Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - What You Ought To Identify Concerning Peritoneal Mesothelioma

By Shan Durai

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a kind of mesothelioma that affects the peritonium area of the body. The membrane that lines the obdominal area is named the peritonium. It is an uncommon type of mesothelioma as only 30% of all instances are peritoneal mesothelioma. It is thought that patients suffering from this variety of mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos at a few point in the past..

The length of exposure necessary required for peritoneal mesothelioma to develop is unknown. Symptoms of this cancer mostly deal with the abdominal area such as lumps, swelling and pain. Almost all patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma will lose their lives to it in the end.

There is no cure with the only options available pointing to increasing life expectancy and improving the quality of the patients life. The way asbestos affects the peritonium is how the cells of the membrane react to the fibers themselves. A thickening of the peritoneal membrane is the common reaction to these fibers.

Fluids start to build up in the abdominal area. Treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma includes removal of the fluid in the abdomen, Cytoreductive surgery which is an effort at removing as much visible tumors as possible. Aggressive radiation and chemotherapy usually follow after such procedures.

The radiation and chemotherapy is utilized to swiftly kill the dividing cells. Every so often, these chemicals are used directly on the affected peritonium. The survival rate statistics of mesothelioma are not encouraging, they vary from as little as 4 months to as long as decades in rare cases, but by and large, the survival period is from 12 to 18 months. The lifespan very much relies on the sort of treatment undergone, the success of the treatment and the stage at which the cancer was caught. That said, it's not possible to predict how any one patient will do.

Unfortunately, the cast majority of cases see the patients too far ahead in the spread of mesothelioma for surgery or chemotherapy to have an affect. At that point, treatment is undergone with two things in mind, alleviation of pain and extending the patients lifespan.

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Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid - How To Cure It In Forty Eight Hours

By Irvin Ewing

Piles are a unpleasant condition that has effects on millions worldwide since the dawning of man. Yet even today in today's world, with our miracles of medicine, countless people still suffer this excruciating affliction. A fast search on the internet will exhibit lots of piles handcrafted remedies and other treatment for piles yet the general public fail to get a permanent piles cure.

What's most imperative first is to grasp if what you have is really hemorrhoids or some other health condition before making a call on the course of action to take.

The term hemorrhoid ( also called hemroids or piles ) appertains to a condition where the colonic veins have distended, essentially due to excessive strain and pressure. This could cause the tissue surrounding the vein to enlarge and protrude, hanging like a sac.

Hemorrhoids can exist internally ( internal piles ) where the tissue hangs from the inner walls of the records hole and in more remarkable cases even protrude out of the anus ( a condition known as prolapsed hemorrhoids ), or outwardly ( external hemorrhoids ) around the anus opening itself.

The main indication of internal piles is bleeding. This occurs due to the passing of hard stool that scrapes against the swollen tissue making it rupture. Most of the either see prospects of blood on their stool or on the tissue paper that they use to wipe themselves.

The bulge on the inner annal walls also causes folks to feel the necessity to pass motion even if there isn't any real need to. This uncomfortable feeling becomes worse as the tissue swells even larger.

External piles have an inclination to be more agonizing than internal piles especially as it is more certain to get irritated and scraped against round underclothes and due to scratching and mishandling. as the internal piles grow bigger, the agony can get highly excruciating particularly when passing motion and when contracting the anal muscles.

It is not important to have a surgical procedure done as treatment for hemorrhoids. Regularly all that should be done is correct home care and good hemorrhoids home-made treatments. A good topical treatment such the Venapro Haemorrhoid Solution helps speed up the healing and supply and provides you instant relief. Hemorrhoids isn't potentially fatal and you should only consider surgery if you have attempted all other non-surgical options.

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Alcohol Treatment Center: Three Things You Should Know

By Justin Lieberman

Do you have a loved one that is an alcoholic? If so, you need to read this article. You have probably already tried to get your loved one to seek alcohol addiction treatment.....and you have failed. That is not surprising because it often takes an arrest for DWI or some violent crime for an alcoholic to agree to seek treatment.

But, if you can get him into treatment, he can get the alcohol out. Then he can get good food into his body and counseling into his mind. It really does not matter how he gets there, does it? After all, the right drug treatment center will take the responsibility off of you and put it on him....and that is where it belongs.

You often have to force an alcoholic to get treatment. In fact, it takes some sort of criminal arrest or other trouble in order to get an alcoholic to seek help. Whether it be an arrest for DUI, domestic violence or job loss, the alcoholic will only seek treatment when he has run out of options.

Regardless of how your loved one gets to this point, you need to make sure that he seeks treatment from an alcohol treatment facility that will offer a full range of services including detox, individual and group counseling as well as an effective aftercare and integration program.

Alcohol treatment facilities offer a standard thirty day alcohol rehab program. However, additional treatment can be arranged if needed. The first seven days are devoted to purging the alcohol from the patient's system (called "detox").

Afterward, the patient is fed a healthy diet and taught proper nutrition and undergoes an intensive regimen of individual and group therapy. At the end of the thirty day time period, the patient is evaluated to determine if he can begin reintegration or needs additional inpatient treatment.

Reintegration is the process whereby the recovering alcoholic is returned to society and is the most important part of the recovery process. This is also the time that the alcoholic is most likely to relapse. Most alcohol treatment centers continue with outpatient counseling and assist the patient in finding a support group.

The combination of therapy and accountability creates a two pronged approach to assist the alcoholic in maintaining sobriety.

Understand how an alcohol treatment center works now? Good. Then you will put to rest these notions that you can somehow heal your loved one's alcohol addiction without professional help. Look, if you do not get him help, he is going to hurt someone.

Get him into treatment so that he can get the alcohol out of his system and good food and nutrition in. Get him the intensive inpatient mental health services that he needs to maintain sobriety both in, and out of, the alcohol treatment center. Don't wait until your family member breaks a law of kills someone. The time is now to call an alcohol treatment center to find out more about how to get your loved one the treatment he requires.

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Why Whole House Air Purifiers Should Be Your First Choice

By Fred Hamden

Many individuals are influenced by hypersensitivity which can be a very miserable experience for those who do suffer with them. This can display things such as breathing intricacy caused by running nose, fits of sneezing and watery swollen eyes.The probability that this will occur is at some point in any time of the year but the most chances can be during the season where the blooming of flowers start therefore the scattering of pollens come about. The presence of these contaminations may vary from one location to another so it still depends on the area where you reside. What will be discussed in this article are the allergy relief whole house air purifiers and the help that it can possibly offer in any type of situation or victim.

You don't have to be outside for allergies to hit you so an electronic air cleaner or air purifier can be of use in the home and it's a known fact that you will experience more contaminants in your home than anywhere else. It is from our homes that we breathe same type of air in a cycle as we are like inside self contained spaces. Things like dust and dust mites are commonly found in the home and they can set off an attack very quickly. Allergy relief electronic air cleaners clean the enclosed air which you are breathing in by removing all the air contaminants so that such attacks are prevented.

Allergy relief whole house air purifiers can be conveniently used in any room and because most of them are portable, it can be lugged around any where in the house to put it on, simply plug it in.Dust and dust mites are not the only pollutants that these units can eliminate as one of these units can actually expel odors from perfume or air fresheners that can possibly set off an attack.Since smoke or smoke smells can also trigger attacks, these units also see to it that they lock in those pollutants so that involuntary exposure to such smells can be avoided. The smoke smell usually lingers on the hands, hair and clothes of a smoker so when an attack prone person stays close to a smoker, the attack is inevitable. What the electronic air cleaner or air purifier does is to capture the smoke as well as the smoke odor and run it through its own filtering system after which it releases fresh and clean air for you to breathe in.

Air purifiers are easily and readily available in a range of outlets including home improvement stores or stores which stock clothes, groceries and home improvement goods.You can get plenty of varieties of such units where many are made exclusively for use at home. These units are specially created for room or home use, or even in your car or truck or even to be carried round your neck like a neckband so that you are assured of breathing fresh and unpolluted air round the clock.Have you ever seen an allergy relief electronic air cleaner inside a cat container to eradicate feline smell? Well, I have.

