Saturday, March 13, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Sinus Headache

By Porter Smith

Millions of people suffer from sinus headaches. So, what causes this awful pain? Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinus cavities due to infections. These infections could be viral, fungal or bacterial. Pressure is created by the inflammation and this leads to a headache. Sinusitis can range from acute to chronic. Acute sinusitis last up to 4 weeks, sub acute sinusitis will last for 4-8 weeks and chronic sinusitis plagues the sufferer for more than 8 weeks. How to get rid of sinus headache pain can be answered medically or non-medically.

Sometimes sinus headaches may be relieved with over the counter decongestants that contain pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine stimulates the cell receptors in the nose, throat and sinuses. The blood vessels in these areas narrow, leading to reduced inflammation and the development of mucus. Now that you have less inflamed blood vessels and mucus draining from the sinus cavities, pain from headache is eased.

More serious infections may require a trip to the doctor's office. Your physician may find that you need a prescription for a more powerful decongestant. He or she may also determine that antibiotics are necessary. A broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as cephalosporin, might be used to fight a wide array of bacteria or a narrow-spectrum one, such as penicillin, may be used to target very specific bacteria culprits.

One non-medicinal method to alleviating headache pain from sinusitis is to use a humidifier, which increases the moisture in the air. A steam humidifier (vaporizer) can be particularly helpful. This appliance boils the water in its tank which releases steam into the room. A mentholated medicated inhalant can also be added to the vaporizer to help reduce congestion. Additionally, since the moisture released into the room is from boiled water, vaporizers maybe healthier than cool mist humidifiers which may transmit impurities that have not been boiled away from the standing water in the tank.

For the very low-tech headache sufferer, a hot shower often brings relief. Steam in the shower will help in draining excess mucus from the sinuses. This in turn eases headaches.

Sinus headaches are no fun. Fortunately there are myriad options for sufferers to turn to, both pharmacological and non-medicinal. If the condition unduly persists or becomes more severe a trip to the doctor is strongly advised.

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Kidney Stones - Pain And Prevention.

By Rachelle Gordon

Working as an emergency room RN, I've seen many people suffering from kidney stones. About 80% are men, why we don't know. They have lower abdominal pain or flank pain on one side. The discomfort they feel is intense.

We first ask them for a urine sample. Using a dip stick the nurse typically finds blood in the urine, frequently with hardly any infection (though there might well be infection, and frequently the presence of ketones, a sign of dehydration). The patient is then given intravenous fluids (salt water) to assist flush the kidneys, and after the doctor's formal diagnosis, pain medication also. The aim of the pain medication is to give the patient a rest as the fluids assist the stones pass via less painfully.

A blood test and cat scan is frequently ordered for further confirmation. The scan can show both the size and location of the stone. If there is no sign of infection, the patients go home with pain medication and instructions to increase their drinking water intake. They're also advised to use a strainer to catch and save the kidney stone, which can then be sent for analysis. Certain foods may then be prescribed to diminish the likelihood that more kidney stones are produced.

From many patients I've heard what works best for kidney stones. Their advice is first, and above all, to drink lots of water. Should you don't drink lots of water your urine becomes more concentrated, producing you more prone to develop new kidney stones. Here are some other tried-and-true tips:

o Prevent stress (as if that's simple!) Kidney stone patients are really often under unusual tension. o Avoid alcohol and sodas. They dehydrate you. o Drink corn silk tea to flush the kidneys. o Another helpful beverage is catnip tea with apple cider vinegar. o Drink aloe vera (It's sold in health food stores) o If your kidney stones are calcium-related, lemonade assists to absorb the calcium. o Stroll, stroll, stroll. Prolonged body movement helps to move the stones out. We call this "the tough way". o Be certain to have your thyroid and parathyroid checked. In some cases there's a connection.

How to prevent kidney stones in general:

1. Again - lots of drinking water. This means eight 8-ounce glasses, and twelve glasses if you perform outside. If your urine is smelly, you're most likely not drinking enough water, and are at risk for a urinary tract infection (UTI).

