Snoring is hardly a 'silent' problem for many people and 40% of the population are affected with male sufferers outnumber women by 4 to 1. So, if you are reading this, you have probably asked yourself, "how can I stop snoring"? For a long time snoring was often something that was treated as a joke - thankfully, that is no longer the case. With reports of some snores reaching 92 decibels (louder than a pneumatic drill!), severe snoring has the potential to break-up relationships and can also be a sign of other health issues. So what are the options you can consider to help alleviate your snoring problem?
How can I stop snoring by changing your diet?
There are no known foods that have been statistically proven to help reduce snoring and eating in excess and a lack of exercise are actually known to cause snoring. However, there are some things you should avoid such as dairy products as these can increase the mucus levels. Excessive alcohol is also a well-known problem as it can lead to a greater relaxation of the trachea, similarly the use of sleeping pills can do the same. Smoking can also be problematic as it can lead to congestion and drinking caffeine to excess may lead to respiratory problems.
How can I stop snoring by using specific exercises?
Exercises that rely on increasing the oxygen levels and strengthening specific muscles have been recommended by many and successes have been claimed within as short a period as 7 days.
How can I stop snoring by using off-the-shelf fixes?
There is no doubt that some off-the-shelf products will work - but only for some. There is no proof that a single item will work effectively for everybody as everyone is different. Some of these fixes involve gum shields that alter the space at the back of the throat by pushing the jaw forward slightly or others that keep the mouth open. There are also products that involve clips or strips that are placed on the nose to keep the passages clear. Some also recommend sprays that help stop the palate vibrate.
Before spending money, find out what type of snorer you are. For instance, you may be a "tongue based snorer" where your tongue slips back and obstructs the airway or perhaps a mouth breather, where the air being sucked in can create a lot of vibration. Maybe the latter is because you have a more physical abnormality in the nasal passages or small nostrils that force you to breath through the mouth.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using Equipment?
You could buy a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine although these are often more associated with sleep apnoea they may help snorers as the two conditions are often related. While some have fixed pressures, the more expensive ones are more adaptable and sensitive to your personal needs. This is because when snoring is sensed, they will change the pressure automatically.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using "Stop Snoring Pillows"?
Anti-snore pillows are a particular type of orthopaedic pillow that helps keep your neck and spine in alignment, although some may not find them very comfortable they can be useful.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using Surgery?
Approximately nine different types of surgery are available but as you probably know, surgery is likely to be expensive, often a last resort, and doesn't always work. The four main surgeries are uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, laser-assisted uvuloplatoplasty, palatal stiffening operations and radio-frequency ablation.
As these four surgeries may suggest by the nature of their names, you should first be sure that your snoring is as a result of the soft palate rather than any other cause. The surgery will normally involve reducing the amount of the soft palate, removing the tonsils, or both. Surgery may also involve of the uvula (the small piece of soft tissue that can be seen dangling down from the soft palate at the back of the tongue).
It is hoped the above has given you some ideas to explore now you have come to accept that snoring can be a real problem but that there are several possible solutions. What is suggested is that you do your research and if in any doubt consult your physician for advice.
How can I stop snoring by changing your diet?
There are no known foods that have been statistically proven to help reduce snoring and eating in excess and a lack of exercise are actually known to cause snoring. However, there are some things you should avoid such as dairy products as these can increase the mucus levels. Excessive alcohol is also a well-known problem as it can lead to a greater relaxation of the trachea, similarly the use of sleeping pills can do the same. Smoking can also be problematic as it can lead to congestion and drinking caffeine to excess may lead to respiratory problems.
How can I stop snoring by using specific exercises?
Exercises that rely on increasing the oxygen levels and strengthening specific muscles have been recommended by many and successes have been claimed within as short a period as 7 days.
How can I stop snoring by using off-the-shelf fixes?
There is no doubt that some off-the-shelf products will work - but only for some. There is no proof that a single item will work effectively for everybody as everyone is different. Some of these fixes involve gum shields that alter the space at the back of the throat by pushing the jaw forward slightly or others that keep the mouth open. There are also products that involve clips or strips that are placed on the nose to keep the passages clear. Some also recommend sprays that help stop the palate vibrate.
Before spending money, find out what type of snorer you are. For instance, you may be a "tongue based snorer" where your tongue slips back and obstructs the airway or perhaps a mouth breather, where the air being sucked in can create a lot of vibration. Maybe the latter is because you have a more physical abnormality in the nasal passages or small nostrils that force you to breath through the mouth.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using Equipment?
You could buy a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine although these are often more associated with sleep apnoea they may help snorers as the two conditions are often related. While some have fixed pressures, the more expensive ones are more adaptable and sensitive to your personal needs. This is because when snoring is sensed, they will change the pressure automatically.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using "Stop Snoring Pillows"?
Anti-snore pillows are a particular type of orthopaedic pillow that helps keep your neck and spine in alignment, although some may not find them very comfortable they can be useful.
How Can I Stop Snoring Using Surgery?
Approximately nine different types of surgery are available but as you probably know, surgery is likely to be expensive, often a last resort, and doesn't always work. The four main surgeries are uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, laser-assisted uvuloplatoplasty, palatal stiffening operations and radio-frequency ablation.
As these four surgeries may suggest by the nature of their names, you should first be sure that your snoring is as a result of the soft palate rather than any other cause. The surgery will normally involve reducing the amount of the soft palate, removing the tonsils, or both. Surgery may also involve of the uvula (the small piece of soft tissue that can be seen dangling down from the soft palate at the back of the tongue).
It is hoped the above has given you some ideas to explore now you have come to accept that snoring can be a real problem but that there are several possible solutions. What is suggested is that you do your research and if in any doubt consult your physician for advice.
About the Author:
Having been on the 'bad' end of someone who snores heavily for many years, Sophie has had many years experience of the problem! Read Sophie's stop snoring story at No More Snore. Don't reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.