Thank you so much and have fun getting your better life.

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Why Travel For Your Mini Gastric Bypass?

By Justin Curruthers

People who are overweight or obese and have tried many different methods in order to lose weight often turn to gastric bypass surgery. A new adaption of this style of surgery has been perfected recently and is known as the mini gastric bypass. This surgery is fast and effective and also allows for quick recovery time requiring only an overnight hospital stay.

There are a few great things about having a mini gastric bypass done: one is that it is relatively painless and it can also be easily reversed. When you have had the operation done your hunger levels are reduced and the weight begins to drop off immediately. This procedure has been judged to be safe and one of the most effective treatments for people who are obese. It is a newer and less intensive form of the traditional gastric bypass and involves a much quicker recovery time too.

Most types of elective and cosmetic surgeries are not covered by your health insurance, which can make having the procedure quite expensive. In many cases people have to take out a bank loan or save up for the surgery.

In order to avoid astronomical surgery fees, many people are now opting to have their surgery done overseas. A very popular location for medical tourism, and in particular procedures such as the mini gastric bypass, is Cancun in Mexico. You can have highly trained and experienced surgeons do your surgery in other countries for a mere fraction of what you would pay in the United States without compromising the levels of health care that you receive.

In other countries you can find highly trained, qualified and experienced surgeons who will perform your surgery for a small percentage of what it would cost you to have it done in your own country. Many of these foreign surgeons are even members of the American Society for Plastic Surgeons and subscribe to extremely high medical standards of care.

There are several reasons that surgery costs less in these countries. Generally clinic fees and surgeons fees are much lower in these countries due to lower cost of living. These two fees are what makes up the lion's share of any cosmetic surgery's total cost. Also the amount of professional insurance that doctors and hospitals are charged tend to be much lower in other countries around the world.

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable for Americans thanks to medical tourism operations to other countries. There are several website based businesses that will organize everything for you from the doctor to the flights. This makes contemplating overseas surgery much more viable as they have contacts with the best doctors, clinics, nurses and other medical staff in these countries.

If you are dissatisfied with your weight and you have tried other weight loss methods that just haven't worked, then you should consider undergoing a mini gastric bypass. Following your procedure you will lose weight quickly and be able to enjoy a healthier and more active lifestyle than the one you currently have. Being overweight brings many associated health problems and risks, you will be doing yourself a grand favor if you undergo the procedure in order to lose weight and improve your overall health.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Review Of Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Corrector

By Melissa Wallander

The Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Corrector was created to aid your skin in achieving that younger, even toned look. It is used to help with conditions on your skin. Like for example age spots. Or dark areas on the skin. It can also help eliminate acne scars. It can also help skin damaged by the sunrays.

The Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Corrector product was created to be used with all skin types. It does not matter if your skin is oily or dry this product claims it can help. It can be utilized on dark or light skin; there are no ethnic specifications here.

This product is to be used twice daily. A good example of when to use it would be in the morning and the night. It can be applied to your face, hands or chest. You should start seeing some results of this product in a month to six weeks.

Some users have claimed satisfaction within a two- week period. There have been claims of smoother skin. Although they claim that the product did appear to lighten some of their skin problems they also added that the usage of Vitamin E would obtain the same results and is much more cost friendly.

So does this mean that this is a good product for you to use? Well, this may be one you have to try for yourself. Some people swear by it but there are others who say it did not help them at all. Except for the softening of the skin. So if you want to spend money just to have your skin soft then that is your choice.

As with any new product it is recommended that you consult your medical professional prior to usage. It is also important to do a little research on any product that you are considering using. The best way to prevent problems is to acquire vital information.

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Understanding Chemotherapy Medicines For Cancer - LR

By Lee Reid

Once a patient is diagnosed with cancer, it is required that the doctor recommend him/her the appropriate types and dosages of cancer chemotherapy drugs. Health care providers should not overlook the importance of treatment transparency and the necessity for good communication with the person under medication.

The doctor-patient relationship is almost as important nowadays as the suggested cancer chemotherapy is because offering a good treatment without carefully explaining the steps to follow and the potential side effects that may appear along the way may completely discourage the patient. The morale of the individual and the feeling that someone is closely advising and supervising him/her are very important in handling such a burden of an illness.

Cancer chemotherapy was first used in the 1940s when doctors prescribed mostly nitrogen mustards and folic acid as antagonist drugs. Since more and more patients turned up to suffer from the same condition, that is cancer, cancer chemotherapy has gradually turned into an industry registering huge success on the market through the wide variety of drugs that it produces. Even though progress has marked the seven decades since the pioneer cancer treatments, the basic principles that shaped cancer chemotherapy have remained the same.

On certain occasions cancer chemotherapy proves insufficient in the fight against the tumor growth. As a result, the combined chemotherapy regimen may not be sufficient and the doctor may recommend surgery. This procedure is not always one hundred percent certain in removing entirely the tumor and there are still chances that the cancerous cells may reoccur. So doctors and researchers have come up with an adjuvant cancer chemotherapy treatment that relies on drugs meant to prevent the recurrence of cancer and clear away any signs of cancer left after removing the tumor. This cancer chemotherapy adjuvant seems to have really lengthened the life of many patients suffering from colon cancer.

Chemotherapy means drugs that have various purposes and patients should learn what types of drugs they are using and what risks or side effects these drugs pose. The categories in which chemical drugs fall are pretty numerous but there are lots of sources to be consulted either under the form of books in libraries or text posted on Internet sites. Whichever the medium of information, keep in mind the fact that the benefits and the risks brought about by a certain medication have to be carefully investigated and analyzed in the context of a patient's medical history.

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How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Fast - Need Pile Relief?

By Royce Meyer

For the point of this article I am quickly going to go over some fast acting techniques to provide relief form hemorrhoids both now and in the future. The 1st fact is, hemorrhoids are essentially varicose veins, or put more simply, swollen veins.

Suffice is to point out, that if you are reading this article then you have one thing in mind and that's to obtain some relief. So the very first thing you must do is address the swelling. You can do this by sitting on some ice, yes you are going to freeze your buns

Next you can apply some apple cider or merely good old vinegar ; this will help with itching and burning. Along with this you can prepare a warm shallow bath to defrost those buns that you just froze.

Once done with that, start to drink water. In tangible fact try and drink a pitcher of water each and every hour. Next up you want to eat some fresh fruit. Fresh fruit can supply insoluble fiber which can help you go to the toilet more easily later.

You may also want to get your hands on one of those donut cushions so that you can take pressure off that delicate area. For dinner try and eat vegetables and grains. All the above once more adds up to more fiber. Meanwhile, ensure and avoid heavy lifting.

Later on you may need to add some fiber additions. In addition together with this you can begin adding natural herbal ingredients,eg, horse chestnut and butchers broom. You can get these ingredients in diet additions in particular for the handling of hemorrhoids. I did not remember to mention also, the old trusted Aloe Vera can be helpful vis external relief. If your hemorrhoids are bleeding, go see your Doctor. This way you ensure you have no other conditions.

To conclude, deal with the issue internally and externally and quickly for most satisfactory results. Get one solution for haemorrhoid misery, and another for colon health and soft, smooth stool movements.

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How to Detect Ovarian Cyst Symptoms~How to Discover Ovarian Cyst Symptoms~How to Detect the Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst~How to Discover the Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst~How to Detect Ovarian Cyst Symptoms and Diagnosis

By Lucas Mattioneli

The amount of woman being affected by cysts on ovaries has gone through the roof. With the current trend, it seems like any woman is not exempted to any type of ovarian cysts. Actually, millions of woman around the world have been affected by this reproductive disorder, and chances are you may also be affected. In order to get an urgent medical care, it is essential that you know the various ovarian cyst symptoms.

There are different symptoms of cyst on ovary depending on the type of ovarian cyst you have. A cyst on the ovaries could either be polycystic ovaries, dermoid cysts, functional cyst, endometrial cysts or cytadenomas. Each of these ovarian cyst types has different symptoms because their growth differs from one another.

