Monday, November 30, 2009

Why Are Your Eyelashes Falling Out?

By Melanie A. Thompson

Falling eyelashes has become more of a common occurrence than ever before due to a variety of reasons. Environmental factors are a big reason as the toxins and pollutants in the air can make eyelashes more prone to breakage. Other factors are medical as well as usage of bad cosmetics or allergic reactions to chemicals present in eye make up.

Sometimes mental stress causes the person to develop a habit of pulling the eyelashes or constantly rubbing this region. This psychological condition of trichotillomania results in eyelashes falling off.

Blepharitis is another chronic problem which causes redness, burning, itching, excessive watering and a gritty sensation in the eyes. This leads to excessive rubbing of the eyes causing damage to the eyelash hair follicles and making them fall out. Someone suffering from this may see his eyelashes also falling out.

Chronic hair loss which involves any hair bearing part of the body is called Alopecia Areata and this may also cause eyelashes to fall out. However, the possibility of this disease being solely confined to eyelash loss is rare.

The cosmetic reasons are very simple; inferior quality eye make up, over use of eye make up, sharing of eye make up and careless removal of eye make up.

Apart from these medical causes, the other most common cause is the use of bad eye make up. Inferior quality or expired mascara, eyeliner etc. as well as improper removal of eye make up causes bacterial infection and eyelashes start falling. Also, some eye make up products may contain certain ingredients which may cause an allergic reaction in the user. Sharing eye make up or its brushes amongst many people also causes infection leading to falling eyelashes.

Now that the mystery of falling eyelashes is solved it is expected that proper steps will to taken to avoid recurrence of the problem.

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Pulsatile Tinnitus And Its Top Six Causes

By Elliott Berry

Many folks are surprised to learn that there are two sorts of tinnitus. The most typical type is known as non-pulsatile tinnitus, with the least common and lesser known type being pulsatile tinnitus. You can customarily tell them apart by the kind of sounds you'll hear.

As the name implies, pulsatile tinnitus tends to sound like your own heart beat, whereas non-pulsatile tinnitus may sound like a range of familiar noises such as ringing, chirping, whirring or clicking. It is unusual but feasible to have these two sorts of tinnitus together, and folks who have both of conditions often say the pulsatile component is the more bothersome. The focus of this article is to gain a better understanding of pulsatile tinnitus, its causes and how you can take step one to assuaging its symptoms.

Pulsatile tinnitus is an uncommon sort of tinnitus, with only about three percent of patients reported to have it. It is sometimes referred to as vascular tinnitus and is generally related to disturbances in the blood flow. The turbulence is then amplified and can be heard in the ears as a whooshing, thrashing or other regular sound.

The Top Six Causes of Pulsatile Tinnitus :

1. A Benign Growth : Growths of this nature are usually found in or close to the ear. Usually with a growth, hearing impairment is also a typical symptom.

2. Brain Lesions : One kind of laceration is an aneurism, and another type is an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein. In all cases the blood flow is putting too much strain on the veins and must be dealt with.

3. Veinous Hum : Patients who are malnutritioned, pregnant, or have thyroid issues, may develop increased blood flow through the jugular vein, which amplifies the sound of blood flow in the ear.

4. Narrowing Of The Arteries ( Atherosclerosis ) : Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the artery due to cholesterol build-up on the artery wall. This condition reduces the opening of the arteries. This sometimes happens in older patients with a history of hypertension, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, angina and smoking.

5. Benign Intracranial Hypertension ( BIH ) : In this condition there is increased pressure around the fluid that washes the backbone and / or the brain. Usually this conditioned is caused by overweight.

6. Hypertension ( High Blood Pressure ) : Some patients who take medication for their high blood pressure report evidence of pulsatile tinnitus shortly after they began taking it. Still others report high blood pressure and tinnitus at the same time, and when they take the blood pressure medication the symptoms go away.

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What To Look For In Litigation Attorneys

By Izumi Yokemori

No matter how much you wish it were otherwise, sometimes you will have to go to court because of either something you did or something that someone did to you. When that happens, even if it is just a problem with your landlord or your insurance company, they can often turn your life upside down.

A lot of times, people try to do things by themselves, without the help of a lawyer. This can get you into hot water, because a litigation attorney will improve your chances of winning your case.

You can be assured that in most litigation cases, the big boys are going to have big guns. By guns we mean experienced, expensive litigation attorneys. Those are tough odds. At times like that, it's best to have some big guns of your own. But how do you find a good attorney, and what should you look for?

First things first, you will need to look at their experience. Not only the number of years that they have worked as a litigation attorney, but also, at the number of cases they have done that are like yours. When looking at those cases, make sure they have done well and won many of them.

When you meet with the attorney, make sure they pay attention to you and really listen to what you say. You want an attorney who knows you and your story. You can tell a good attorney by the types of questions they ask, and how pertinent they are to your individual case.

Rather than making you feel bad about your case, a good attorney should help you feel better about your situation and your chances for success.

Finally, to make sure that an attorney can do the job right, be sure to give them all the information they require. Answer his/her questions clearly, and make sure that he/she knows everything required to do a good job.

Keep these tips in mind when you begin searching for a litigation attorney. When you pick the best lawyer for your case and do all you can to help them, then your chances of success get to be that much better.

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How to Use Yogurts and Garlic Cloves for Candida Infection Cure?

By Salli Smith

We usually have the tendency to judge the treatment we should be using. In most cases, we rather prefer to use medications over natural remedies. Though you have the right to choose what kind of treatment you should be taking, natural treatment is still more recommendable than over the counter drugs. Here are the reasons why.

Compared to the typical infections, yeast infections differ due to their root causes. This type of infection is caused by yeast overgrowth and hence it cannot be treated the same way as the typical infection we usually encounter. Since the fungi causing the imbalance are natural dwellers in our body, they should be treated naturally to make our body feel less discomfort. The advantage of natural remedies is it can strike the main cause of yeast infection and thus hinder any recurrence of the infection.

In addition, yeast infection natural treatments have lots of benefits. Compare to medications, they are milder, cleaner and more pleasant to your body. In fact, they generally have no side effects. Even though they are more effective than medications, they are still inexpensive and good for your budgets. But the biggest advantage of natural treatments is it helps you control your own health without being dependent to costly medications.

Currently, the two most preferable yeast infection naturally remedies are garlic and yogurt. The latter is usually the first one to get recommended as yeast infection cure. Yogurt is already tried and tested as yeast infection cure by thousands of women. Actually, the medical community also believe in the ability of yogurt to treat yeast infection. It is so effective due to its content and its ability to help increase the number of good bacteria in your body.

Most women use yogurt in two effective ways: as supplement and through direct application. Yogurt should be consumed daily during breakfast however the yogurt should have no sugar added. To apply the yogurt, rub them as cream on the infected area. It can also be applied using tampon.

Aside from yogurt, garlic is also a great natural treatment for yeast infection. It has anti-fungal properties so it can fight off common fungi including Candida Albicans. Garlic can also be use as dietary supplement and can also be applied directly on the infected area. However, the garlic should be fresh.

In this case, consume fresh garlic clove more than once a day. As an alternative, ingest garlic capsule. However, if you do not like consuming fresh garlic, incorporate it to a glass of water or in your juice to remove the smell. The garlic in this case should be minced. On the other hand, directly apply the garlic clove in your vagina or wrap them in gauze and insert it in your vagina all night long.

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Surgery is Not Always a Better Option For Man Boobs Problems

By Jeremi Hani

Man boobs are embarrassing to any man as this leads to social trauma. Who wants to remove his shirt knowing that he has boobs anyway? So swimming and other activities involving the removal of the shirt is usually avoided. Thus, any man who has it wants to remove it as fast as they can. Thus, they often resort to surgery. But are there really no options to remove man boobs?

