Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to Cure Nail Fungus

By Anna Latrobe

Nail Fungus is an unpleasant condition to cope with, especially considering that it can effect your nails on your toes and your fingers. The condition is caught by the fungi getting underneath your nail bed through a small crack or cut in the skin close to your nails.

If you have nail fungus the following symptoms tend to emerge; firstly the nail starts to lose shine and color, the nail thickens, and the edges crumble and then the nail loosens from the nail bed.

The great news is that there are numerous options you can select to treat this condition, and you should do so as soon as possible, as it is important not to disregard this fungal infection as it will worsen if left untreated and it will proliferate, as it feeds on your nails and skin.

Certain people try to get rid of it by removing the nail, however this will not solve the problem, as when the nail grows back the infection will reoccur. Nail fungus is very contagious so you need to treat it right away as when you leave it, you put other people in danger of of contracting it and it can also transmit other parts of your body.

When you treat nail fungus you can either use topical or oral treatment, but the problem with conventional medication is that it can take from 6 to 12 weeks before you see the desired result.

A physician may suggest that you get rid of the infected nail, or for several people they might advise you to use a sort of laser treatment called photodynamic therapy.

These methods of curing nail fungus although they are sometimes effective they can create problems. The problem being that whilst they stop the symptoms they do not kill the fungus, so often people find that the nail fungus reappears. Taking this into account it suggests that you need to find a treatment which builds your body's immune system, kills the fungus so that it doesn't return and doesn't have any bad side effects.

The best way to treat nail fungus naturally is to use a natural oil. An oil that is renowned for it's healing capabilities is Tea Tree Oil, and when it is used with other potent botanical ingredients, it provides a great way to treat nail fungus without any harmful side effects.

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