The problem of having cysts on ovaries is that it is hard to discover its symptoms at the initial stage of the disease, just like functional cyst. Some woman may even get confused with the symptoms for discomforts related to their monthly period. So if the pain turns really bad, be sure to keep track of it because it is positively not just an normal menstrual cramp.

If you are suffering from recurring back aches, you most likely have cysts on ovaries. Having this condition is common but not normal. You might have a cyst on ovary if you have lower back pain that seems to never stop.

Another element of ovarian cyst symptoms is having sensitive breasts. If you see it very obviously, then it is already a warning indication. From time to time, when your monthly period doesn't come on time, then you might already have cyst on ovaries. Menstrual irregularities are a clear sign that you have the disease.

If you always feel like vomiting, then this could also be a sign. Some woman who are still able to reproduce may just believe that they are pregnant. However, if this symptom keep it up, you might already have ovarian cysts.

One of the types of ovarian cyst symptoms would be experiencing pain during sex. If this is your circumstances, then you shouldn't close your eyes to it especially if it has not happened before during your sexual relationships with your husband. The discomfort may have been caused by a growing cyst in your ovary.

Woman with ovarian cysts may also feel difficulty in bowel movement. You have to detect if you always feel it as constipation can also be one of the symptoms for ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cyst can also trigger abdominal discomfort, so be wary if you have been experiencing pain in this part of your body. It could be a sign of cyst on ovaries if the pain is accompanied by stress.

The symptoms cited above are also linked with other reproductive issues. It would be best if you visit your doctor at least once if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above.

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Methamphetamine Will Cause Bad Breath

By Raymond .N. Winsome

The newest drug in town, worst than or just as deadly as crack is methamphetamine. It is very habit-forming to both teens and adults. The most important impairment is to your teeth and will give gigantic bad breath. One of the most profound sign that somebody is using methamphetamine will be their breath, because it will be funky.

The reek will be a chemical smell that is quite gross. Forget about brushing or using dental floss to cause the bad breath caused by methamphetamine to go away. Prolong use renders your breath foul smelling for good. Methamphetamine users may also display the signs of drug abuse, by noting the pupils of their eyes are dilated. Some Other common sign, besides causing bad breath, is unexplained nose bleeds as well as the nose being dry.

Lips will become cracked and bleed as well. Users will exhibit other nasal or sinus symptoms as the drug is often snorted as well as smoked. Many other signs of your teen being engaged with the use of methamphetamines are a lack of appetite or terrible weight loss. Users sleep less, become vexed, nervous and unjustly aggressive.

Deficiency of proper thought pattern is also a popular trait. Most methamphetamine users will show signs of hyperactivity as well. Since using methamphetamines causes gigantic bad breath; utilizing mouthwashes, breath sprays, lozenges and other breath fresheners will plainly not eliminate the underlying cause of methamphetamine bad breath.

Other known effects of Methamphetamines is irreversible tooth decay. Familiar diseases that will be advanced, are high blood pressure, increased heart rate, damage to blood vessels, throat and mouth cancer. The withdrawal symptoms are just as bad. Users will experience insane symptoms for a long time after you have stopped using methamphetamines. This is a highly addictive drug and it stimulates enduring bad breath. Chronic bad breath is a sure sign that one might be using methamphetamines which is a deadly plaque.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Quickly And Naturally

By Elliott Mccarty

Though hemorrhoids in most cases aren't life threatening, it's still vital for one to lose hemorrhoids to alleviate the pain and misery it gives. Luckily , there are safe, straightforward natural treatments to get rid of them, and are available even in your kitchen!

One such cure is to use magician hazel. Chill it in the fridge and apply it on a cotton wool before dabbing on the hemorrhoid. It works well with external hemorrhoids, and apply it three times a day. Another methodology is to use ice packs to reduce swelling. Alternatively, apply aloe vera. Known for its medicinal properties, it can be applied directly onto the pile to relieve itching.

Make it a point to change your diet. Include masses of fruits and vegetables to increase fiber intake which can promote smoother bowel movements. A softer stool is lighter on the hemorrhoids when it is passing out. But avoid laxatives as the watery stools which come out might infect the haemorrhoid. Don't forget to drink lots of water as well to enhance the fiber intake. Citrus foods like oranges are especially high in bioflavonoid which can help build stronger blood vessels and this can prevent any more occurrences or even eliminate any present hemorrhoids. This is helpful, since hemorrhoids stem from distended blood vessels.

Try not to eat too much cheese as the lactic acid will get worse the condition. Other things to keep clear of would be alcohol and caffeine.

In addition to your diet, implement exercises into your schedule so that it can stop more hemorrhoids. However, exercises like weight lifting might strain the hemorrhoids due to over exertion and may cause bleeding. Cycling might also cause agony, especially if the seat paddle is ill fitting, so be careful when doing such exercises.

For external cures, you can get sitz bath and fill it with warm water to sooth the itch. Over the counter hemorrhoid creams are also good to alleviate swelling or to remove them completely. There also are special cushions to accommodate hemorrhoids and makes sitting more at ease.

Some surgeon might advocate surgical methods or injections to remove hemorrhoids, but they could be too dear and can carry certain risks . However , there are cases whereby it is inevitable for surgery, so do talk to your doctor about it before making a choice. If it's a minor condition, then the methods above are actually effective ways to reduce the swelling, as well as to shed them naturally.

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Home Remedies For Gout Is Way Better

By Bart Icles

Having gout problems can give you excruciating pain aligned with the illness that it is. As a gradually increasing number of people are being affected by this menace the same people are looking for ways to cure it or at least lessen the pain that it bestows upon all who have the gout problem. There have been home remedies for gout that has been proven to be effective, why not try them out instead of the predictable and, most of the time, ineffective way. Many people say that home remedies are effective compared to the conventional way.

Home remedies simply mean that we will use things that are readily available in our own homes. These things are those which were left ignored in the dark corners until one day some scientists discovered that they actually worked against this problem as old as time itself. On the other hand, popularity has been gained by the home remedies for gout problems.

Applying ice or cold packs for ten to fifteen minutes is one of the most popular home remedies against the gout problem. What this does is reduce the pain and inflammation. It usually is the first thing that you have to do whenever you have a gout attack. Also another thing for you to do is to exercise your joints once or twice a day. Getting to put your whole body to exercise is even more recommendable. Regular exercise nourishes your cartilage and helps your body to effectively dispose of any waste in the body.

Epsom salt is the thing for you if the pain is focused in your big toe. This is usually used as a laxative or bath soap. Epsom salt helps your body's blood circulation as well as lowering your blood pressure. Eating berries or nuts can also help you out greatly because these help in neutralizing your uric acid. If you can still manage it, increase your consumption of citrus fruits, leafy veggies, and green peppers because these are great sources of Vitamin c and bioflavonoids which help in reducing inflammation.

With all the different home remedies for gout pain available, why would you go for the usually and expensive conventional way when the unconventional and homey way works so well? The mentioned gout remedies are all safe and effective. The fruits and nuts remedy also is a great diet for you, so that in itself already has a double purpose.

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How to Discover the Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst

By Lucas Mattioneli

The number of woman being afflicted with cysts on ovaries has gone through the roof. With the current trend, it seems like any women is not off the hook to any type of cyst on ovary. In reality, a great number of woman around the globe have been affected by this reproductive disorder, and possibilities are you may also get one as well. In order to get an urgent medical care, it is very important that you know the various ovarian cyst symptoms.

Depending on the type of ovarian cyst you have; there are different symptoms of ovarian cyst. A cyst on the ovaries could either be polycystic ovaries, dermoid cysts, functional cyst, endometrial cysts or cytadenomas. Each of these types of ovarian cyst has different symptoms because their growth vary from one another.

The bad thing about having cyst is that it is hard to discover its symptoms at the initial stage of the disease, just like functional cyst. Some women may even mistake the symptoms for discomforts related to their monthly period. So if the pain increases, be sure to keep track of it because it is certainly not just an common menstrual cramp.

If you be afflicted from frequent back aches, you most likely have cysts on ovaries. Having this disease is common but not normal. You probably have a cyst on ovary if you have lower back pain that appear to never stop.