2. Take vitamin C - 2,000 mg. a day.

3. No sodas or alcohol. If you do partake, for every glass of beverage drink an additional glass of water.

4. Work to strengthen your immune system.

5. Check your family history. Did any of your parents or grandparents have kidney stones? Get the story and learn from it, which often means to improve your lifestyle.

6. In Chinese medicine, the kidneys represent fear. To counteract any fear, try this positive affirmation: "Water flows freely through me, making me safer." As you repeat this affirmation regularly, try to sincerely feel its significance. Visualize it as a reality, not just words.

For real inspiration, attempt this wonderful quote from Aldous Huxley:

The kidneys are so beautifully organized; they do their work of regulation with such a miraculous--it's hard to discover another word--such a positively divine precision, such knowledge and wisdom, that there is no reason why our archetypal man, whoever he is, or anyone else, for that matter, should be ashamed to own a pair."

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Aromatherapy Is Medicine: A New Look At Using Essential Oils

By Lindsey Nomad

Therapeutic use of essential oils for medicinal purposes is now on the verge of being recognized as a valid tool in the arsenal of today's most progressive M.D.'s. There is still a significant amount of resistance from the institutional medical community, perhaps due to the pervasive image of Aromatherapy being 'feeling nice from smelling something pleasant'. Most trained and degreed aromatherapists do not even consider this the most important function of healing with essential oils however. Their use in treating infectious illness is actually considered the realm of medicine of where they may be of greatest importance. There are numerous scientific studies to support the wonderful anti-viral and antibacterial actions of essential oils (which do not have many of the drawbacks of synthetically-produced equivalents). Clinical studies support other areas of essential oils' efficacy as well: as antidepressants, sleep aids, insect repellents and wound healing anti-inflammatory agents.

Alternative therapies make up nearly ALL of the medicine ever used on Earth, and in many respects, we're doing very well as a species -- we must have been doing something right all that time. Many folks consider our connection to nature critical to our continued success on the planet, and that natural medicine must play a leading role. Essential oils turn out to be some of nature's greatest gifts; they are potent chemicals created naturally by plants and are easily accessible to us. They're also easy to use, relatively safe, and just happen to smell wonderful. What really is the science of Aromatherapy, and how might you learn to employ it in your wellness program? Let's have a look...

The term Aromatherapy was coined by a French scientist after accidentally discovering the remarkable healing effects of Lavender oil on burns sustained in the lab. He had thrust his burning hands into a vat of Lavender oil, finding the wounds to heal extremely quickly. Further investigation lead to his book 'Aromatherapie', and the modern medical use of essential oils began. Aromatherapy refers simply to the branch of medicine utilizing volatile aromatic compounds naturally distilled from plants. Essential oils can be as effective as any other natural remedy when employed with proper knowledge and skill. In fact, many pharmaceutical drugs are plant extracts manipulated to give the inventor patent protection on their formulation. But essential oils cannot be patented - ANYone with the right tools and know-how can produce them. At the same time, there is no major lobbying effort underway to educate the public about their medicinal properties - likely the reason America has not gone beyond 'aroma' to 'therapy' with essential oils.

The education seems inevitable, however. As more folks get fed up with the costs and red tape of our Allopathic medical system, they are paying more attention to reports on the efficacy of natural remedies. The use of essential oils has been shown as, if not more, than any other available medicine in certain instances. For Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a painful and debilitating condition, Peppermint essential oil taken during and after bouts of the disease has profound effects on pain, duration, and recurrence of the illness - more so than the most commonly used modern medical treatment. Patients using Peppermint oil felt better than those using conventional treatments, in part because the natural antibiotic effect leaves much needed intestinal flora in balance. It is this balance that is inherent in knowledgeably practiced natural medicine; a facet which occurs with essential oils and many other so-called alternative therapies.

