Saturday, December 5, 2009

Flea Control: Getting To Know The Pest

By Nicholas Wright

Controlling fleas on your pet and in your home has been a problem for many years. Fleas are said to be bothersome to humans as well as pets for they also carry diseases. They make your pets' lives miserable. Just at the thought of them, humans start to itch.

There are stages in the life cycle of the flea. They undergo a complete metamorphosis and there are four distinct stages, respectively from eggs, larvae, pupae into an adult. At any time, about 570 of the fleas are eggs, 34% are larva, 8% are pupa, and only 1% becomes an adult. Te worst thing is that the life cycle of the flea can be completed in even just in 12 days or take as long as 174 days.

Flea control inside your home is attainable through application of an approved insecticide. There are a number of flea control products for use on pets which includes products, sprays, dips, shampoos, collars, and oral products.

Keep in mind that until all of the fleas in your home have died, you will probably still see some fleas, even on a treated pet, since some immature forms may continue to develop. This is especially true if you had a big flea problem to start with. Persistence is the key here. It is essential to keep following an effective flea control program for a long enough time to get rid of all of the fleas, in all life stages. This may take several months to a year, depending on your particular situation.

There are a ton of different medicines, drops, sprays, or whatever that you can buy in the market to put on your pet. There are a lot of differences between the various brands but still strategic prevention is the best approach to fleas.

You are capable of safely ridding your home of pests. Begin flea control on the pet. To start, it still the best choice is to speak to your veterinarian about an effective prevention program for your pets, home and yard.

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