Another part of ovarian cyst symptoms is having sore breasts. If you see it very evidently, then it is already a caution sign. Occasionally, when your monthly period doesn't come on time, then you might already have cyst on ovaries. Menstrual abnormalities are a clear sign that you have the disease.

If you always feel like vomiting, then this could also be a sign. Some women who are still in their reproductive years may just imagine that they are pregnant. On the other hand, if this symptom persists, you might already have ovarian cysts.

One of the types of ovarian cyst symptoms would be experiencing pain during sex. If this is your circumstances, then you shouldn't ignore it mainly if it has not happened before during your sexual relationships with your partner. The discomfort may have been caused by a growing cyst in your ovary.

Woman with ovarian cysts may also experience difficulty in bowel movement. You have to find out if you always feel it as constipation may also be one of the symptoms for ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cyst can also trigger abdominal pain, so be wary if you have been encountering aches in this part of your body. It could be a sign of ovarian cyst if the pain is accompanied by stress.

The ovarian cyst symptoms mentioned above are also associated with other reproductive problems. It would be best if you consult your doctor at least once if you are experiencing any of the symptoms stated above.

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Pleural Mesothelioma - The Identification On Pleural Mesothelioma

By Shan Durai

Mesothelioma of the pleura mesothelium is what is known as pleural mesothelioma. The pleura is the membrane responsible for holding the walls of our chest and our lungs. Over 60 percent of all mesothelioma instances are pleural while the two other kind make up the remaining percentage.

It is the cancer of the lung lining. It is thought that asbestos exposure is the chief cause of all varieties of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is particularly prevalent among smokers who are exposed to asbestos. Lumps around the chest area as well as chest pains could be symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Breathing might be painful and even labored. It is tough to spot this cancer based on symptoms as these symptoms can be due to other illnesses as well. A full examination including CT scans and even a biopsy is required to confirm if the patient really does have pleural mesothelioma.

As usual, the earlier the mesothelioma is detected, the bigger the possibility any treatment will have its desired effect. Surgery to eliminate the tumors will likely be performed. Chemotherapy is commenced with its chief objective of shrinking all remaining tumors that were not removed. Radiation can also be used as a means of relieving the patient of the symptoms associated with pleural mesothelioma.

All three methods might be used if the patient is in good health and is of a younger age. Probability of the cancer coming back from remission is sadly, enormously high. There is no cure for pleural mesothelioma but with new techniques and ongoing research there have been a number of improvements with increasing the lifespan of patients.

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Chemotherapy Treatment And Hair Loss - LR

By Lee Reid

One of the most frequent side effect of cancer treatments is chemotherapy hair loss. Why does one lose hair during chemotherapy? Well, the drugs used in this type of cancer treatment are very strong, therefore very efficient in attacking the rapidly developing cancer cells. These medicines also attack other cells in the body that have a rapid growth; the cells in the digestive tract and the hair follicles are the main examples here.

The effects of chemotherapy on hair are not limited only to the scalp as the procedure affects the hair on the body, too. Thus, patients will experience the loss of eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic and armpit hair.

The variety of the drugs used in chemotherapy is incredibly high with hundreds of medicines available. Some of these will trigger chemotherapy hair loss more quickly than others, but some may not even cause such a side effect. The difference in chemotherapy drug doses is another aspect to consider when hair loss is under discussion, as hair loss ranges from thinning to complete baldness. Thus, make sure to discuss all such details with your doctor, in order to be prepared to cope with hair loss psychologically.

Hair usually starts falling out after 10-14 days from the beginning of the treatment. It may happen quite fast, gradually or in clumps. Chemotherapy hair loss remains a problem throughout the entire period of the treatment and a month afterwards. Half of the hair can fall out before this is noticed by people around. Fortunately, in the majority of cases, chemotherapy hair loss represents a temporary effect. Hair will probably grow back within six months to one year from the end of the procedure. Although the regrowth of the hair occurs in most of the cases, the new hair could be of a different texture and shade temporarily.

It usually takes about four to six weeks for the hair to recover from chemotherapy, and the growth rate will be somewhere around a quarter inch per month. When the hair starts growing back again, it might be a little different from the hair that was lost because of therapy. The changes will be a first recovery sign and the hair will recover the look previous to the treatment the moment cellular pigmentation is functioning normally all over again. Unfortunately, one cannot prevent chemotherapy hair loss as there is no treatment which will guarantee that the hair will not fall out.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids

By Nolan Stokes

So you are one of those less fortunate individuals who suffers from hemorrhoids. As a effect you are seeking to relieve yourself of this problem. By the way you aren't alone. Over half the adult population have hemorrhoids.

The first thing to understand is what's a hemorrhoid? The reason it's required to realize this is so that you can sort it over the long term rather than just dispose of them now and have them come back later.

A haemorrhoid is largely a vein the connecting tissue can't hold. This can also be referred to as a varicose vein. They are expanded veins that are located round the anus.

One of the main reasons for hemorrhoids is straining during potty time which causes pressure in the colon area hence causing the vein to grow which then leads to a lump which is sometimes known as a pile. The relative reason for straining when trying to pass stools is a unsatisfactory bad diet.

People who are way more subject to hemorrhoids than others have a tendency to have a diet that contains too much dairy and sugar. Hemorrhoids can also be hereditary. The 1st tip to effectively deal with this problem is to take an intense look at what you are eating.

You might have to change your diet. Now I know this will seem inconvenient and an oral discomfort in the ass however it's way better than an honest to goodness physical agony in the ass. You'll need to start eating more fresh food and cut out heavily packaged foods.

In the morning start your day with a warm tumbler of water with lemon. Then cut up some fresh fruit. Fruit passes thru your system very quickly unless it is blocked by other foods. That's why you should not really eat fruit after a heavy meal as you will block its passage.

Incorporate more fiber into your diet. This could help to soften your stools. Cut out sweet sodas. Drink water instead. You can take a warm bath in the morning to help sooth the pain. After the bath clean the area with a clean white tissue. You can get a vitamin E capsules. Puncture it with a clean pin then place the capsule around the infected area squeeze then move it around. Do this twice per day.

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Migraine Headaches - A Beginners Guide

By Niall Roche

If you're anything like me then you've had to put with the pain of migraine headaches most of your life. What annoys most migraine sufferers is that so many people will frown when you complain about the pain of a migraine and tell you it's "just a headache". Migraines are anything but a normal headache - the pain is hard to describe and cause days or even weeks of incredible and sickening pain. Migraines have become so common that we even have our own special term now - we're called migraineurs.

Migraines usually make their first appearance when you're coming out of your teenage years and going into adulthood. You can expect your migraines to hang around until you've gone into your 30s - and then they tend to stop for no apparent reason. For the unlucky few migraines can last well into your 50s but they do eventually vanish.

Migraines are usually blamed on a problem with blood vessels in the head but there is new proof showing that migraines are caused by problems deeper in the brain itself. Don't panic it just means that one part of your brain kicks up a stink every so often and you pay the price by having to put up with yet another migraine headache.

How long do migraines last? It varies from one person to the next but you can expect to be unable to do anything for 1 - 3 days. My own migraines always lasted pretty much exactly 24 hours for some odd reason. I might be able to cut that down to 12 hours if I felt the attack coming on and took my medication (prescription painkillers) in good time.

So what causes those migraine attacks of yours? They're called migraine triggers and the exact cause varies for each person. Stress can bring on migraines for some people where for others it's too much caffeine, nicotine or chocolate. Bright lights are another major cause. So are the tannins you can find in red wine and tea. Some people even have migraines that are caused by a change in the weather patterns.

There is help available though - you don't need to suffer in silence. Over-the-counter medication is usually not nearly strong enough to deal with a major migraine. To have any hope of having a normal life while you're living with migraines you're probably going to need prescription painkillers. These are very effective but you need to watch out for side-effects such as addiction for example. The most effective way to treat a migraine is to head it off before it starts. Get home, draw the curtains and cover your eyes and ears. I find that total immersion in silence and dark (and maybe some painkillers) is the best way to deal with the problem.