But is gynecomastia plastic surgery the only way for you? If you have other option, would you really have to resort to surgery? Okay surgery is fast but undergoing surgery cans also several disadvantages.

The thing about gynecomastia plastic surgery is that it can be very expensive. It can cost you $3000 to $5000 for one surgery. This is a lot of money and with the threat of economic crisis is it really worth risking that amount of money for surgery?

Every man should know that surgery may remove the boobs but this also entails reshaping of the chest and the cutting out of excess glandular tissue. Gynecomastia surgery also entails the use of liposuction to help remove excess fats from the breast. This surgery is expensive as well as risky as this is not even covered by medical insurance.

Another reason why men chose surgery is that this does not entail dieting. You don't have to undergo a diet program to lose weight. Unlike with surgery wherein you just sit or lay there and let the doctors do the rest. But surgery is also painful. Is the pain really worth it as compared to just changing the habits or the type of food that you eat?

You would also need to take a time off when you plan to underg gynecomastia surgery. Are you prepared for this? And can you handle the pain from recovery after surgery? The recovery can actually be very painful. If you can't handle pain, you better stick to natural ways to remove the man boobs.

And lastly, when a man undergoes gynecomastia surgery, this can result to scars on their chest. So you can't really put away the evidence of your embarrassing boobs with surgery. So which would you prefer? You naturally remove your boobs for a better looking chest though it can take a while or do you want to remove it fast but in exchange you will have an ugly chest for a long time as this can leave a scar or an ugly nipple.

Thus, it is always better to choose a program that entails the least consequence. For example, instead of surgery, you can instead choose the Chest Coach System? This system allows you to naturally remove the boobs. And you can trust this system as this was developed by a man who also has man boobs in the past.

With the Chest Coach System, you will have both diet and fitness program. Though this system can be a bit slow with the result as compared to surgery but this system was also developed to specifically address the problem with man boobs. And you can actually understand this abnormality more and at the same time find ways and make an effort to remove the boobs.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reaction to Immunizations

By Loren Allen

Immunizations are necessary part of our lives. From childbirth through out your life it is important that you receive certain immunizations. Do you regularly get a flu shot? This is probably the most common immunization known today, with the widespread influenza virus as prevelant as it is. There are several other immunizations, polio, Hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, and DTP, to name a few. Reactions to the immunizations are normal but can range from mild to severe depending on the sensitvity of the person receiving them.

All of the above mentioned immunizations have reactions which have been long observes. Some of these reactions are considered minor but some may have more sever conditions associated with them. Some of the more common reactions are swelling, redness and/or pain at the sight of the injection. These reactions are typical and usually occur within a couple of hours and may last as long a three days. Some immunizations may cause reactions such as fever which starts within 24 hours and continues for 2-3 days as well as a feeling of being ill. These reactions are typically seen with what is refereed to as live vaccines. With live vaccines the symptoms may appear within a couple of days and last for as long as a couple of weeks getting weaker as time goes on.

These reactions are varied and may require different types of treatments and care, depending on your sensitivty and severity of the reaction.

There are some circumstances in which one would need to call 9-1-1 immediately. If you have a child that is having problems breathing or swallowing then it is important to seek immediate medical attention. It is also important to seek immediate medical assistance if your child is not moving or weak. Another situation in which it would be necessary to seek medical attention is if your child becomes unresponsive or is difficult to wake.

Reactions that may occur from an immunization that may require you call your doctor, are less severe and may include generally feeling sick. Feeling sick from an immunization may be common depending on the vaccination you have received but generally warrants a call at least. If fever is present it may be fairly normal as well, but if you are calling your doctor be sure not to give any fever reducing medications such as Tyleonol or Ibuprofen until your doctor has given the OK. Red streaks developing on the skin within one inch of the site of injection or anywhere else on the body require care from a physician as well. These are all reasons to call your doctor day or night, and should not be taken lightly.

Then there are the common reactions in which you should call your doctor's office. These reasons are that if you feel that your child needs to be seen by the doctor then call them and ask about an appointment. If there is a fever present for more than three days then you should also call your doctor to have your child seen. Also if there is a measles vaccine rash that lasts for over three days.

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Need A Mesothelioma Definition

By Pavion Jurod

Anyone that has worked or been in contact with asbestos is at risk of mesothelioma cancer but because cases have shown that often the cancer has taken upwards of fifty years to develop it is often extremely hard to find out where the exposure took place. The number of places in industry where asbestos was used regularly is enormous but it wasn't just the workers who were at risk but even their family and friends who might happen to come into contact with their clothing.

The disease is caused by inhaling asbestos fiber which scars the lungs and continues to do so even after the exposure to the fiber has stopped to give just a short mesothelioma definition. Asbestos was used in many different industrial operations, but mainly as a fire resistant material used as insulation but other known instances of where asbestos fibers were used are in the manufacturing and servicing of engine gaskets and break linings. For individuals who have contracted mesothelioma cancer they will engage the services of a specialist lawyer who deals with mesothelioma cases but this type of work requires a huge amount of time to research the facts before a case for compensation can be pursued. Employers are responsible for the safety of their workers and if it is proved they have been exposed to asbestos through their job either past or present, the compensation awarded by the courts for Mesothelioma cancer can be substantial.

Each case is different so it is up to the mesothelioma lawyer to give an idea of the level of compensation to be pursued. The reason that there are lawyers who just specialize in this very tight subject are of mesothelioma is because the symptoms of the cancer might not appear for ten years but investigations may require the lawyer researching back as far as fifty years. Mesothelioma lawyers will know what benefits you are entitled to and how you can claim them, even if your relative has already died of mesothelioma, but once you are diagnosed with the condition you are entitled to industrial injury benefit.

Compensation cases that take this long to fight can be financially prohibitive for the vast majority of people as they can take many years but the cases are generally strong so Mesothelioma lawyers will usually only take payment when the case has been won providing you have a case. This initial discussion will give them an indication of how good the chances are of winning and how much they can expect from the compensation that is awarded to the victim. Legal aid and financial compensation from the asbestos industry may also be awarded but once again you will take advice from your lawyer about these aspects.

Worryingly, if you have a relation that has been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, then there is a chance you may have been infected with the asbestos fibers as well in the past. The whole area of mesothelioma compensation is a highly complex issue which requires the Mesothelioma lawyers to co constantly researching all the latest information on the subject. There are a number of options that can be pursued but the whole issue needs to be considered carefully before acting as it may not necessarily become a case for litigation.

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How To Boost Your Immune System

By Barbara Jones

Many of us are looking for ways to stay healthy during cold and flu season. Following these tips to boost immune system can help.

Sleeping is your body's time to heal itself. If you don't get a proper number of hours of sleep each night it can hinder this process. It is recommended that each person get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Getting enough sleep also gives your body more energy to fight illness. On average, most Americans only sleep about 6 hours per night, those extra two hours can make a big difference in weather or not you stay healthy.

We all need to improve our eating habits but especially during the winter months. Our bodies need proper nutrition to fight off illness. This means three meals a day and cut out the fast food and junk. You need proper calories and nutrition but not empty calories. Any yes this means diets may hinder your immune system a bit because you are not getting what you need to stay healthy.

If you simply can't get enough nutrition from your meals or even if you can, extra vitamins during this time of year are a great idea. They have good multi vitamins you can take plus drinks like V8 juice. Even with all of this vitamin C is very important. You can get vitamin C through fruit juices and most citrus fruit or you can buy pills. During cold and flu season I try to drink more juice and still take a vitamin C pill at least once a day.

Shots for pneumonia and certain strains of flu will help boost your defenses some what against the flu and pneumonia. These are available at your doctor's office. Some people can't take these and I would suggest consulting your doctor before doing so. I prefer to not take these even though I work in health care. I have seen cases where people get sick right after taking these and I would prefer to just go it on my own. Doctors do usually recommend these though.

