Homeopathy is based on fundamental principles that are followed in trying to develop remedies aimed to treat a variety of ailments and diseases. These principles make the practice of homeopathy a distinct system of alternative healthcare. Here are some of the basic principles known to the practice of homeopathy.
Law Of Similars The main basis for which homeopathy was eventually developed, the Law of Similars states that similar symptoms caused by certain substances on healthy people associated with certain diseases may be effective in using it for treatment. Through the Law of Similars, homeopathic practitioners may be able to find a remedy for ailments by means of identifying the symptoms that they may present similar to what actual diseases may present.
Curative Power Of Life Homeopathy is also based on the same philosophy that life itself has the power or the ability to cure. It is through unlocking the healing power of substances found in nature that becomes the calling of homeopathy.
Energy As Medicine Life in homeopathic philosophy is considered as a vital force that has its own inherent energy. Everything that lives has its own energy. These energies exist in balance and harmony in nature. But certain circumstances may lead to certain imbalances that may disturb the harmony between these energies. It is through this that homeopathic medicine believes will lead to diseases. Homeopathic remedies then aim to restore the balance of the vital force that is life.
Less Is More Homeopathic medicine is also governed by the Principle of Minimum Dose. It is based on the belief that the least possible action may be enough to necessitate any change in nature. Through this principle, homeopathic remedies are developed using extreme dilution of substances in such a way that the beneficial effects still remain while removing all the other harmful effect associated with the substance.
Individualism The practice of homeopathy is also based on the fact that each person is unique, completed by the integration of the person's various characteristics. Homeopathic treatments take into consideration the whole person's being- the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects- to become more effective. This leads to developing remedies usually distinct and unique to different individuals.
Obstacle Removal Since diseases are caused by certain imbalances and disharmony in the vital force, the practice of homeopathy also deals with trying to remove the obstacles that may be impeding the healing process. Such obstacles may be drugs, stress, diet, as well as other environmental, spiritual and emotional factors. It is up to homeopathic practitioners to aid people in trying to determine and identify what these supposed obstacles may be in their lives.
Law Of Similars The main basis for which homeopathy was eventually developed, the Law of Similars states that similar symptoms caused by certain substances on healthy people associated with certain diseases may be effective in using it for treatment. Through the Law of Similars, homeopathic practitioners may be able to find a remedy for ailments by means of identifying the symptoms that they may present similar to what actual diseases may present.
Curative Power Of Life Homeopathy is also based on the same philosophy that life itself has the power or the ability to cure. It is through unlocking the healing power of substances found in nature that becomes the calling of homeopathy.
Energy As Medicine Life in homeopathic philosophy is considered as a vital force that has its own inherent energy. Everything that lives has its own energy. These energies exist in balance and harmony in nature. But certain circumstances may lead to certain imbalances that may disturb the harmony between these energies. It is through this that homeopathic medicine believes will lead to diseases. Homeopathic remedies then aim to restore the balance of the vital force that is life.
Less Is More Homeopathic medicine is also governed by the Principle of Minimum Dose. It is based on the belief that the least possible action may be enough to necessitate any change in nature. Through this principle, homeopathic remedies are developed using extreme dilution of substances in such a way that the beneficial effects still remain while removing all the other harmful effect associated with the substance.
Individualism The practice of homeopathy is also based on the fact that each person is unique, completed by the integration of the person's various characteristics. Homeopathic treatments take into consideration the whole person's being- the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects- to become more effective. This leads to developing remedies usually distinct and unique to different individuals.
Obstacle Removal Since diseases are caused by certain imbalances and disharmony in the vital force, the practice of homeopathy also deals with trying to remove the obstacles that may be impeding the healing process. Such obstacles may be drugs, stress, diet, as well as other environmental, spiritual and emotional factors. It is up to homeopathic practitioners to aid people in trying to determine and identify what these supposed obstacles may be in their lives.
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