So if you are suffering from migraines there's no real need to worry. They're not life threatening but they are a nuisance. If you watch what triggers your migraines and take painkillers in advance you can ward off the worst of the effects.

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Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

By Christian Goodman

I travel often, in fact more often than not. It seems that I see women everywhere scurrying through their daily lives, the same as me. But these women are carrying a new life. A little person completely dependent upon them for survival - not the same as me! Pregnancy amazes me.

Unfortunately for some, pregnancy does not allow for a "normal" daily life. Certain conditions such as Pregnancy Induced Hypertension can create emotional as well as serious physical concerns.

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) is otherwise called as preeclampsia or toxemia. This happens with 5 to 10 percentage of pregnancies. In case of chronic hypertension it normally before pregnancy.

Both conditions, however, can pose serious health threats to both mother and baby. There are also cases of gestational high blood pressure which do not necessarily pose the same risks, but can increase the chances of the mother later developing PIH.

What is reason for high blood pressure being a problem during pregnancy?

Blood flow to different systems in the body is hindered with high blood pressure. Because of the lack of blood flow, the baby can suffer too.

The restricted blood flow can cause the fetus to abrupt from the placenta prematurely (placental abruption.) The baby can also be underweight or suffer a lack of proper development due to the lack of nutrients.

Worse, PIH left untreated can lead to seizures, the mother's death and/or fetal death.

Major list of symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension

high blood pressure blurred vision extreme nausea edema or swelling more than trace amounts of protein in the urine present

It is mostly confirmed when more than two symptoms are present. Presence of a single system does not mean the presence of PIH.

You should make a regular visit to doctor to make sure that PIH has developed or it is about to develop.


Having the baby is the best cure for the mother, but not necessarily the best option for the baby. The baby may not yet be developed enough to sustain life outside the womb.

To reduce the blood pressure according to severity of cases there are different degrees of bed rest available. Adequate rest is the best treatment for PIH during pregnancy. Even months and weeks are spent lying by bed. You can even see some women lying on their left side. Doctors generally advice those females only to get up when they go for bathroom or when they feel like eating.

The stress of a complicated pregnancy affects not just the mother, but those who love them especially the father or partner. I've spoken with a number of fathers whose own blood pressure soared as a result of such stress and tension during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant, take your pre-natal care seriously. Almost all pregnancies result in happy, healthy babies, mothers AND fathers. Reduce the stress and tension in your life wherever possible to help keep your blood pressure normal or at least at manageable levels.

My blood pressure program focuses on intense relaxation which is also a good accompaniment to bed rest. It can also assist the loved ones who are experiencing the anxiety from a complicated or even a healthy pregnancy.


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Cancer And Chemotherapy LR

By Lee Reid

Cancer patients may have no other choice but to resort to chemotherapy in order to treat their illness. In oncology, adjuvant chemotherapy plays an important role particularly in combination with other cancer treatments. Adjuvant chemotherapy is an additional treatment given to the patient after surgery to help prevent any cancerous cells that may have not been completely removed during surgery from developing or increasing in number. The health condition is often susceptible to relapses in cancer cases, since no specialist can foresee the evolution or involution of cancer cells.

Radiotherapy or regular chemical-based treatments are included in the adjuvant chemotherapy category and they are recommended by the doctors based on some statistical evidence which is employed in order to figure out whether there is low or high risk in relapse for the patient. Statistics indicate that about a third of the patients who have received adjuvant chemotherapy treatment have resumed good health only through surgical intervention. For those who are not included in the above mentioned third, the long term objective of the adjuvant chemotherapy is to lengthen the life of the cancer patients.

The types of cancer in which adjuvant chemotherapy is used are quite various and here we may include colon cancer, lung, pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer as well as some forms of gynecological cancers.

In terms of parallel treatments, adjuvant chemotherapy is complemented by neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. The neo-variant consists in the administration of drugs in the stage preceding the anti-cancer treatment per se. For example, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy may be prescribed to a breast-cancer patient who will have to undergo surgery for breast removal. The aim of such a type of therapy is to minimize the tumor size so that there are fewer risks and a higher rate of success in the surgical intervention.

All in all, adjuvant chemotherapy has been identified as more rewarding in results when it is prescribed after the tumor removal rather than before it because the remaining cancer cells are fewer in number and, as a result, the drug is more powerful on them. The drugs specific to this type of treatment are most efficient when they are administered directly into the blood of the patient, that is, intravenously; another way of increasing drug effects is to insert it directly into the part of the body that is affected by cancer.

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Eat a Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet and Feel Better!

By David Nettles

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you need to know about the direct link between the severity of your symptoms and the foods you eat. Find out how a rheumatoid arthritis diet can help you.

You might be taking prescription medications, but there is more you can do to help your body.

Make Note of What Triggers Your Symptoms

The first thing you should do is keep a log of any foods that seem to trigger your symptoms. These culprit foods will vary between individuals, that is why a log or diary is useful to track down the ones that do it for you. Once you have your list, you can then cut these foods from your diet, avoiding needless pain.

Next up: some foods that really should be part of a rheumatoid arthritis diet.

Good Foods for Arthritis Symptoms

As with any condition, the 'take in plenty of fluid' rule applies here. Make sure you do not forget to keep your liquid levels up, like water (best), soups, unsweetened juices and herbal or green teas. You might be dehydrated and not realize it, except that you feel tired. Here's a hint; if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Get into the practice of taking in liquids whether you are thirsty or not.

Most fruit and vegetables are packed with healthy anti oxidants which have a wonderful healing effect, but there are a few to watch out for. Just avoid the foods recognized to aggravate arthritic symptoms, and focus on the better food items like apples and avocados. By the way, don't peel your apples as the peel contains five times more anti oxidants than the rest. And of course, dark green leafy vegetables are best.

What's in Your Cupboard?

You need to add to your rheumatoid arthritis diet foods which have an anti-inflammatory outcome. This will reduce inflammation in your joints and decrease pain. Two of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods are possibly already in your kitchen cabinet. These wonder foods are:

Garlic: Increase your intake of this humble bulb, try to eat it raw whenever you can; as with most foods, cooking destroys some nutrients. It's delicious in healthy dips and guacamole. If you truly dislike the taste, take garlic supplements.

Ginger: Add ginger to your meals or infuse it in a liquid to make a fragrant tea. It is a little on the peppery side, and adds a warming effect to foods.

Foods You Should Avoid

Now how about the foods to avoid (or eat less of)? Some foods associated with flare-ups include:

Fruit and Vegetables: You may want to steer clear of citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits), as well as tomatoes. These foods are rather acidic, which appears to cause more numerous flare-ups.

Meat: The meats to steer clear of are beef, pork, bacon and lamb. Basically, stay away from meats containing saturated fats. If you cannot do without the occasional steak or chop, make sure to cut away all visible fat before consuming.

Something to keep in the back of your mind; various people might have different reactions to foods. This is why your list of foods to remove from your rheumatoid arthritis diet will be very useful.

Free Information on How to Treat Arthritis Naturally

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Lowdown On Diabetic Ketoacidosis

By Ned Dagostino

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a silent killer on the prowl. This deadly condition upsets the blood chemistry so severely that the patient's very life is threatened. Studies have shown that there are three high-risk categories of people who are more vulnerable to diabetic ketoacidosis. The first category includes those who are seriously diabetic (Type 1). The second includes those who are severely dehydrated. The third includes those who have had massive infections by bacteria or viruses. The rest of the population may not be that much at risk, but make no mistake, just about everybody is on this prowler's hit-list. Make sure you don't get your name up on that list!

Diabetic ketoacidosis is an extremely critical metabolic condition. Normal metabolism breaks the food into the basic form of sugar called glucose. The glucose is used as an energy source for the muscles. Unused glucose is converted to fats and stored for future use in the adipose tissue found all over the body. If the body's energy requirements cannot be met by the glucose circulating in the blood, the fats are converted back to glucose, and this reconverted glucose is used to meet the energy demands of the body.