Another well documented treatment using essential oils is the use of Melissa essential oil on Herpes Simplex viral legions. The legions are outbreaks of the virus during times of undue stress; the virus is typically under control of the immune system and remains dormant in nerve endings of the skin - the disease is considered 'incurable' by conventional medicine. A great many university studies have evaluated Melissa (and other essential oils containing similar molecular components) and it's efficacy in treating Herpes - and the results have been astounding. A majority of study participants have less pain, along with shorter and less-frequent outbreaks. One professor claims that the disease has gone into complete remission in some study participants with regular use of Melissa oil; no more outbreaks at all! Further, Melissa is very well tolerated, has no known toxic effects, and is readily available. This is true aroma-'therapy' taking it's place in the world of natural health, wellness and fitness.

The 'aroma' therapeutic effects of essential oils are not to be overlooked, however. As the importance of the mind-body connection is developed in conventional medicine, natural medicine has taken it into account all along. And the connection between the olfactory sense and the emotional centers of the brain are a strong one - more direct than any other of the five senses. Many studies have resulted with participants noting improved moods, sharper minds and lowered stress levels after inhaling essential oils. Lavender is well documented in its effects for improving sleep and bringing a sense of relaxation without sedation. As research continues, we'll be reading more and more about the true therapeutic effects of smells, and the synergistic psychological and physiological effects of essential oils.

Aromatherapy in a natural health, wellness and fitness regime is not a cure-all, miracle path to health, however. Like any other medicine or treatment, it has it's place, and should be used when it provides the best combination of safety and efficacy. How do you find out if essential oils can help you, your friends or your loved ones? Educate yourself! There are several wonderful books available on medical and clinical aromatherapy. Some will deal mostly with the psychological aspects, others mainly in treatment of infectious illness, and others touch on every conceivable application. Buy them, get them from your library, borrow them from friends - but educate yourself as much as possible, and find a degreed practitioner if need be. But most of all, give Aromatherapy a chance. The particular class of plant compounds called 'essential oils', which just happen to smell nice, have as much validity as any other field of medicine, and deserves to be appreciated with the same respect. Whether they work for you is up to your own knowledge and dedication to the practice!

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What is Inflammatory Breast Cancer?

By Janice Moore

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is another type of breast cancer. It is distinguished from regular breast cancer from its look, which has an "inflamed" or swollen and red appearance instead of the normal lump. This means you will not be able to feel a lump to have IBC. IBC is a rare but very aggressive type of breast cancer, which is caused by cancer cells that block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast creating its unique form.

Some signs to look for are: bruising around the breasts, pain, difference in texture and thickness of the breast, nipple discharge, burning sensation, and aching. If any of these symptoms occur, you must go seek a physician right away.

Once the doctor determines the possibility of breast cancer, the next step in diagnosis is a mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, and/or positron emission tomography (PET) scan. Once the diagnosis for breast cancer is confirmed, the treatments to kill the cancer cells could include: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and/or surgery.

Chemotherapy treatment is usually the first step in treating IBC. Chemotherapy is usually given intravenously to kill all cancer cells in the body. Because chemotherapy can not target just the bad, cancer cells, all of the cells in the body are destroyed. This can lead to one of the side effects of hair loss.

After chemotherapy treatment is completed, the next step in treatment is surgery and then possible radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is used to target the specific area of the cancer. If needed, additional treatments may be recommended to reduce the risk of recurrence of the cancer.

Inflammatory Breast cancer is considered more aggressive than other types of breast cancer because it can spread throughout the body faster and it is harder to detect through screening tools. The National Cancer Institute states the survival rates for IBC patients is from 25 to 50 percent. Although these numbers are low, the institute's the statistics is based on a large number of patients. They urge people to seek their physician in regards to their condition.