There are many new products on the market that promise to boost your immune system. I honestly don't know if these work or not but use with caution. They may be a waste of money but they may also be worth a try. I know people who swear by these but I have not tried them myself.

You will want to wash or sanitize your hands often. Hand washing is just an all around good idea. This is especially a must after going to the bath room and before eating. In public places where you are touching items such as doors or merchandise that others are handling a lot and can't always wash your hand then I would recommend a hand sanitizer. These are cheap and come in bottles small enough to put in your purse.

Lastly, if you are sick then try to stay home if you can. If you can't stay home then please be considerate of others and try to help stop the spread of germs to others.

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Save Some Cash When Buying Wheelchairs

By John Wretz

The fact cannot be ignored that wheelchairs can cause a person a huge sum of cash, particularly if the patient is going to utilize the specialized ones. Some of these patients are those that are completely paralyzed and require a special kind of assistant device to use inside the house as well as outside. But the wheelchair they need can be a bit expensive. Therefore, you can resort to secondhand wheelchairs.

The Advantage of Secondhand Wheelchairs

Obviously, used wheelchairs are those that have already been used by another patient. But just because these wheelchairs are already secondhand does not mean that its worth is poor. In fact, some of these wheelchairs are still in very good shape and appear almost like brand new. Apart from the assistant device itself, you can also purchase secondhand accessories to attach to the wheelchair to add more comfort to your patient.

The very apparent benefit of buying a secondhand wheelchair is that it allows you to put aside some money that you would otherwise have used on a new wheelchair. You could even buy well-known wheelchairs at a very reasonable price, a wonderful bargain for a quality item.

Because the prices of things and services are now going up, a used wheelchair is ideal for those who are on a tight budget, and couple this to the increasing health cost, and you have yourself some extra money to deposit back into your funds.

What to Look for in Secondhand Wheelchairs

Since this is a used item, you definitely have to make sure that the assistant device you are going to buy is still in very good condition. You have to check out the wheelchair yourself prior to buying one if you want to make sure that it is suitable for the patients need.

The things that you have to look at include the support of the wheelchairs as well as its detachable parts. Ensure that the frame of the assistant device is still in good condition and that the detachable parts are in one piece. You also have to check if the mechanisms and technical capabilities of the assistant device are running well. If possible, try the wheelchair out yourself first to ensure that it really is in excellent working condition.

Doing so is important because secondhand wheelchairs no longer have warranties, and you would want to buy a quality wheelchair at a cheaper price.

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Calcific Tendinitis: What Is It and How Is It Best Treated?

By Tom Nicholson

Calcific tendinitis is a condition that causes sharp pain a joint, when calcium deposits form around the tendons and then break free, triggering inflammation. It usually hits the rotator cuff and can affect either or both shoulders.

No one really knows what causes calcific tendinitis, but there are some pretty clear indicators as to what does NOT cause it. Having too much calcium in the diet does not cause it, because those who are diagnosed with calcific tendinitis usually have normal calcium levels in their blood. Therefore, it is NOT advised that you limit calcium in your diet if you are diagnosed with this condition, because you could put yourself at risk for osteoporosis; if you get too little calcium in your diet, your body will simply take it from your bones.

In a few cases, metabolic conditions have been fingered as the triggering cause for calcific Tendinitis. Sometimes kidney problems have also been indicated (or calcific Tendinitis has been seen as a symptom of kidney conditions, as the kidney is one of the major filters for calcium in the blood stream. Overuse of the shoulder doesn't trigger calcific tendon either; it can cause rotator cuff wear and tear, but that's not the same condition and calcium deposits are not present.

May be related to age

Some speculate that age, and the gradual ramping down of human growth hormone in the late 20s are one trigger for calcific Tendinitis, as it doesn't happen to people under the age of 30, there may be Tendinitis from overuse injuries, but they usually don't have calcium deposits.


The usual set of symptoms for calcific Tendinitis is a sharp, burning pain when a stiff shoulder is moved; it's often described as feeling like gravel is under the shoulder blade, usually when you raise your arm of the shoulder. Sometimes it's a little subtler than that if the calcium crystallization happens deeper in the tissue, where it can't be felt through the skin.

In addition, calcium crystals may shed off of the deposits and cause the tendons to become acutely inflamed. Oftentimes, people aren't even aware they have calcific tendinitis until they experience this kind of attack. Surprisingly, though, this is also when the calcium deposits can be reabsorbed by the body.

Sudden onset

Usually, those who experience calcific tendinitis have pain symptoms that happen suddenly, not over a long period of time. Usually, the pain symptoms themselves resolved within a week or two without incident.

If you visit your doctor during a bout of acute calcific Tendinitis, it can be seen on an X-ray. Most treatments are taking over the counter inflammation relievers and icing the shoulder or joint. Performing range of motion exercises to keep the shoulder limber is also recommended; it prevents the 'locked shoulder' syndrome, and helps you avoid losing muscle mass.

If pain is particularly severe, your doctor can give you a steroid or cortisone injection into your shoulder to relieve inflammation. In some cases, the deposits can be broken apart with a hyper during meal and sucked out with a syringe. In very, very rare cases, surgery may need to be performed to remove the deposits, especially if the deposits interfere with shoulder movement. Usually, arthroscopic surgery can take care of this with minimal invasiveness.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Facts About MDS

By Juno Pinkerson

Majority of people are aware of the different types of cancer like leukemia and MDS that affect a number of people. However, there is a lack of general knowledge on the causes of these diseases and the options for treatment that are available. It is therefore very advantageous to completely understand the myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) before going to the procedure of asking regarding leukemia and all its forms.

The MDS syndrome is composed of a number of hematological conditions that result when the body lacks a certain amount of red and white blood cells. Problems with the bone marrow stem cell cause an abnormal blood cell production in the bloodstream, which often leads to MDS. Previously known as pre-leukemia, this type of cancer almost always develops into cancer of the blood or leukemia.

What Causes MDS?

Patients suffering from MDS syndrome are those who experience erratic production and reproduction of blood cells. This means that the patient's blood makes itself known by producing adverse defects in the cells responsible for blood formation. This dilemma with the blood cells can continue to worsen, leading to the gradual deterioration of the bone marrow.

Aside from genetic factors, environmental ones are also being looked into with regards to the cause of abnormalities in otherwise healthy cells in a human body (in turn producing cancer-causing ones).

Benzene is a toxic chemical that is consider to have cancer causing effects on the body. This chemical is used in the production of a variety of products such as gasoline, sodas and cigarettes. People who develop MDS are often not aware that they have been exposed to Benzene until it is too late.

Caution Signs

About one-third of MDS patients experience a deterioration in their health after their initial diagnosis. This often leads to the development of acute myelogenous leukemia or AML. Some of the most common symptoms of MDS are:

*Paleness of skin

*Bleeding and bruising

*Experiencing extreme fatigue

*Infections the recur

If you have been exposed to benzene and are now experiencing symptoms of MDS is is important to speak with an experienced benzene attorney to have your case evaluated.

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What You Need To Know About Getting Batteries For A Battery Mobility Scooter

By Ben Smith

A lot of people that utilize a battery mobility scooter have come to find out that finding replacement batteries for the devices can actually be a difficult thing to do. The task is not difficult as far as installing the batteries, what many people seem to have the most ailments with is finding batteries to use to replace their old ones.

If at any time that you are operating your scooter, and it does not seem to be operating right this could mean that your batteries are finally in need of a replacement. You may also need batteries for the device if it does not seem to be holding a charge very well.

Normally companies will ask you different questions about your scooter before sending you a battery for your device. You need to be prepared to answer questions concerning the company that made your scooter, the type of scooter that you use, and if the scooter requires a gel battery or an AGM battery for replacement.