Fats are pretty complex substances, and when they are decomposed to get their glucose content, a very simple fatty acid, called ketone, is also released into the blood. This causes ketoacidosis. This isn't a problem for the body in small, occasional doses. However, when it is massive and prolonged, the blood chemistry changes drastically. If left untreated for too long, or if treatment is left till too late, the condition can result in fatality. To reiterate, the high-risk population is especially vulnerable to diabetic ketoacidosis, but the others are just a little less likely to develop diabetic ketoacidosis. So everyone should beware this condition!

The main reason that diabetic ketoacidosis goes undetected and untreated for too long is that the symptoms of this condition become evident only when the condition has reached a critical level. So it is wiser to detect the telltale signs of this condition as early as possible. These are:

The skin is the first give-away of diabetic ketoacidosis. It becomes dry, even the lips become dry. It is either flushed or extremely pale. Though the body temperature may be normal, the skin temperature is elevated.

The severe change in the blood chemistry can cause blurred vision and similar vision problems.

The breath can acquire a peculiar odor best described as sickly "sweet smelling".

Listless behavior.

Diabetic ketoacidosis severely reduces the appetite. Sometimes, a person will not be able to keep the food down, bringing it up almost immediately after eating it.

Mental confusion and lack of comprehension.

The only effective treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis is a prolonged one. The patient should cooperate with the doctors and take the prescribed treatment exactly as advised. The patient must avoid dehydration, taking rehydrating solutions if necessary. The blood glucose must be monitored round-the-clock to avoid it going over or below the normal limits. If these guidelines are followed, diabetic ketoacidosis can be beaten, rest assured!

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Raleigh Chiropractic Treatments: Can They Relieve Back Pain?

By Walter Pego

Thinking about having a Raleigh chiropractic adjustment to have back pain relieved?

Today, everyone needs relief from back pain. Our sedentary lifestyle only make back problems worse. The more time we sit around the more tense and bound up our back muscles become. Furthermore, the time we spend hunched over our computer keyboards contributes to back pain.

Back muscles become tense because they are not worked or massaged. When the back attempts to re-adjust itself, sometimes you get back spasms.

When your back is out of alignment this can result in pain in such areas as the hips, the neck or the legs as different areas of your body attempt to support your weight.

Luckily, Raleigh chiropractic adjustments treat pain in all the different parts of your body, not just your back.

Re-positioning your spinal column can bring back pain and headache relief.

Your back muscles then can do their job because they are relaxed and loosened up.

This works in a fashion similar to physical therapy or massage: muscles are coaxed to relax and do their job correctly.

This type of manipulation affects all the areas of your body that have pain, not just your back.

Call your local Raleigh chiropractic clinic for more information about the cost of these services.

They will be able to inform you about spinal discs and the resulting pain in your back and other areas of your body resulting from maladjustment.

Sometimes an x-ray will be taken, but mostly a chiropractor will be able to tell if your muscles are tense by just an exam.

You do not have to go to the office repeatedly as you will get rid of your aches and pains in very few scheduled times.

So, go and visit one of Raleigh's fine chiropractic clinics and end your back pain for good.

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Sleeplessness and Anxiety

By Gordon Dalwood

Are you desperate to get a good night's sleep but finding it impossible? Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night and when you do drift off, you wake up soon afterwards again? Is this something you've been experience for a few months, or do you experience these bouts every once in a while? Perhaps you've been having these bouts for year already but because they tend to come and go, you've always just battle your way through them. Well, if any of this sounds familiar, then I'm afraid that anxiety may very well be the cause of the insomnia.

Is this possible? Yes, it is indeed. In fact, if you're concerned about your finances, your job, or even some other personal matter to the point where you can no longer enjoy a good night's rest, then there's a strong possibility that you're suffering from anxiety induced insomnia. And, before you try to brush this off as being nothing more that unpleasant, you need to know that if you continue to go without enough sleep, there can be serious consequences.

Just for a minute, try to imagine what it must be like not having a good night's rest for two or three weeks. Do you think you'd still be efficient with regards to your job? The truth is, such problems could have a dramatic impact on your performance at work. Likewise, your home life could also be put in jeopardy and so too could your relationship with friends and family. Irrespective of what anyone tells you, it's crucial that deal with the situation.

Although it's a well known fact that anxiety can often lead to sleepless nights, many people still fail to understand how and why this happens. The reason why anxiety is often accompanied by insomnia is largely due to hyperactivity and restlessness. When you experience disturbing anxiety related thoughts together mental uneasiness, it can become near impossible for you to calm down, and this of course results in insomnia.

There are numerous ways to reduce anxiety in order to eliminate insomnia. In particular, one of the most beneficial things to do is to avoid consuming any substance that will contribute to your anxiety. For example, you should avoid caffeine and other stimulants if you are having trouble sleeping. Bear in mind, it's been proven time and time again that these substances are known to increase and contribute to anxiety.

Frequent and regular exercise is also of vital importance, primarily because anxiety is interconnected with excessive amounts tension and of course, exercise can greatly reduce tension. In fact, just as one can use exercise to burn up calories when you want to loose weight, so too can you use exercise to burn up tension.

Engaging in deep breathing exercises is also helpful. Gaining control of your breathing will contribute greatly to reducing anxiety. This is because deep breathing will slow your respiration and your heart rate. This, in turn, will have a calming effect. That will eventually help restore your normal sleeping patterns.

Anxiety is a serious problem by itself. When it is compounded by issues related to sleeplessness it becomes even more traumatic. Thankfully, there are ways to alleviate both anxiety and sleepless. So, there is hope that you can be in control of your life once again.

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Small Businesses and Start-Ups: How To Have Angel Investors and VC's Begging To Work With You

By James Scott

Structuring your company should spearhead your capital raising initiative. Make sure that your corporate layout is conducive to creating and retaining investor and venture capitalist attention. You should have a solid and elite executive team composed of the best of the best that your industry has to offer and if you can't attract those in the upper echelon of your business genre, you need to take an active approach to branding them as experts using on and offline PR campaigns labeling yourselves as industry experts who are innovating industry changing solutions. Create a stir, be controversial (but not offensive) and be ready to back up your stir with empirical evidence of your knowledge and success. You should have an advisory board and board of directors composed of industry specialists. Each individual should represent a forte that makes investors start to salivate when they are reading the bio section of your business plan. They should be able to contribute with contract negotiation, strong alliance introduction capabilities and more. When choosing professionals to fill the void of advisor and director positions you should think in terms of corporate 'growth' and 'stabilization'.

Next you want to make sure that your entity is prepared to receive debt and/or equity capital. You'll need a solid business plan, don't write it yourself, you'll only hinder your ability to raise capital. Call a professional to write your strategic business plan. Next you'll need a way to distribute equity or debt shares, a Private Placement Memorandum is the most common mechanism for helping companies raise capital quickly and easily while staying within the regulation guidelines of the SEC. Your PPM must be written by a professional to deliver the ultimate protection for your company while simultaneously spelling out the technical intricacies of your business to the investor.

Now that your company is structured properly, you have a business plan and a PPM, you are ready to start raising capital. Your first call should be to a corporate turnaround consultant with an arsenal of global funding contacts composed of all the necessary contacts such as: venture capital firms, private equity firms, angel investors, private investors, accredited investors, structured finance firms and so on. This turnaround consultant, if they are part of an established firm (always use a small boutique firm if you can find one, they are much more affective and one on one than the larger firms and tend to get the job done quicker without the headaches) they will have a service call and 'Investor Finder' service. They will reach into their gargantuan bag of contacts and give you so many funding options your head will spin, thus, making your fund raising efforts fast and painless.

Now that you achieved your first round of fund raising it's time to get serious. Yes! It's time to take your company public. Stay away from Pink Sheets and Reverse Mergers, you'll only regret it. If you are a smaller business or a startup, your best bet is the OTCBB. Go back to your turnaround consultant and have them start putting you through the sec audit, sec registration, FINRA registration and Market Maker joint venture and S1 filing. They should be able to handle the entire 'going public' process for you and in 4 to 7 months, you're public and trading.