It is recommended that women should perform monthly breast exams to be familiar with their breasts. Any changes or pain that develops, a woman should contact her physician. The survival rate is higher if breast cancer is caught early.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Get The Facts On Self Help For Panic Attacks

By Denise U. Carpenter

There are many who seek self help for panic attacks. Some people are unaware of where to begin when in search of help. Taken into notice that many times stress can instigate a panic attack will help one better understand the need as well as ways to deal with this concern.

Learning the different things in your life that may be contributing to your panic attacks is necessary. You need to be aware of the reason for these annoying episodes and the history behind them. School yourself on the issues that surround these continuous circumstances and try to cut back on certain foods such as caffeine which happens to play a motivating force to these attacks occurring.

Find family members and friends who can help you with your problem. You may find that talking about the things that are bothering you regarding your life can help slow down your panic attacks. Holding onto stress and issues that bother you can be overbearing at times and result in a panic attack.

Trying different breathing techniques such as breathing into a paper bag is an excellent way to keep your anxiety and fear from getting the best of you. When one feels themselves on a verge of a panic attack one of the symptoms is shortness of breath and the thought of not getting enough oxygen only exhilarates more panic causing a person to feel as if they cannot breathe. A small brown paper bag will help bring the sense of relief and calmness because the person will feel as if they have control over the amount of air they intake.

Talk to yourself. Try to coach yourself through a panic episode. When you feel a an episode coming along it is an excellent idea to tell yourself that this is only a passing phase and that you are in control. By reminding yourself that nothing is wrong you are taking control over the situation. You are not allowing yourself to believe that you are slipping into a dilemma where you will lose it or be harmed.

Burning candles or sometimes even sniffing baby powder can take a person's mind off of a current panic attack. The best thing about sniffing something that is delightful is that it can trigger a fond memory. Some find the scent of things that take them back to an experience in their life brings them to a place of peace and serenity. When a person is focusing on a memory they have no time to think about what's going on. When one's mind is engaged in something else that brings pleasure they would rather choose that over something that brings about fear.

Try counting backwards from 100. If you take your mind off of the current situation you will not have time to think about what's going on. Redirect your focus on trying to remember what number comes after 100, that time taken trying to recall those proceeding numbers will absorb the energy that that has ignited the panic attack.

There are online support groups and people who can help you deal with this issue. Being able to relate to others can bring a sense of comfort. If there are others who are also experiencing the same thing as you then you may find it easier to work through your panic attacks.

Take your time and do not fret because self help for panic attacks is available. Familiarize yourself with the condition you are suffering from and gain knowledge of the many ways to deal with the issue. Do not be afraid to take control over your life and regain hope and order. You are not alone and there are many others who are out there who experienced it, overcame it and you can too!

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Don't Overlook A Candida Albican Yeast Infection: A Common Yet Nasty Infection

By Bruno Smith

Confused about what a Candida albican yeast infection is? No need to be. It is the technical name for what many people know as a yeast infection. Candida albican is one of twenty types of candida yeast that is a regular to the human body. Most of the time it lives quietly, as the bacteria in our bodies prevent it from thriving. However, in some cases the yeast is able to multiply and this leads to an infection.

The human body is prepared to deal with Candida Albican Yeast. It has a natural occurring bacteria that attacks the yeast on a regular basis. People become ill when those bacteria are no longer present to eat the yeast. This can happen from many reasons. Impaired immune system, antibiotics, or an excessive amount of yeast in the body can all lead to an infection.

A Candida albican yeast infection can present itself in many different ways. In children it commonly shows up as a diaper rash. Women recognize it as burning, itching and discharge in the vaginal area. Men may develop an infection on the tip of their penis. Yeast can even grow in the fingers and toenails and cause pain, swelling and pus.

All of these symptoms are uncomfortable, but even more problematic is when the infection travels elsewhere. Yeast that reaches the heart can cause heart murmurs. Yeast in the lungs can cause a person to cough up bloody mucus. Yeast in the kidneys can lead to blood in the urine.