This information will all be compiled in order to give you the proper price for your battery mobility scooter and to ensure that you are obtaining the right battery that you need for your scooter. However, be aware that the prices on these devices do seem to fluctuate depending on your scooters make.

Some scooters use two different batteries to run off of. If your scooter uses two batteries to run off of it is important that upon changing the batteries of your scooter that you change both batteries at the same time. Replacing one at a time is not noted to be a good idea.

If at any time during the battery selection process you have doubts about anything you can always contact your battery mobility scooters maker and ask them what they believe is the best batteries for your device.

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Common Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

By Brian Rodane

Your lungs remove carbon dioxide from your blood before enriching it with oxygen and sending it back to your heart. If cells within any of the lobes develop abnormally, they can become cancerous. If lung cancer (LC) forms, it can spread throughout the rest of your body.

One of the challenges of this disease is that symptoms do not manifest in a quarter of diagnosed cases. The affliction is identified through a routine computerized tomography scan or chest X-rays. The problem is that by the time a doctor is able to diagnose it, the cancerous cells may have already started to metastasize (spread from their original site). That is the reason it is important to recognize symptoms when they present.

Below, we'll describe the most common symptoms associated with lung cancer. The earlier you can detect them, the greater likelihood of successfully removing the diseased tissue.

Warning Signs Of A Cancerous Growth

As noted, 25% of diagnosed LC cases are discovered when a physician performs a CT scan or takes X-rays of the chest. If a tumor exists, it will show up as a small mass. Until other tests are done, it is nearly impossible to determine whether the mass is benign or malignant.

If cancerous cells are present and have begun to spread to other areas of the tissue, you may notice a marked shortness of breath. You might also develop a persistent cough; in many cases, it will be reminiscent of the cough of an habitual smoker. Some patients report that their cough is accompanied by blood. Other warning signs of the disease are chest pain, shoulder pain (in the event that the cancerous cells have spread to the nerves), and hoarseness.

If the cancerous cells metastasize and spread to the bones, you may experience a staggering level of pain. If the infliction spreads to the brain, it can trigger headaches, numbness in certain areas, and even seizures.

Complications From The Disease

Metastasis can quickly lead to life-threatening circumstances. When LC spreads, it infects the liver, brain, and bones. A condition called pleural effusion can also occur in which the space between the lungs and chest cavity fill with fluid. As a result, you might experience a shortness in breath.

Aside from chemotherapy drugs, treatment is usually limited to controlling the severity of the symptoms once the cancerous cells have metastasized. For example, in the case of pleural effusion, the fluid can be drained, but the underlying problem cannot be surgically repaired.

It is estimated that six out of ten people who are diagnosed with lung cancer die within twelve months of the diagnosis. It is the most deadly form of cancer in the U.S. As noted, the earlier it is diagnosed, the more effectively it can be treated. If you notice any of the symptoms described above, consult your doctor immediately.

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The 101 Of Diabetic Shoes.

By Duane Mitch

As a person suffering from Diabetes, you definitely need to consider using Diabetic Shoes, instead of your normal shoes. You will find these shoes to offer good feet support and they are quite comfortable to wear.

Diabetes affects a large number of people all over the world. This chronic illness can cause a lot of complication, one of them being the feet. How does this happen?

Diabetes affects your feet because it affects your nervous system. The normal sensation and feelings that you have in your feet when it touches something is lost. If you wear shoes that are uncomfortable on your feet, this situation becomes worse. By wearing Diabetic Shoes, you can avoid such problems and carry out your daily tasks in much the same manner as you always did. You can go about doing your usual chores without ever worrying about your feet succumbing to problems from accidental injuries or normal exertions.

Diabetic Shoes can give you a certain definite benefits. Here is a look at what they are:

Eliminate Calluses " If you have diabetes there are good chances of you getting Calluses in your feet. If you do not trim feet calluses, it can become thick and turn into an ulcer.

No more Foot Ulcers " If you happen to wear ill-fitting shoes, your feet can easily get ulcers. In a diabetic person this is a dangerous problem. Foot ulcers usually form at the ball of the foot or on the toes. Neglect of this problem can result on you losing your feet completely. By wearing Diabetic Shoes, you get proper fitting shoes, that feel comfortable and which prevent ulcers from forming on your feet.

No more Scratches and Pinches " As a diabetic person wearing improper fitting shoes can cause scratches and pinches in your feet. Furthermore diabetes prevents you from having any sensation in your feet as so you wont notice it when it happens. By wearing Diabetic Shoes you can avoid this problem completely, as your feet is well protected by the shoe material.

Gain more comfort " Diabetic Shoes will fit your feet properly as a result your feet will have proper blood circulation. It is when you wear badly fitting shoes that normal blood circulation reduces. Diabetic Shoes can give your feet comfort and reduce the blood circulation problems.

More Air For Your Feet " Feet become clammy and are more prone to injuries when they are in closed shoes. Diabetic Shoes on the other hand, are very roomy. As a result, your feet are less prone to injuries caused because they are clammy with sweat.

Custom Made for your Feet - Diabetic Shoes can be custom-made or designed according to the specific mould of a person; feet. This feature offers high quality comfort and prevents your feet from succumbing to any accidental injuries. Most often the problem arises when you use shoes that dont fit well for your kind of feet. With Diabetic Shoes, this problem is eliminated because they can be custom-designed according to your feets shape, thus giving more comfort for your feet.

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Tendonitis Exercises You Can Do At Home

By Tom Nicholson

Tendons are strong white fibrous tissues which connect the muscles and the bones and help hold them together. Tendons are located all over your body; from your head to your toes. Many times people over work the muscles in their body and as a result may cause certain tendons to become sore. For instance, acute pain in the shoulder can happen after extensive exercising or repeating the same movement over and over. There are some Tendonitis Exercises that may help prevent injury to your tendons.

Essentially, if you suddenly begin feeling acute pain and tenderness in the vicinity of a joint, and your usual movements become restricted, especially those associated with your neck, shoulder, elbow, and knees, then you may be suffering from one or other form of tendonitis. Bear in mind however that even though these areas tend to be the most susceptible, tendonitis can affect many other areas of your body. Furthermore, even if you do regular tendonitis exercises before you begin playing sport, your tendons can get injured injured.

There are twenty-four area's on a person's body that have tendons, and each one can be prone to tendonitis. One of the area's that can be affected is the rotator cuff, located in the shoulder. The humerus top refers to the bone that composes the upper part of the arms. It acts as a stabilizer and allows a person to make a complete circular motion with their arms. A good Tendonitis Exercise for the arms and shoulder is done while standing up straight and both arms are at your side. Begin the exercise by slowly raising your right arm as high as you can, or at least until it reaches a 45 degree angle, still keeping your arm straight, then lower your arm the same way. You should continue with the same arm until it gets tired, and then do the same with your left arm, while your right arm is resting. You can do this exercise as long as you want, but 10 minutes should be sufficient. After the exercises are finished, put ice on your shoulders for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Because tennis players tend to be extremely vulnerable to tendonitis in the elbow, the condition has in fact become commonly known as tennis elbow. However, one should not be misled by the name, in that it is not only tennis players who are susceptible to the condition. In fact it can strike a number of people involved in various sports and/or occupations such as carpentry for example. Also, even though it's commonly known as tennis elbow, the resultant pain usually tends to spread down the arm and into the wrists and fingers. While an elbow brace can offer a certain amount of relief, it is none the less advisable that you should make a point of doing tendonitis exercises if you suspect you have this condition. Over and above the lifting exercises mentioned above, you should also consider doing a few strengthening exercises, bearing in mind that if you do, you should always make sure that your palms are facing to you when you lift any weight.

