Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a ringing or air rushing in your ear with no external source and there are a number of treatments available to stop your ears from ringing. The treatments range from taking antibiotics to maskers and to what is known as Tinnitus retraining therapy. Throughout this article I will go through the most common treatments for Tinnitus.
1. Antibiotics - A simple ear infection can lead to signs of Tinnitus so it is important to head to the doctor once the ringing begins. If your doctor does find an infection present he or she can prescribe an antibiotic that should clear up the infection and stop the ringing in your ears. It is important that the infection is diagnosed early or it can lead to permanent hearing loss. As with all prescription medication there are side effects that may come up while taking the antibiotic. A gentle reminder to take the antibiotic for its entire course to make sure that the infection has been beaten and does not come fighting back.
2. Maskers - A masker device is used for the treatment of Tinnitus by providing another noise that will hopefully drown out the unpleasant ringing in your ears. The masker is worn like a hearing aid and can be a number of different sounds such as inside the cockpit of a 747. Depending on the severity of the Tinnitus that the person is suffering from will determine how successful a masker will work. The normal home test to see if a masker would work in your situation is to stand by a sink with the faucet turned on all the way and if you hear just the water running than a masker will more than likely work for you.
3. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a new age approach where the hearing disorder is hit from both a cognitive side and the usage of technology advances such as maskers. Through counseling sessions with a Tinnitus expert the client will learn how to refocus their brain on a different noise which is hopefully less disturbing. At the beginning of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy the use of maskers is commonly used and the hope is by the end of the therapy sessions the client will no longer need this device. The success of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy seems to vary from person to person and expert to expert.
Conventional treatments for Tinnitus have shown a degree of success when it comes to making your ears stop ringing but with all of their positives they come with a number of negatives. During the last few years great strides have been made in different methods to treat Tinnitus that are showing very promising numbers. To view some of the newer products check out the links below.
1. Antibiotics - A simple ear infection can lead to signs of Tinnitus so it is important to head to the doctor once the ringing begins. If your doctor does find an infection present he or she can prescribe an antibiotic that should clear up the infection and stop the ringing in your ears. It is important that the infection is diagnosed early or it can lead to permanent hearing loss. As with all prescription medication there are side effects that may come up while taking the antibiotic. A gentle reminder to take the antibiotic for its entire course to make sure that the infection has been beaten and does not come fighting back.
2. Maskers - A masker device is used for the treatment of Tinnitus by providing another noise that will hopefully drown out the unpleasant ringing in your ears. The masker is worn like a hearing aid and can be a number of different sounds such as inside the cockpit of a 747. Depending on the severity of the Tinnitus that the person is suffering from will determine how successful a masker will work. The normal home test to see if a masker would work in your situation is to stand by a sink with the faucet turned on all the way and if you hear just the water running than a masker will more than likely work for you.
3. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a new age approach where the hearing disorder is hit from both a cognitive side and the usage of technology advances such as maskers. Through counseling sessions with a Tinnitus expert the client will learn how to refocus their brain on a different noise which is hopefully less disturbing. At the beginning of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy the use of maskers is commonly used and the hope is by the end of the therapy sessions the client will no longer need this device. The success of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy seems to vary from person to person and expert to expert.
Conventional treatments for Tinnitus have shown a degree of success when it comes to making your ears stop ringing but with all of their positives they come with a number of negatives. During the last few years great strides have been made in different methods to treat Tinnitus that are showing very promising numbers. To view some of the newer products check out the links below.
About the Author:
Want to find out more about treatments for tinnitus, then visit Connor Terry's site on how to choose the best tinnitus treatments for your needs.