Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Are the Types of Mesothelioma?

By Tamara Messotom

Prolonged exposure to heavy levels of asbestos is the known cause to a rare and deadly type of cancer called mesothelioma. The tumor is often found in the protective membrane that covers most internal body organs. In the US, 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year. The prognosis is not good because the cancer is usually diagnosed when in the advanced stages. Symptoms typically appear after 30 to 50 years.

Asbestos is known as a miracle mineral because of its properties like resistance to heat, electrical, and chemical damage. It is also durable and flexible. By itself and when still whole, asbestos is not harmful. Asbestos dust and fibers are microscopic so they can be inhaled and/ingested unknowingly. Once inside the body, the fibers will remain lodged in the tissues and cause inflammation that will result to malignant tumors.

What are the Types of Mesothelioma?

Pleural mesothelioma originates in the lining of the lungs (called pleura). It is the most common type with symptoms that are also common to other diseases. Patients often suffer from tightness and pain in the chest, dry cough, shortness of breath, weight loss, and fatigue. This type comprises about 75% of all mesothelioma cases and generally takes 20 to 50 years before signs appear, just like with the remaining two types of the disease

Peritoneal Mesothelioma This is the type that affects the lining of abdominal cavities. Symptoms are: swelling/pain in the stomach, vomiting, weight loss, bowel obstruction, and fatigue.

Pericardial Mesothelioma This type develops in the membrane that surrounds the heart. Symptoms include: chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations

How to Diagnose Mesothelioma

Patients must inform their doctors about a history of asbestos exposure when seeking medical attention. A battery of medical tests will be performed to confirm the condition. These are chest x-rays, biopsy, MRI, and CT scan.

When results are positive, the doctor will determine the size of the spread of cancer. A permanent cure is not possible but there are several treatment options that can help relieve the suffering of patients: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other alternative therapies. Early diagnosis can provide more opportunities to alleviate pain caused by the disease and prolong/improve patients lives.

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