Tennis Elbow can be treated at home however, if the pain has not improved after two or three weeks you should consult a physician; however, having an ex-ray will more than likely turn out to be normal, even if the injury is very severe. If you are treating the injury at home, do not try the Tendonitis Exercises until you feel that you are comfortable about doing them. If you try too soon it may cause further inflammation and stiffness.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Tendon Strain: It Can Affect Anyone

By Tom Nicholson

It is said that the most common injury caused by a tendon strain happens through misuse. More often than not, the injury is caused by some kind of sports injury. For instance, basketball players often suffer an injury to the Achilles tendon, which connects the anklebone to the muscles found in the calf muscle.

When such an injury takes place, usually rest of the body part is indicated, as is putting ice on it. The part is then often wrapped which offers some pain relief as well as preventing swelling. Finally, the injured part is elevated above the heart, if possible, as that too prevents swelling and minimizes the pain.

If you are not careful, overstretching the tendon with repetitive action, while putting excessive on the area can cause damage to the tendons and cause pain and swelling. For instance, a weightlifter may cause his or her injuries by neglecting the warning signs of pain, since the body sends painful warning when it is overworked and stressed and in need of rest and recuperation time. You can condition the body for tendon strain beforehand by doing stretching and strengthening exercises as do professional dancers.

Tendon strain or injury is easy to diagnose while looking at the loss of motion as well as pain someone may feel. However, further testing may be required by the use of such tests as an ultrasound, MRI and even x-rays. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are generally prescribed for the condition.

Through care is vital after healing from surgery, therefore your surgeon may recommend the use of daily stretching and strengthening exercises. Exercising in warm water may help to prevent re-injuring the area. Visiting a physical therapist to learn the proper exercise techniques is ideal. However, therapy may include more that exercises, depending on the cause of the injury. Stretching, running and gait re-education as well as soft tissue massages and ultrasound therapy may be recommendable. Different types of splints may be useful as are, numbing medication or cortisone injections.

Physical therapy may comprise of strengthening exercises, ultrasound therapy, soft-tissue massage/mobilization, and stretching and also gait or running re-education. If the tendon strain was done to the Achilles tendon, the surgeon or doctor treating the patient may order appropriate shoes that properly fit your personal foot type. Also, the appropriate shoes may have to actually fit the particular activity. For example, running shoes are different from those used to play basketball. Having the appropriate shoe will prevent recurrence of the condition sometimes. Tendon strain accounts for as high as 50% of sports injuries, thus it may be very important to prevent them from happening.

Golfers elbow or tennis elbow is two common examples of such sports injuries that occur while misusing the sporting equipment. Regardless of the cause of tendon strain for sporting accident, the treatments are the same.

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Hemorrhoid Relief Today - Quick Results, Natural Home Remedy

By Tammie F. Lucero

I want to warn you about something that will distress 42% of the adult population at some time of their lives. It's termed hemorrhoids and it's essentially any form of vein inflammation close to the anal regions. If this happens, it is very important to get proper hemorrhoid relief. Hurting from Hemorrhoids? Holistic Hemorrhoid Relief, proven and painless. Hemorrhoids patients tested and recommended this Hemorrhoids remedy as it really worked for them. A 100% holistic Hemorrhoids medicine that works, no risk and money back guarantee.

Blood on toilet paper? Itching in your anal area? Pain during constipation? Any of these are possible symptoms that you are going to need hemorrhoid relief, and it's no laughing matter. While common, they will be annoying and embarrassing.

In the more dangerous phases, they can fall out as a swelling outside your anus. Therefore,, what are the most common mistakes that people make, and then they contribute to get this common problem? If you found hemorrhoid relief already, avoiding the following 3 mistakes will start relieving the condition bit by bit.

Having too much unnatural food. This can be a huge problem for some people. Nonetheless, it is well known that processed foods create harder stool and disorders in gastric digestion. This causes constipation and all other conditions, that will lead to hemorrhoids. The key here, especially when you are hurting and deciding to heal hemorrhoids, is to decrease your intake of unnatural sugars.

Sedentary modus vivendi. A lot of prolonged sitting can make extra pressure on the rectum area and this invokes the ideal condition for a hemorrhoids to fall out if combined with a strong force such as constipation or pregnancy. The answer is to make sure you do not sit for over 1 hour at a time, and do not forget to do exercises that help healthy blood flow.

Eating of processed creams and medication. This causes the same possible condition as unnatural nutrients. Many of the fiber supplements include processed and artificial ingredients that can create side-effects elsewhere, and in conclusion, they aren't attacking the origin of the problem here, and not providing fast hemorrhoid relief. Another downside of these remedies which do not benefit is that they take away person's time and the hemorrhoids can get even worse over time if the root problem is not treated.

So you are going to avoid these three mistakes, and you won't be worsening your hemorrhoids. It is really important to comprehend these in our modern lifestyle of inactive business office work and unnatural, convenient diets.

Yet, not all hope is lost. I do have one hemorrhoid relief answer that has surprised me pleasantly. I'd like to review a completely risk-free, natural cure that works within a 3 days. It is already been proven by hundreds, if not 1000s of success stories in the alternative way of alternative medicine. The system contains element resources, graphs, audio instructions and essentially anything you want to heal your hemorrhoids once and for all. I actually Phrase Variations it and just check the testimonials from users who have cured even severe hemorrhoids for good.

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Anxiety Attack Prevention While Flying - Conquering Your Attack in a Plane

By Garyl Hany

It is understandable that your body feels threatened if it is at thousand feet high. At that point, the plane might have an engine failure and you might have an anxiety attack and no one can possibly help you. The hospital is too far down. Apparently, you can prevent this by taking the long road. However, if you are in a hurry, you might have to force yourself and fly.

To stop anxiety attack, medication might sound interesting but it is not as effective as you might think. If you are tempted to take any medication, always remember that the problem and solution are both inside your brain. You just have to understand and trust your body.

Since the cause of your phobia usually comes from inside your brain, you can trick your brain such that it will function normally during a traumatic experience. Phobia has to be address so that anxiety attack is prevented. This preventive measure is very effective. The bottom line is to stop your brain from feeling threatened if there is no real fear.

The first thing you might need to do is to get hypnosis therapy. It is recommended that you seek someone that has a lot of experience in this field. Hypnosis may help you realize that your life is not threatened while in the air if there is no real fear. Once the fear is addressed, your stress level will dramatically reduce. This hinders the anxiety from accumulating and causing panic attack.

For more security, you might want to bring a friend or a family with you. A close friend can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attack. During the flight, your friend will be a great distraction. You two can talk about happy moments and experiences you'd shared so that your brain is tricked that everything is fine.

But, if you can't bring along someone with you, do some deep breathing and relaxation. This is a great way to bring enough oxygen to your brain so that it can function normally. If possible, sleep on your journey. You are also encouraged not to take in alcohol or smoke prior to your journey. They can interrupt the circulation of the oxygen and blood in your body and thus increase your stress level. As an alternative, drink a lot of water, eat enough healthy food and chew gum.

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Self Cure for Panic Attacks - Is It Possible?

By Garyl Hany

Panic attack is a serious condition even though it does not cause physical harm. Usually, panic attack only gives psychological effects, which are very alarming. This condition has the ability to strike anyone at random places and time. It is a scary experience and it hits like a burning flame. If you experience panic attack, you will think that everything is so surreal.

During that short period of panic attack, the sufferer will experience the feeling of dying, suffocation, and heart attack. In this point, that person will think that he is already going nuts. In the end, he will end up constantly fearing having another panic attack again.

Panic attacks occur only for a short period of time. However, panic attacks should still be treated like serious complications. To treat panic attack properly, it should not be ignored. If not, your lifestyle and habit will soon be hindered. Once panic attacks start to strike repeatedly, you are already advised to seek medical help from a mental professional. Consultation is essential because panic attacks are usually associated with panic disorder and depression.

The good news is panic attacks can be treatment at home. However, the symptoms of panic attacks are often similar to symptoms of serious illnesses such as heart attack and asthma. Hence, everyone should be careful not to mistake panic attack from serious illnesses.

