Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Link Between Fish Oil And Arthritis Relief

By Peter Bertonich

Arthritis. It strikes fear into the heart of any person who is getting a little older than they would like. Arthritis mostly affects those amongst us who are older.

Lets have a look at what arthritis is and using fish oil for arthritis relief.

There's over 100 forms of arthritis but generally speaking, arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints. Part of a joint, or joints, becomes swollen and inflamed and this causes pain and difficulty of movement. This can be caused by nutritional problems and also such things as heavy repeated lifting or movements.

One of the major nutritional problems can be caused by free radicals which can damage parts of your body including your joints.

And one of the best ways of combating wrinkles by fighting free radicals is to improve your diet by including plenty of anti oxidant containing foods like fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet.

Arthritis pain is caused by inflammation in the joints. Inflammation is a scourge and some scientists believe that inflammation as we age is one of the prime, if not the prime cause of many of the age related diseases we suffer from over time. Inflammation can cause the formation of chemicals in our bodies and these can eat away at many of our body parts, including parts of our joints.

Today I want to look at arthritis and fish oil, or more specifically the role of fish oil in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

There is in fact a wide range of different health conditions that are helped by fish oils with good Omega 3 fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fats and these are good for you unlike those "bad" saturated fats.

There are 2 specific Omega 3 fats called EPA and DHA that are particularly good for you. These are good for your heart and other health conditions and there is now a link found by science between arthritis relief and Omega 3 fats EPA and DHA.

And that increasing our intake of fish oils can reduce symptoms and pain from arthritis.

So why would taking more fish oil combat the pain of arthritis? Because fish oil is an excellent way to combat inflammation.

Over a period of time from taking fish oil capsules the effects of the good fats at fighting inflammation will help reduce the pain associated with arthritis and free up use of the joints.

The benefits of fish oil for arthritis sufferers are now clearly established.

In the past arthritis sufferers have used anti inflammatory drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex to combat inflammation causing arthritis but these are linked to serious side effects. Since 1999 Vioxx has been linked to around 100000 cases of heart disease.

But unlike anti inflammatory drugs fish oil has positive side effects on general health.

Note that not all fish oil supplements are the same. There are, as with everything, good fish oil supplements and bad ones. I discuss this on my website.

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