Sunday, November 1, 2009

Aromatherapy Recipes and Practices for Cold and Flu Prevention

By Kelly Smith

The body of scientific evidence regarding the potency of plant medicines against a great variety of viral and bacterial illnesses is growing. And with the Winter months -- the "cold and flu season" -- coming, now is the time to investigate all the ways you can protect your health and the health of your family. More and more people are turning to the vast healing potential of essential oils, getting beyond the soft ideas of "aromatherapy" and into the practical value of "aroma medicine". Using essential oils for immune system support is a tried-and-true application -- in fact, most medical aromatherapists consider the most important use of essential oils in medical applications will be for the prevention and treatment of infectious illness (see Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt's 'Medical Aromatherapy').

What Are Essential Oils and How Can They Help Us?

For the uninitiated, essential oils are the volatile aromatic compounds distilled from plants. In this way, they just happen to be a particular form of herbal medicine, just any other medicinal plant extract. At the same time, they're quite unique in terms of their health effects: Firstly, they are easily absorbed by our bodies, getting into the nooks-and-crannies of our physiology -- some other forms of herbal medicine are difficult to absorb, and require extensive preparation, which is really already done by the person who has distilled the essential oil. Second, in terms of infectious illness, essential oils can do for us EXACTLY the same thing they do for plants: prevent infection from bacteria, viruses and fungus. An excellent analogy would be extracting particular antioxidants from a plant and ingesting this for capturing oxidative radicals in our bodies -- the antioxidant serves precisely the same function for the plant.

Scientific Research: Antimicrobial & Immune-stimulant Actions of Essential Oils

For the treatment and prevention of infectious illness, essential oils are used for two purposes: the general strengthening of the immune system and the direct eradication of viruses. A great many peer-reviewed research papers have been produced showing the efficacy of essential oils for both purposes. Using the database of the National Institute of Health ( one can review the data by searching for terms such as 'essential oil virus' (currently producing 93 results) or 'essential oil immune' (producing 143 results) and the like. Essential oils have been shown to actually increase the power of lymphocytes and increase the speed at which the immune system produces antibodies to eliminate an infection. And of course many essential oils are highly-regarded antibacterial agents (we all know about Tea Tree and Oregano), and a few of them have been shown to destroy viruses directly (Laurus Nobilis was shown to eradicate the virus causing SARS, and very recently Tea Tree was shown to be effective against the Swine Flu virus).

The Practices for Cold and Flu Prevention

Therapists recommend two methods of using essential oils for immune system support and protection from infectious illness: inhalation through diffusion, and topical application via massage and baths. Diffusion is a excellent means if using the oils in the workplace or other clinical settings, as the method is truly passive -- just breathing the air imparts the therapeutic properties of the oils. All the methods discussed are also appropriate if one has already contracted an illness, and can be of greatest help in the first stages of infection.

Easy, Profound Benefits Through Diffusion

Diffusing essential oils is one of three primary modalities of aromatherapy (the other two being aroma-massage and ingestion). Evaporating the oils in your environment offers several important benefits: the air is disinfected, the scent of the oils is apparent -- offering mood lifting effects, and secondary immune-enhancing effects for some people, and the oils are inhaled and absorbed by the body. This is an exceptionally useful means of using the oils for immune support in crowded environments, having the potential effect of reducing the spread of contagions. Perhaps the most important effect is the direct contact of the essential oils with our respiratory system -- the sinuses and the lungs -- where having cells be more resistant to infection can have the most beneficial result.

The Right Diffuser For The Job

For disinfecting the air in any enclosed space, you'll want to use a "nebulizing" diffuser -- one that makes a fine mist of essential oils that easily evaporates. There are two styles of nebulizing diffuser: "cold air" and "ultrasonic". The cold air units make a mist of pure essential oil, while the ultrasonic units mix oils with water. The cold air units will output the highest concentration of oils of any diffuser type; though the ultrasonic units are nice for very try conditions. Be sure to set up your diffuser with a timer system, so the diffuser only cycles on for a few minutes every hour -- there's no need to over-saturate the air. Most therapeutic protocols recommend diffusing the oils for about 7 minutes for every hour; this can be done continually throughout the day and night. Remember that for children, you'll want to keep the oil concentration to a minimum -- perhaps just enough oil in the air so the scent can just be detected.