In case that the person has no serious illnesses, panic attacks can be stop with few simple techniques. These techniques are only applicable if the symptoms are from panic attacks. The first step is relaxation. In this step, you are required to remove all the tension in your muscles if possible.

Next, reassure yourself that you are okay and you can do this. You can also distract yourself so that the fear inside you won't accumulate. While reassuring yourself, do deep breathing and gently release your breath through your mouth. If you can't do it, think that you are blowing a candle light. To feel your breathing, place a hand on your stomach.

Finally, remind yourself that breathing is easy. If you can still talk, then this implies that you are still breathing naturally. Bear in mind that panic attack is a psychological effect and you can conquer it. And remember that you need medical help for serious illnesses.

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How to Hide Your Man Boobs Easily and Cheaply

By Jeremi Hani

Passing by a man with pronounced boobs may make you take a second look or turn your head. Why? Simply because this is atypical for a man to have such feature. Others often have mistaken man with boobs for women with short hair. This is such a disgusting remark you can receive if you are a man. All because you have big boobs which is really unfair.

In the course of the existence of humans, men are associated with a more muscular and flat chest area whereas women are being looked up as a figure with elevated breast. Unfortunately there are individuals who are not women who seem to carry elevated breasts. The condition could have arisen from either gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia.

When estrogen levels in the body increases dramatically, some cells are triggered and this give rise to some physical features. An example would be the rise of formerly flat breasts in girls who have not yet reached puberty. Upon reaching puberty, estrogen levels tend to rise up and thus certain physical changes happen including enlargement of the mammary tissues. This is typical for women but if this occurs among men then this condition is now referred to as gynecomastia.

When the breast enlarges due to increased deposits of fats in the chest area then the condition is now referred to as pseudogynecomastia. Increased tissue deposits may happen if one consumes increased servings of food and tend to become obese themselves. Formerly flat chested men then will tend to develop cleavage and have elevated chests.

Men with boobs usually suffer emotionally from this condition. People would often taunt guys who are into this situation because they feel that these are not typical things. The fear then of not being accepted especially by the opposite sex completes the whole scenario of shame and disgust.

There are a number of ways to hide ones manly boobs. But if you are little tight on your budget, you need not look further but simply rummage through your closet and find those clothes which will help you conceal your boobs. You can either use constrictors inside your usual shirt or use a more lose tee. In the first option you will have to feel pressure inside your shirt since the constrictor acts like a girdle while on the second option, you will feel no pressure but you will have to have quite a number of lose shirts to be successful on this means.

In hiding men's boobs, you simply have to have the will as well as the patience to be paired with determination to do this. No need to invest on expensive surgeries or treatments. By just garbing yourself with the right attire and a little projection then you will look as more masculine as others are.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Acne Free in Three Days

By Ronald Smithson

Acne is one of the worst problems that a person, especially a teen, has to go through. It won't be able to kill you, that's for sure, but it would effectively kill your social life if it gets out of hand. Indeed, acne can have your self confidence dwindling in a fortnight. For some people, one annoying zit can keep them from going to a party, especially if it's located in an inconvenient place. Some people, however, are not quite as lucky. They have to deal with acne 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - sometimes well into their 30's. It causes them to lose self esteem, greatly affecting their lives and the way they perceive themselves. And the most horrible thing about it is that people with acne, especially severe acne, have usually tried all the acne products in the net without getting any great results.

So, if you're one of those who suffe from mild to severe acne, why don't you try something different? Why don't you use "Acne Free in Three Days"?

Acne Free in Three Days is a book that teaches people about a method which helps them get rid of acne in only three days time. It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is. That said, let's begin with the cons and end with the pros.

The Cons

What's annoying about this book is that it claims that you will be able to say goodbye to your acne in just three days. That's practically a set up for disappointment. But then, anyone could probably guess outright that the whole "3 days" clause is just there for show. Another thing that's annoying about this e-book is that it causes potential customers to believe that Chris Gibson, the book's author, has discovered a revolutionary miracle cure. Once you start turning the pages, you'll realize that he doesn't really have anything new. The cure is only a three-day apple fast. And, really, the results are hardly great. Also, if you continue eating just apples for more than three days, you'll be buying yourself a ticket to malnutrition.

The Pros

One thing that's nice about this book, however, is that it does have good advice. Apples really do contain antioxidants that can get rid of acne. Its cleansing properties will really help clear your skin. Perhaps, the best you can do is use this e-book as a reference and integrate the healthy habits discussed in it into your life. If you do so, you'll certainly see an improvement.

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How Mesothelioma Compensation Can Help Patients In The Short Term

By Heidi Wingrain

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is nearly always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malevolent cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura ( outer liner of the lungs and internal chest wall ), but it may also occur in the peritoneum ( the lining of the intestinal cavity ), the heart, the pericardium ( a sac that surrounds the heart ) or tunica vaginalis.

The most essential factor for leading a happy life is health. In the absence of health one cannot enjoy any other form of joy. Everything becomes waste without proper health to enjoy them. There are no complete cures for mesothelioma cancer and those who are diagnosed with the disease only live up to two years after diagnosis. That also happens with the support of medicines and other means. Though life is prolonged for a short duration of time, the patients have to pass their time in fear, insecurity and misery. Here comes the role of mesothelioma compensation.

Exposure to asbestos, which is the cause of mesothelioma, mainly occurs at workplaces. Asbestos, being a product with wide and varied uses, was put to use extensively for the last few centuries. But the danger behind the use of asbestos was made public only a few decades ago. Once it became known that asbestos is the reason for the increase in the number of mesothelioma patients, the government started bringing out certain precautionary measures during the manufacture and application of asbestos. Also legal rights were given to those people afflicted by the cancer to claim compensation from the employers responsible for their miserable plight.

With the assistance of the law, many patients have brought the errant employers under the law. With mesothelioma compensation awareness increasing, there has been a steady rise in the number of such cases also. Mesothelioma compensation tries to address two difficult situations of the victim - managing the household expenditure and the expensive treatment. Apart from this, punitive fines would be extracted from companies if the court finds that they have put the health of the workers in peril without taking precautionary measures.

Even though mesothelioma compensation cannot compensate for the loss of health and the following death, it brings some sort of relief and satisfaction to the victims. Through the amount they can make sure that the medical expenses are met, the household expenditures are met and an investment is made for the dependants to start their own life. Among this the most important part is the paying of the medical bills, because if it stops the treatment will also come to a halt. However, the case has to be filed within the time frame according to the rule of the state, with the help of a professional mesothelioma attorney to bring the case to a logical conclusion.

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Getting Alcohol Detox From Home

By Mark Jones

People decide to get off of alcohol when it becomes a problem for them, just as people with high blood pressure have to leave salt after they are diagnosed with a hypertension, or people leave sugar after they develop diabetes. It is really in your best interest to give it up and get away from the grab that alcohol has on your body.

Detox is all about getting away from your alcohol habit. Basically you are purging the addiction to the chemical. In the process, you can choose to be admitted to a treatment center for the process or do it at home. However, the first step is always to consult a medical specialist.

Detoxing from alcohol is more than a easy decision to quit and get away from alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease and it needs to be handled with just like it is a disease. But as you cannot prescribe medications for yourself, you cannot decide to undergo alcohol detox all on yourself. It can be done in your house, but you stil require the help from a qualified professional.

The expert will be your doctor or the team at addiction rehab centre. Often, medication will be used to help you with your withdrawl. The success of your treatment would count on how rigorously you stick to the regimen set by the experts. If you think you may fall off the wagon or don't have will power, then inpatient service is recommended.

In addition, it depends on the harshness of the problem. If you are much worse of with your condition, there may be little that can help you get what you require. Sometimes it makes more sense to get help from a center, and sometimes you can get a good amount of help by doing it at home.

