Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Causes A Sprained Ankle?

By Allan Tan

If the foot is forced to turn to for outward or too far inward, it can cause a sprained ankle. The rolling of the foot that can lead to a sprained ankle often occurs if the person walks on or steps onto an uneven surface. Sprained ankles are not a rare injury.

When an ankle becomes sprained, the ligaments of the ankle are damaged. The ligament that is injured may be just stretched beyond its normal limits. In the case of a severe sprained ankle, the ligament may have been torn.

A popping noise may be heard at the time of the injury. There may be some bruising near the ankle or along the side of the foot. A sprained ankle is often a very painful injury and can cause swelling.

Tenderness to the touch is common with sprained ankle injuries. The range of motion of the ankle may be limited. Pain and swelling that are common with sprained ankles may improve with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen.

The traditional method for treating a sprained ankle is referred to as R.I.C.E. therapy. R.I.C.E. is an acronym that stands for a rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

Resting the ankle allows the ankle to heal without pressure being put on it. Ice packs and elevation can help reduce swelling. Compression is often done by wrapping the ankle which can help reduce swelling and provides support to the ankle.

Since a sprained ankle injury can be severe and involve a torn ligament or even a broken bone, sprained ankles should be examined by a physician. To check for broken bones, the physician may order an x-ray. The physician may want the injured ankle to be immobilized by a cast or a brace.

R.I.C.E. therapy is often the only treatment that is necessary for a sprained ankle. For severe ankle sprains, the doctor may recommend physical therapy.

A possible complication of the sprained ankle is ongoing instability in the joint. People who have lingering instability are at risk for recurrent ankle sprains. If the ligament was torn, the sprained ankle may need to be surgically treated.

Athletes who sustain a sprained ankle may purchase the any form of treatment called accelerated ankle rehabilitation. Often, this involves doing ankle exercises to strengthen the ankle. Many athletes will begin these ankle exercises within days after the injury. It is generally recommended that people should avoid doing ankle exercises before they can stand comfortably on the ankle and swelling has gone down.

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