Other Modes of Application

Essential oils are also very effective when topically applied -- they readily pass through the skin and into the bloodstream. For this purpose, very simple blends of essential oils and carrier oils can be made. A carrier oil is just any "fixed" oil (one that does not easily evaporate) like Jojoba, Olive, Almond and the like. The dilutions are as follows: for application to the feet, use ten percent total essential oils in carrier, for other parts of the body and for a bath oil, use five percent. A soak in a warm tub, with your oil formula mixed in is an absolutely lovely way to gain all the benefits of the oils: they're absorbing into the skin and evaporating from the surface for inhalation. For blending: a one-percent concentration is equal to eight drops of essential oil per fluid ounce of carrier oil -- from there you can multiply up to whatever volume of blend you'd like to make. For children, cut these concentrations by half, for children under 7, in half again, and under 4 half again. Do not topically apply essential oils to children under two without consulting a professional or highly-knowledgeable practitioner for precise instructions.

Immune-Stimulation: The Critical Body Areas

If you keep a pre-mixed formula on-hand, simple massage is easily performed one or two times daily. The feet are reputed to be highly receptive for all aroma-therapeutic treatments, including immune-support. Deeply massage both feet thoroughly with the mixture; if you have access to a reflexology chart, you can focus extra attention to the respiratory and lymph system reflex points. These are the important areas of the body to massage directly as well: the chest, the neck, the armpits, and being careful about sensitivity (dilute further if necessary) the sinuses and temples, and the groin area.

Antimicrobial and Immune-stimulant Recipes

A few oils are considered both very safe AND highly effective for our purposes. Niaouli is considered by some to be the most potent immune-stimulating oil available, though its "fishy-eucalyptus" smell is a challenge for some. But other oils in the same family are also very effective, and more pleasant to use: Eucalyptus Radiata, Bay Laurel, Melissa, Tea Tree, Thyme (for family use, choose only the Linalool chemotype), Ravensara, Rosemary, Rosalina, Lavender and Hyssop are excellent choices. For home or clinical use, an excellent "starter" formula can be made by choosing any of these three oils and mixing them together in equal parts. Even better, choose one from each "family" of oils shown: Eucalyptus from the "cineol" oils, Lavender from the florals, and Melissa from the herbs. (Because of the high cost and exceptional potency of Melissa, it can be used at about 1/5th portion of the other oils).

Taking into account both the scientific research AND the safety of oils for use with all-ages, Bay Laurel, Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tree and Lavender may be the most effective, safe, and affordable oils available. These oils generally have pleasant aromas and are readily available. (Note: Tea Tree MUST be from a fresh, high quality source for a pleasing scent -- otherwise its aroma can be so medicinal that you, and particularly your children, will avoid using it. If the aroma is not to your liking, try Rosalina, another highly-regarded antimicrobial Australian oil with a more pleasant scent). For diffuser use, try equal parts of these oils. For topical application, use 10 drops of each oil in Coconut oil (you can double the concentration for application to the feet) -- this same mixture can be added to the bath. Again, for children, reduce the concentration appropriately for their age, and for diffuser use, there should only be enough aroma in the air so the scent can JUST be detected and no more.

Essential Oils: Simple Treatments for Maximum Health

Regular use throughout the Fall and Winter months is an excellent way of supporting immune function and providing antimicrobial protection for your whole family, co-workers or clients and customers. The oils work in so many ways: through disinfection, immune system stimulation, and supporting overall well-being which then strengthens our immunity to infectious illness. They're easy to use, have scientific backing for their efficacy, and even provide a doorway to tapping into the vast medicinal potential of aroma-medicine. These wonderful features really make them worth a try!

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