If, however, you do select to undergo treatment at home, you should join a support group and counseling to help you through. It is a difficult path and you need all the encouragement and support you can get. Do not go into it alone. Getting with a support group can make a huge difference in your success.

You will require the help of others. Even if you are successful at abstinence and control your withdrawal symptoms with drugs, there is a strong chance of relapse if you do not undergo counselling or have a support group. Therefore, we can say that while detoxification can be done at home, it is not complete without the aid of a medical expert.

You require support from other people and counselors. You also need a physician to prescribe medicines for yourself and monitor the state of your health through the detoxification process. Having a good support system, inner strength will make you more successful doing alcohol detox at home. However, for compromised health or poor resolution, residential treatment is never a better option.

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Available Tinnitus Treatments

By Connor Terry

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a ringing or air rushing in your ear with no external source and there are a number of treatments available to stop your ears from ringing. The treatments range from taking antibiotics to maskers and to what is known as Tinnitus retraining therapy. Throughout this article I will go through the most common treatments for Tinnitus.

1. Antibiotics - A simple ear infection can lead to signs of Tinnitus so it is important to head to the doctor once the ringing begins. If your doctor does find an infection present he or she can prescribe an antibiotic that should clear up the infection and stop the ringing in your ears. It is important that the infection is diagnosed early or it can lead to permanent hearing loss. As with all prescription medication there are side effects that may come up while taking the antibiotic. A gentle reminder to take the antibiotic for its entire course to make sure that the infection has been beaten and does not come fighting back.

2. Maskers - A masker device is used for the treatment of Tinnitus by providing another noise that will hopefully drown out the unpleasant ringing in your ears. The masker is worn like a hearing aid and can be a number of different sounds such as inside the cockpit of a 747. Depending on the severity of the Tinnitus that the person is suffering from will determine how successful a masker will work. The normal home test to see if a masker would work in your situation is to stand by a sink with the faucet turned on all the way and if you hear just the water running than a masker will more than likely work for you.

3. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a new age approach where the hearing disorder is hit from both a cognitive side and the usage of technology advances such as maskers. Through counseling sessions with a Tinnitus expert the client will learn how to refocus their brain on a different noise which is hopefully less disturbing. At the beginning of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy the use of maskers is commonly used and the hope is by the end of the therapy sessions the client will no longer need this device. The success of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy seems to vary from person to person and expert to expert.

Conventional treatments for Tinnitus have shown a degree of success when it comes to making your ears stop ringing but with all of their positives they come with a number of negatives. During the last few years great strides have been made in different methods to treat Tinnitus that are showing very promising numbers. To view some of the newer products check out the links below.

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End Your Soda Habit With These Healthy Drinks

By Chris Mariosa

I love the carbonation that a soda gives me. It feels crisp and refreshing going down my throat, and it quenches my thirst more effectively than anything else it seems.

I also really enjoy the fact that soda is sweet. It gives me my sugar fix for the day, and I look forward to drinking them. Unfortunately, I've come to accept the fact that it's something I should cut down on.

Drinking soda is bad for your teeth, negatively impacts your energy levels, and even leads to weight gain. As a result, I've decided to replace my sodas with one of a few other drinks.

If you're at a loss for what to drink in its place and can't come to terms with the idea of drinking water all day, any one of these drinks might do the job for you.

Go for a seltzer if you still need some bubbles in your life. Sure, it won't be as sweet as soda, but they make flavored versions that you might enjoy some more. The best thing about seltzer is that it has no calories.

Some people simply need a little more flavor in a drink. If that's the case, try out any of the carbonated juices offered by Izze or Fizzy Lizzy. These are both great treats that have become wildly popular during the last few years.

If neither of these drinks sounds appealing to you, why not opt for something more serene, like a green tea? This will give you a small amount of caffeine that others won't, and the herbal qualities of the drink make many feel calm and relaxed. There are plenty of document health benefits to green tea, including the antioxidants you'll find in the drink.

All it takes is one substitute, and you'll be well on your way. Try out each of these in the hopes that you enjoy one of them as much as I do.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Allergy Relief Air Purifier And How It Serves You

By Bill Duncan

Allergies are a distressing condition and there are plenty of people who suffer from them. These may cause some symptoms to arise such as breathing intricacy caused by running nose, fits of sneezing and watery swollen eyes.While this can appear any time of the year, its favorite time of arrival is during spring when the flowers start to bloom throwing up lots of pollen in the air.Of course another aspect is your physical location - some areas are more polluted than others. This article would focus on allergy relief electronic air cleaner and what value they can add to the overall situation.

Allergies can not only be taken outside and more often than not, your home is much more prone to contaminants than anywhere else therefore using an allergy relief air purifier at home can really be of use. Our homes are like self contained spaces in which we continue to breathe the same air over and over. Dust and dust mites are common phenomena in every home which can trigger an attack nearly instantly. Things like dust and dust mites are commonly found in the home and they can set off an attack very quickly.The function of the allergy relief electronic air cleaner or air purifier is to purify the circulating air which you are breathing and eradicate all the floating particles which are behind the attacks.

Allergy relief air purifiers can be conveniently used in any room and because most of them are portable, it can be lugged around any where in the house to put it on, simply plug it in. One of these units can not only remove dust and dust mites, but it can eliminate odors that can set off an attack like perfume or air fresheners. They can also trap smoke or smoke smells that can also trigger an attack and you don't have to be a smoker to be exposed to smoke smell.The smoke smell usually lingers on the hands, hair and clothes of a smoker so when an attack prone person stays close to a smoker, the attack is inevitable. What the electronic air cleaner does is to capture the smoke as well as the smoke odor and run it through its own filtering system after which it releases fresh and clean air for you to breathe in.

You can find allergy relief air purifier in most home improvement stores, variety stores that carry clothes, groceries and home improvement supplies. Though many of these units were produced to be used at homes exclusively, they still come in different types.They can be used in a room or throughout the house and there are even systems for your car or truck with units that you can wear around your neck like a necklace that will filter the air where ever you go.I never even thought that a built in allergy relief electronic air cleaner into your cat box can actually remove feline stink - not until I had one.

We are glad we can aide in your discovery of better health for you and your family.

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New Analysis Hypertension And Stress: The Effects On The Body

By Angela Richards

Higher stress level can lead to increased irregular heartbeat, shortage of breath and spikes of increased blood pressure even though stress is not directly linked to Hypertension.

Experiencing stress is normal; however, living in constant stress will eventually lead to developing a serious health condition such as cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, depression, diabetes and other illnesses. In this article we are going to review what stress means and will explain different ways to cope with stress.

What is Stress?

Following from General Adaptation Syndrome model, the person reacts to stress in three main divisions.

The fists stage is called an "alarm" response. At this stage the person encounters a stressful stimuli and adrenalin is released into the body to create "fight-or-flight" response.

The second phase is called "resistance" response. While at this stage, if the stressor is still present, the body will try its best to adjust to the stressful environment. This will lead to the slow depletion of resources.

The third phase is called "exhaustion" response. This is the most risky stage because at this point the body's defence system is exhausted and permanent illnesses can manifest.

Stress Symptoms

  • Physical - inability to relax, pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, aches, insomnia, tiredness, muscle tension, indigestion, sweaty palms, ringing in the ears,

  • Cognitive - Poor judgment, constant worry, difficulty making decisions, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, lack of creativity, loss of sense of humor

  • Emotional - a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, mood swings, irritability, anger, irritability, feeling lonely, depressed, feeling hopeless

  • Behavioral - eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, withdrawing from others, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax, and nervous habits (e.g. nail biting)

    Coping with Stress

    There are variety of ways to cope with stress.

    It has been clinically proven that exercising is an effective way to cope with as stress. In fact, it has been reported to be just as powerful as using medication.

