Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Want to Know Why People Snore?

By Jason McDrarren

We probably all know someone who snores. You yourself might be a snorer. The reason why people snore has to do with the relaxation of the throat muscles during sleep. This relaxed tissue can vibrate as a person breathes, which can cause the sometimes very loud snoring sounds.

Most people that only snore a little don't even realize it unless someone else points it out. Someone who snores loudly might have a more serious problem that takes a change in lifestyle or medical treatment to solve. The reason why people snore more loud is usually because of obstructions. Anything that restricts airflow can cause louder snoring. Nasal strips might solve the problem.

Often why people snore is because they are overweight. Having extra pounds, even just ten or so pounds, can be the reason why people snore. This is because extra skin around the neck area can make it more difficult for the throat muscles to keep the airways properly open. This creates a smaller opening for the air to get forced through and causes snoring.

Another reason why people snore is if they have extra skin in their throat. This extra skin makes the airway more crowded and it vibrates during breathing. Often this sort of problem can be remedied with surgery.

Snoring Prevention

Those that are light snorers or occasional snorers might find relief through the use of nasal trips or nasal sprays. These can help reduce snoring. There are also herbal solutions available that provide an alternative approach to treating why people snore.

If you have know idea what is causing your snoring or if you seem to have an extreme case of snoring then you might want to visit your doctor. Sometimes sleep apnea or another sleep disorder is the real reason why people snore. Sleep apnea is a very serious sleeping disorder in which a person actually stops breathing for short period while they sleep. Usually the person gasps and chokes for breath to keep from suffocating. This is an especially dangerous disorder that should be treated right away.

There are other reasons why people snore too. Sometimes snoring is the result of enlarged tonsils. Surgery might be the best solution if this is the case because there isn't another treatment available. Knowing why people snore is the first step to deciding on the right treatment. Your doctor can help you decide what treatment is best.

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