Be sure to take advantage of the multitude of strategies to capitalize off of your securities. Remember there are many ways to capitalize off of your shares, selling shares through your market maker, continuously engaging in heavy PR to stabilize and enhance your stock price and another way that many entrepreneurs don't consider as an option when raising capital, the almighty hedge lender will can lend your company money against your collateralized securities. Yes! Use your stock as security for financing. After you pay off the loan, line of credit or lease you get those shares back (be sure that your lawyer audits your contract with the lender to keep away from any convertible stock clauses). So now you are raising capital by selling stock as well as the 'on demand' loan or loc concept of security backed lending.

Congratulations! You've just completed 'Real' corporate finance 101! Now get out there, put your company together and start raising the capital you need.

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Methods To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally

By Elliott Mccarty

It is quite vital to find out how to cure hemorrhoids. Considered to be distressing, shaming, itchy, and irritating, hemorrhoids or piles are tissues or blood vessels that are inflamed that are located at the lower part of the lower colon. Results of studies prove that roughly 50% of the people have experienced or suffered from hemorrhoids by the time they reach the age of 50.

There are two types of hemorrhoids. These are external hemorrhoids, which can simply be identified, and internal hemorrhoids that can be hard to diagnose, as the symptoms can be confused with those of other sicknesses. The treating of hemorrhoids, which includes increase of intake of liquids and fiber rich food, as well as taking baths in the tub, for the main part is concentrated on assuaging the agonizing indicators of this condition.

It is important that a natural treatment for those that go thru the discomfort brought on by hemorrhoids be found. Remember that unless treated, your problem will persist. Quite a large number of people have opted to go with the natural way to treat hemorrhoids rather than having surgery. before turning to natural methods of treatment, make sure to visit your doctor to find out if you are actually going through hemorrhoids.

The good thing is that there are several healing, relaxing, and repairing natural techniques available that you can do it in the privacy and convenience of home. You have the capability to control the ingredients and quantity of what treatment you use, depending on which remedy works best for you. Who knows, you could even one day be in a position to help a mate of yours who is afflicted by this ailment by recommending to them these natural curative ways.

Below are some natural cures that have been found to be effective :

1. Get a cotton ball or tissue and soak it with witch hazel. Gradually use it to the area with hemorrhoids to help get rid of the tenderness and agony and to help minimize swelling.

2. Another fantastic natural way to treat this ailment is to mash one ripe banana in a frying pan with one cup of milk. Let it boil and cool then spread on the hemorrhoids.

3. An alternative natural strategy is to mix Calendula, an herbal treatment, with your bath water to ease the areas affected.

4. There is also paste made of Comfrey root powder or cream derived from Calendula, which is also one of the methods to cure hemorrhoids.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chemotherapy Treatment Effects - LR

By Lee Reid

Chemotherapy refers to the treatment of a disease by means of chemicals meant to kill cells, typically cells of micro-organisms or cancer. This treatment works by attacking and killing cells which divide very quickly as cancer cells do. Unfortunately, chemotherapy destroys other cells with a rapid division speed normally encountered with many body functions; this is the case with the cells in the digestive tract, hair follicles and bone marrow.

Hence, the chemotherapy effects usually damage these areas. The most frequent adverse reactions that occur during and after chemotherapy include hair loss, the inflammation of the soft membranes in the digestive tract or mucositis and the decrease of the blood cells production, called myelosupression.

Chemotherapy effects or side effects can classified according to the extent of the adverse reactions into long and short term categories. Side effects of chemotherapy represent unwanted symptoms which occur as a direct result of taking a drug. It is not difficult to confuse drug side effects with cancer symptoms. Symptoms characterize the disease in fact, while the side effects represent natural adverse reactions to a chemical invasion in the body. Side effects vary depending on the type of drugs used in the treatment, with the mention that one single form of medication will not trigger all the possible adverse reactions in a patient.

Generally speaking, chemotherapy harms those cells with a faster division. Chemotherapy will thus affect the bone marrow responsible for blood cells production, the mouth, the intestines, the skin and the hair. Since hair is growing all the time, the skin is constantly renewing itself and the lining of the digestive system and the mouth have the same dynamics, then, the cells of all these body tissues must constantly divide to produce a steady supply of new cells. And, unfortunately, it is due to this division process that the chemotherapy drugs attack proper functioning body parts.

It is known that most drugs used in chemotherapy have side effects, yet, not all the patients get the same chemotherapy effects. The way one goes through chemotherapy therefore differs immensely, depending on some factors specific to every case. These elements include the period during which the drug has been taken, the concentration of the drug, how the drug is administered, the patient's general health state, as well as the combination of the chemotherapy drug with other medicines. Some chemotherapy effects are serious medical conditions which must be dealt with; others, although bothersome, are not necessarily a major threat to the patient's health. It is also relevant to discuss the effects of chemotherapy with the health care provider in order to be aware of what lies ahead and be able to bear the treatment in a good psychological shape.

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Understanding Common Mesothelioma Symptoms And Signs

By Kor Rassad

The prevalence of cancer in the world is on the rise. If you have been previously exposed to high concentrations of asbestos then you run the risk of developing mesothelioma. This is a cancer that occurs in the lining of the lungs and then over time spreads to other organs. In many cases it will be a terminal disease though if caught early help can be given. You need to be able to spot the mesothelioma symptoms if you believe yourself to be at risk.

The hope for a cure is slim but there are techniques on offer that can improve the quality of life of mesothelioma sufferers. The following signs can often be taken to show the possible presence of this form of cancer -

1. Blood in mouth: Anytime that you cough up blood you should immediately contact your GP as it can be the sign of a serious medical condition such as mesothelioma. If the cancer is present then you may also experience difficulty swallowing your food.

2. Weight loss: Individuals that suffer from mesothelioma will be affected by a degree of weight loss. If you are shedding pounds and yet your diet and exercise regime stay the same then you should book an appointment with a doctor.

3. Pleural Effusion: As asbestos causes damage to the lining of the lungs, it is in this organ that symptoms may first arise. Pleural effusion occurs when there is a build up of fluid in the lungs. It may present itself in the form of chest pain and a difficulty in breathing.

4. Lumps: In many cases of cancer there were be abnormal growths or lumps that develop on the surface of the skin. With mesothelioma this occurs in the chest or abdomen regions. It is not difficult to check your body for lumps whenever you take a bath or shower.

5. Cough: Any problem with the lungs is going to produce a cough. Mesothelioma patients usually have a dry cough that produces no mucus. This is different than the type of cough associated with influenza or a cold that produces a lot of phlegm.

6. Aches: If the cancer spreads to other organs in your body that you are likely to experience widespread aches and throbbing sensations.

7. Bowel: Mesothelioma can also lead to issue relating to the stomach and bowel. Frequent episodes of diarrhea or constipation may be caused by the spread of tumors. Of course bowel problems may also be due to a bad diet so a correct check up is essential.

Whether you have only one or a number of the above conditions then you should seek medical guidance. Mesothelioma is a well studies illness and a professional health specialist should be able to make a correct diagnosis.

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Angular Cheilitis Treatment What You Need To Know!

By Carry Winnifred

Are you among the thousands of people find their way to the internet in search of angular cheilitis treatment tips? While no one ever wants to suffer from this condition the sad truth is that you are not alone; in fact it seems as though everyday someone wakes up with this condition. In fact statistics show that the cases of this problem continue to rise and the sad thing is that most people have no clue on how to get rid of it.

Chances are you have come to the internet in search of angular cheilitis treatment tips; the great news is that you will find the most valuable tips here. If you take the time to read the entire article and begin applying the methods that we teach you will realize that you can begin to feel better in no time at all.

Unless you have ever suffered from this condition then you may not realize how it can easily affect the person's self confidence level. People who suffer from certain conditions that are noticeable by other people tend to find themselves the center of unwanted attention.

Angular cheilitis which is also referred to as stomatitis or perleche has become extremely popular in our society. In fact many people who suffer from this condition have no clue as to how they became infected and unfortunately it does not discriminate against race, gender or even age.

One of the best things that you can do to help you get rid of this condition is to begin giving your body more vitamins because this condition has been known to be cause by a vitamin deficiency in the body. In fact this is why this condition differs from severe chapped lips because it will not go away simply by using some lip moisturizer.