    An alternative way to cut your stress is by using majority of relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, meditation, listening to calm music, or employ anything that makes you feel peaceful.

    If it is necessary, to assess the stressful situation one can imagine stepping out of this situation and viewing it from a bystander view. This allows viewing situation in from different angles without being angry or experiencing stress symptoms.

    Though it has not been scientifically reported that stress is directly related to high blood pressure some stress factors may contribute to this phenomena. For example, during stressful situation the person may not exercise, may gain weight from eating excessively or may start smoking and consuming too much alcohol. Also, if the person is under constant stress the immune system is tired and hormonal imbalance makes other organs work improperly.

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    What You Must Know About Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

    By Pat Garcia

    After having a relative diagnosed with prostate cancer, I began doing extensive research on alternative prostate cancer treatments. I initially researched prostate cancer only, then started researching all cancers. However, this article will focus on prostate cancer only. I watched in amazement as my relative healed himself of prostate cancer without surgery, drugs, radiation or chemotherapy.

    Knowledge is power, and I believe that arming yourself with knowledge is the key to healing any disease of the body. That being said, there are four things that you must know about this condition before deciding which treatment option you will take.

    Prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer. Because of this, there is no need to rush and have surgery soon after being diagnosed. If the cancer cells have not spead outside of the prostate gland yet, you still have time to seek an alternative cancer treatment that will kill these cancerous cells.

    Once a person starts to experience the symptoms of prostate cancer, it is very likely that the cancer cells have spread outside of the prostate. Removing the prostate at this stage should not be the main focus. This is beause cancer cells multiply faster in other areas of the body. A holistic approach to healing the body should be considered at this stage. With a holistic approach, you are healing the entire body, not just one specific area.

    Third, prostate surgery is a major surgery with pretty extreme side effects. Impotence is a major side effect of prostate cancer surgery. Research shows 60% of men who undergo this surgery have problems with impotence.

    Finally, in order for alternative prostate cancer treatment to be effective, you must change your diet. Meat and dairy products should be avoided. Natural foods, vitamins and minerals should be consumed regularly. Vitamin B17, raw foods, zinc, tomatoes, selenium and essaic should be consumed regularly.

    Alternative treatments for cancer do work. I watched a loved one cure himself of cancer in less than 6 months. There are also a host of testimonials online. If you use a holistic approach to healing, you will not only rid your body of cancer cells, but you will heal many other ailments as well.

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    An Investigation of the Science - Why Aromatherapy is Medicine

    By Nancy Bluestone

    They've Known It All Along

    Aromatherapy always conjured up for me simple ideas of nice smelling things to relax you. I truly had little interest in those racks of little bottles in the health food store. But some friends of mine encouraged me to have a look at the science as to essential oils being healing medicines. Never in all my schooling were the volatile components of plants mentioned, or if they were, it was cursory, within a look at plant physiology. Now I've been through a series of science-based aromatherapy books and research papers, and here's my discovery of aroma-medicine, something practitioners using aromatic oils have known all along.

    More than Just a Scent

    I have been using natural and alternative wellness treatments for my health for years, yet I had only associated aromatherapy with getting a massage or putting lavender on my pillow for a better night's sleep. Unbeknownst to me, aromatherapy has been used for centuries and currently used in medical facilities in France. Now, with a rising interest and even demand for alternative and complementary medicine (CAM), research is being conducted on the benefits of aromatherapy for infections, psyche, nerves, hormones and to some extent inflammation, allergies and metabolic conditions.

    Uses of Aromatherapy

    Contrary to my own vague association, aromatherapy is more than smelling certain scents. Jane Buckle, RN, Ph.D. concludes that there are four main types of aromatherapy: clinical, stress management, beauty therapy and environmental fragrancing. I think many of us have an association of aromatherapy when it comes to beauty therapy and good smelling fragrances from the aroma of essential oils, yet the clinical and stress management aspects of aromatherapy have been hidden from view.

    Still, to wrap my science-slanted mind around what truly is aromatherapy, I needed to get more of a workable definition. The gist of the meaning of aromatherapy is that it is therapeutic uses of essential oils of aromatic plants. These oils, usually extracted from plants using water or steam distillation, are mainly used in diffusers as well as topically. Once the aromatic essential oils are extracted, the oils are quite volatile. When the oils are exposed to air, they change from a potent liquid into an aromatic vapor within seconds.

    In his book Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil, Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., explains that the main chemical component of essential oils are terpenes and it higher homologues as well as phenylpropane derivatives. Yet it must be pointed out that the synergy of each oil has it own unique qualities as well as specific chemical components.

    Nature's Own Synergies

    Each of us is aware of the far reaching affects of the high-tech civilization that we live. Yet, one that is often overlooked or forgotten is the loss of nature - both in our surrounding environment and in personal knowledge. In this modern age, it seems that humans have separated mind from body and body from soul. If we were to look at the essence of what aromatherapy is, it is simply nature in a bottle.

    Probing into my biology textbook, I read about plant defenses in a whole new light. Plants produce chemical compounds, mostly terpenoid compounds, in order to defend themselves against predators such as insects and animal herbivores as well as against fungai and other microbes. These terpenoid compounds also are used in plant to plant competition, where established plants inhibit germination of other plants. And of course plants use scent in attracting beneficial insect and bat pollinators. (4) (5) Thus, it is evident that the role of essential oils is vital to the continual establishment and growth of plants.

    Lessons from Animals

    I wonder in my own mind why the usage and medicinal properties of plants is so unfamiliar in our culture. I have known for years that horses select various plants to facilitate detoxing of metabolic toxic buildup, as well as for antiviral and anti-parasitic properties. I remember in college learning about Chimpanzees eating certain plants to cleanse their accumulation of internal parasites.

    And, I know from my graduate work in entomology that insects have fairly well developed chemoreception and some are attracted to plants by their scents. It tugs at my reasoning why plants and their essential oils are not more widely used in everyday life, but as I have pointed out above that is now changing. In part two of this paper, I will dive into the physiological aspects of how aromatherapy is absorbed into the human body and the current research on clinical and stress management uses.

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    How a Change in Diet Can Result in Acid Reflux Help

    By Bob Cox

    Over the course of the last few years the medical term Acid Reflux help has caught the attention of many people. As they have learned more about it, they have paid greater attention to protect their body from getting this condition. Here are a few things about the condition and what you can do to ward it off.

    Acid Reflux is a bad case of heart burn in simple terms. The acid coming from the food you eat travels through a tube positioned in your body connecting the throat and the stomach. When the tube weakens, it can't handle the acid. Certain things you eat can cause the tube to lose its strength. When the acid cannot get to the stomach or comes back up, it goes to the esophagus.

    This is what causes the heartburn you experience. This happens to be one of the beginning stages of acid reflux. It is not uncommon to have heartburn on occasion. It is important that you take notice of the frequency of the heartburn. If it occurs two to three times per week on a regular basis, you will need to take steps to reduce your acid intake or strengthen your tube.

    Many people address their heartburn with over the counter medications that have been scientifically tested and proven to ease the condition. There are a variety of things you can proactively do on your own to control the symptoms of acid reflux that you are experiencing.

    A step to take is to understand how acid reflux harms your body, learn what you can do to protect your body and understanding how you can reduce acid intake is the best medicine you can use to control this condition.

    Believe it or not if you control the foods that you eat frequently with a high amount of fat and acids will help you avoid acid reflux. Known foods with a higher level of acid are alcohol drinks, caffeinated soft drink, coffee, spiced foods, onion, pepper, citrusy fruits and sauces made of tomato are major contributors. It has been proven that drinking water after meals and throughout the day will diminish levels of acid in your body.

    Reducing the amount of acid eaten at one time also helps. This can be done be eating lighter and smaller meals though the day. Don't go to sleep directly after eating. Consult with your doctor who can diagnose the condition and provide other means of successful treatment to protect you.

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