, your body already knows how to heal cold sores. But it is quite a slow process, often taking three to four weeks - sometimes even longer.

You simply do not have to tolerate this long and painful process of healing. Speed it up greatly by using some proven cold sore treatment techniques - such as listed below.

The culprit virus that causes cold sore lesions is the herpes simplex virus. Once you are infected, you will carry this virus for life.

At initial infection, this virus will choose to live for life in a nerve fiber set nearest the entry site.

When latent, it will hide in the root cells. When active, this virus will travel to the surface and use these surface cells to create new virus copies.

Then it destroys the cells to release the new virus, causing the gaping and painful wound we call a cold sore.

Cold sore treatment methods can either be internal or external - or both. External usually gives the fastest results but internal ones are very effective also.


Internal treatment of cold sores will reduce the severity and healing time of your outbreaks. It is also the primary way of protecting you from future cold sore events.

If you are troubled with cold sore outbreaks, you should begin a good vitamin and mineral supplement regimen.

There are many top brands from vitamin suppliers and stores. Do not sucker for those highly-advertised 1 or 2 per day pills. They do not provide enough nutrients to keep even a hamster healthy.

Any supplement worth its salt will require taking a minimum of three to six capsules or tablets per day. And they won't look candy-coated.

Look for maximum doses of vitamins A, C, D, E and the entire spectrum of B's. Also look for high levels of calcium, magnesium and zinc.

All nutrients are critical because they help each other, but the single most important one is calcium. Calcium is essential to keep your body alkaline. This dramatically improves cold sore immunity.

You should be taking lysine also. It is an amazing cold sore treatment. It is like pouring water on a fire - extinguishing your cold sore and preventing new ones.

Most folks use 2000 to 6000 milligrams each day during a cold sore, and 500 milligram per day as a prevention method.


A cold sore always appears on the surface where you can get at it directly. External cold sore treatment is usually the first and quickest way to deal with a cold sore.

Essential oils are very effective for direct application and healing of a cold sore. The most popular oils for this are garlic oil, oregano oil, oil of mint and tea tree oil.

My first choice would be garlic oil. It will travel right through the skin, so you can use it from the very beginning to the very end. Many folks combine the oils to create their own powerful cold sore treatment.

Once the sore has opened up, hold warm tea bags to the area. The warmth and special nutrients in tea will greatly speed healing. You can use this along with any other cold sore treatment.

Along with oils and tea, zinc salve can be very helpful at this time. Be sure to look for the zinc sulfate form or you will be wasting your money.

Continually cleanse the area with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Use every caution to not spread the herpes virus to any other part of your body - especially your eyes.

There are some more advanced cold sore treatment techniques you could try, but use the above mentioned ones first. They are powerful and may be all you need.

And let me share this final cold sore treatment secret to success. Use both the internal and external remedies at the same time for a truly amazing defense against the cold sore virus.

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