You will want to remember to keep your lips as moist as possible; this will prevent the mouth sores from cracking even more. Avoid licking your lips; as the saliva from your mouth is going to cause the sores to become dry and will cause them to crack open.

No matter how much angular cheilitis treatment you think that you may know about the truth is that you should definitely stop by our site below to find out some proven cures. We have taken the time to find some amazing treatments that most people do not know about to help them get rid of this condition.

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Natural Remedies Help Manage Diabetes Without Insulin

By Sue Kennedy

Natural diabetes remedies are effective alternatives in controlling diabetes. While you will still need to take your prescribed medication, adding herbal remedies to your daily regime under the care of your doctor will prove an effective addition to your diabetes management. Before you add any new supplements to your diet, however, it is important to discuss with your doctor first; some supplements may affect the way your medication works.

Here are a few natural diabetic herbals that may benefit your diabetes:

* Cinnamon - a recent study showed that by taking 1 to 6g of cinnamon each day for 40 days, people with type 2 diabetes showed a significant improvement in blood glucose levels, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

* Apple Cider Vinegar - there are many benefits in adding apple cider vinegar to your diet, especially for diabetics and they include reducing high blood pressure, it breaks down fat (great for reducing unwanted fat), and lowering high cholesterol

* Salacia oblonga - this is an ayurvedic herb that is found in India and used to treat type 2 diabetes. It contains two inhibitors that are Salacinol and Kotalanol 9 which help to control blood glucose levels in the body. The herb also benefits in lowering excessive weight problems

* Fenugreek lowers blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetics and also increases the cells' sensitivity to insulin, as well as lowering blood fats like cholesterol and triglycerides. The seeds from fenugreek are commonly used in Indian cuisine.

* Garlic and Onion both have tremendous blood sugar lowering effects, a benefit that is cumulative with ingesting more. Garlic and onion lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and helps reduce blood pressure

If you intend to reverse type 2 diabetes, a healthy well balanced diet and lifestyle is essential. Adding herbs, vitamins and minerals to your diet should be part of your healthy lifestyle. People who are deficient in some nutrients are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is why adding diabetes herbal remedies to your daily regime is so important.

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Discovering Aromatherapy: A Personal Perspective

By Kelly Smith

Known for Centuries, Unknown to Me

Aromatherapy always conjured up for me simple ideas of nice smelling things to relax you. I truly had little interest in those racks of little bottles in the health food store. But some friends of mine encouraged me to have a look at the science as to essential oils being healing medicines. Never in all my schooling were the volatile components of plants mentioned, or if they were, it was cursory, within a look at plant physiology. Now I've been through a series of science-based aromatherapy books and research papers, and here's my discovery of aroma-medicine, something practitioners using aromatic oils have known all along.

More than Just a Scent

I have been using natural and alternative wellness treatments for my health for years, yet I had only associated aromatherapy with getting a massage or putting lavender on my pillow for a better night's sleep. Unbeknownst to me, aromatherapy has been used for centuries and currently used in medical facilities in France. Now, with a rising interest and even demand for alternative and complementary medicine (CAM), research is being conducted on the benefits of aromatherapy for infections, psyche, nerves, hormones and to some extent inflammation, allergies and metabolic conditions.

Aromatherapy is Aroma-Medicine

Contrary to my own vague association, aromatherapy is more than smelling certain scents. Jane Buckle, RN, Ph.D. concludes that there are four main types of aromatherapy: clinical, stress management, beauty therapy and environmental fragrancing. I think many of us have an association of aromatherapy when it comes to beauty therapy and good smelling fragrances from the aroma of essential oils, yet the clinical and stress management aspects of aromatherapy have been hidden from view.

To wrap my investigative mind around what truly is aromatherapy, I needed to get more of a simplistic definition. The general idea of the meaning of aromatherapy is that it is therapeutic uses of essential oils from aromatic (fragrant) plants. These oils are usually extracted from plants using water or steam distillation and typically used in diffusers as well as topically. Once the aromatic essential oils are extracted, the oils are rather unstable in nature - when the oils are exposed to air, they change from a potent liquid into an aromatic vapor within seconds.

In Advanced Aromatherapy, Dr. Schnaubelt explains that the main chemical component of essential oils are terpenes and it higher homologues as well as phenylpropane derivatives. Yet it must be pointed out that the synergy of each oil has it own unique qualities as well as specific chemical components.

Nature's Own Synergies

Each of us is aware of the far reaching affects of the high-tech civilization that we live. Yet, one that is often overlooked or forgotten is the loss of nature - both in our surrounding environment and in personal knowledge. In this modern age, it seems that humans have separated mind from body and body from soul. If we were to look at the essence of what aromatherapy is, it is simply nature in a bottle.

Probing into my biology textbook, I read about plant defenses in a whole new light. Plants produce chemical compounds, mostly terpenoid compounds, in order to defend themselves against predators such as insects and animal herbivores as well as against fungai and other microbes. These terpenoid compounds also are used in plant to plant competition, where established plants inhibit germination of other plants. And of course plants use scent in attracting beneficial insect and bat pollinators. (4) (5) Thus, it is evident that the role of essential oils is vital to the continual establishment and growth of plants.

Lessons from Animals

I wonder in my own mind why the usage and medicinal properties of plants is so unfamiliar in our culture. I have known for years that horses select various plants to facilitate detoxing of metabolic toxic buildup, as well as for antiviral and anti-parasitic properties. I remember in college learning about Chimpanzees eating certain plants to cleanse their accumulation of internal parasites.

And, I know from my graduate work in entomology that insects have fairly well developed chemoreception and some are attracted to plants by their scents. It tugs at my reasoning why plants and their essential oils are not more widely used in everyday life, but as I have pointed out above that is now changing. In part two of this paper, I will dive into the physiological aspects of how aromatherapy is absorbed into the human body and the current research on clinical and stress management uses.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Frequency 55 Toric Contact Lenses For Astigmatism Are An Increasingly Popular Choice

By David Long

Frequency 55 Toric contact lenses from Coopervision are an increasingly popular brand of toric lenses for astigmatism patients, offering superior comfort and visual acuity. You can wear and remove them every day, or optionally use them for up to 7 days of extended wear. They only need to be replaced with new lenses once a month.

Frequency 55 Toric lenses fix the odd shape of the cornea caused by astigmatism. Most people's corneas are shaped like a sphere, but the astigmatic cornea is shaped more like a football. This odd shape causes blurry vision because light rays scatter rather than focus sharply on the retina where they belong.

Frequency 55 Toric lenses correct your astigmatism, once they are securely in place, by acting as a refracting medium that re-focuses light rays properly on the retina. They therefore compensate for and reverse your astigmatism entirely, which leads to the crisp, clear visual acuity you are looking for.

Wearing comfort is always important, and is dependent on how much moisture the lenses attract and retain. Frequency 55 Toric lenses are constructed from methafilcon B, a water-loving polymer that makes each lens have a 55% water content. That creates a high moisture level for your eyes for as long as you are wearing the lenses.

Removing and cleaning the lenses couldn't be easier. They are slightly tinted with a blue handling dye that does not interfere with vision but which conveniently allows you to see and handle the lenses when they are not in your eye.

Your replacement and wearing schedule must ultimately be determined by your vision provider, especially when considering using Frequency 55 Toric lenses for continuous wear. Even if you are already using them for daily wear, you should still speak with your doctor to see if using them for extended wear is fine for you. Not everyone is eligible for extended wear because of different medical needs. Even if you are eligible, you may not be able to wear them for the entire seven days between removals and cleaning. Only your vision provider can tell you for sure.

According to the manufacturer, Frequency 55 Toric lenses have become the fastest-growing segment of monthly replacement soft toric lenses available today. This is no doubt due to a combination of features ranging from total wearing comfort to the low-hassle maintenance schedule. If the convenience and flexibility of daily or extended wear on a monthly replacement schedule appeal to you, consider giving Frequency 55 Toric lenses a try and see for yourself why this brand is becoming a popular choice for astigmatism patients.

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