Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why Dr Oz Recommended Resveratrol

By Alex Ariel Sanders

The discovery of Resveratrol can be traced back to a study on how French, who drink wine moderately, do not go through certain age related illnesses that Americans of the same age are experiencing. Resveratrol can be found in red wines and in certain raw ingredients such as berries and grapes. With the above-mentioned report, the interest on the anti-aging benefits of Resveratrol has increased over the years.

First, resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the number of free radicals, which are waste products of cellular functions in our body. Therefore, Resveratrol has been associated for many years to weight loss and has been also sold as a dietary supplement to help people burn fat. Its ability to slow the aging process has not been proven until recently.

Resveratrol resembles the effects of caloric restriction diet in more than one way. Its effect on aging is basically parallel to that of being on a restricted calorie diet, which has been proven to slow down the aging process and help avoid a number, if not all, of age-related illnesses.

The main belief is that resveratrol aids out in keeping certain fats from entering the body and in flushing them out. Aside from that, it has a bonding property that acts with certain bad cholesterol and triglycerides in order to stop them from building up within the body.

Other studies are showing that resveratrol deactivates the gene most responsible for aging. Resveratrol may well become known as the proverbial fountain of youth. It has definitely been shown that this compound works to inhibit, or even prevent, certain types of cancers, most notably breast cancer in women.

One more thing about Resveratrol is that it takes a certain amount of it in order for the effects to be noticeable enough. The consumption of this compound through its natural sources such as red wine and mulberries is not enough.

Several tests have been conducted about resveratrol absorption in the body. When taken as a pill or capsule, it should be about 250mg for the resveratrol compound to be measured and the presence to be recognized in the bloodstream about 30 minutes after taking it in. After 4 hours, all traces of it are completely erased from the bloodstream. From this, it can be concluded that the compound should be supplied on a regular schedule in order to have sufficient amount of it in the body to effectively slow down the aging process.

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