When the body is unable to naturally fight off the yeast, a doctor will typically prescribe anti-fungal medications. These type of medicines are also available over the counter. The medicine will kill the yeast, but it is also important to figure out what caused it in order to prevent recurrence.

A Candida Albican Yeast Infection can be a big deal but it does not have to be. If you think you have an infection, see a doctor and at minimum get a diagnosis so that you can prevent treatment. There is no reason to die from a highly treatable infection.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taking Special Care As You Are Getting Rid Of Poison Ivy

By Becca G. Taylor

In the event that you notice a growth of poison ivy near you home or on your property you want to take care of the problem right away. You can not get rid of it just as you would any other unwanted plant. This takes special care and a fair amount of precautions. This is something you may even want to consult with a professional gardener or landscaper about.

First and foremost you need to know that you should never ever burn it. The fumes that it will give off spell big trouble. The rash that you get on your skin from touching it will actually form instead inside your lungs. Needless to say this is a very dangerous situation. You would be endangering yourself, and anyone else around you. This is certainly a warning that you want to heed.

This is a very hearty and resilient plant and you will not be able to kill it off with just anything. What you will need to use is a very strong, concentrated herbicide. Though you will dilute it some with water, it will still need to be at least three to four times as strong as normally recommended. Be very careful to not get any of it on yourself, or on any surrounding plants as any plant that it touches will die.

You need to dress appropriately to do this. Make sure to wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, and gloves. You are wanting to reduce the amount of exposed skin as much as possible. Not only do you not want to come in contact with the plant, but also the herbicide. Either one of these could give you quite a rash.

Check the weather forecast when you are planning to do this. Having fair or mild weather is very important to make sure that the task is done properly. Any rain would water down the herbicide so that it would not be as effective, if it remains effective at all. Wind poses a similar problem because it could spread the herbicide to other plants in your yard and kill them off as opposed to addressing what it was intended for.

It will actually be a few weeks after you spray that you see the results. When it dies you will notice that the leaves will shrivel and turn yellow. Then it's time to dress back up and go back out to finish the job. You will have to dig pretty deep into the soil and remove the entire plant, including the roots. Should any of the roots be left behind you can count on it all coming back.

The dead stalks and even bare branches can cause severe reactions. This is why dressing to deal with the problem is so very important. Even just a little bit can lead to a rash that is irritating and dangerous for some people.

Once the job is done you want to keep a close eye on the general area. Poison Ivy can be persistent. Even when you take care of the problem properly, it could try to come back year after year. So be sure to watch for it and be prepared to repeat the process if necessary.

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The Facts About Celiac Disease

By Alana Celiacana

Celiac Disease is a condition that is triggered by an allergy to gluten. Both children and adults can be affected and everyday products that contain the protein include pizza crust, bread, cereals and pasta.

Unfortunately, there is no medical treatment for Celiac Disease, however, by maintaining a gluten free diet it can be kept under control. If left untreated, sufferers who eat foods with gluten will suffer many symptoms and cause damage to the inner lining of the intestine over time.

Also known as Celiac Sprue or Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy, the condition, if left untreated will cause malnutrition as the disease attacks the intestine causing such damage that the intestine cannot absorb important minerals and vitamins. This is noticeably high in teenagers who suffer from Celiac.

Foul smelling stools are normally a tell tale sign you may be a sufferer and other symptoms can include fatigue, severe abdominal pains, diarrhoea, weight loss and anaemia. Due to all these everyday symptoms the disease, quite often, is overlooked.

The cause of Celiac Disease is still unknown, and it can be triggered at any time of your life and certain factors such as a physical injury, pregnancy or trauma can cause the disease. Often inherited, if a family member has the disease then you have five to fifteen percent chance of also sufferering from it.

A good replacement for gluten rich foods are fish and poultry, fresh meat, fresh fruit and vegetables and dairy products and replace wheat products with potatoes and rice. Your dietician or doctor will be able to help you with a fulfilling, yet tasty menu cutting out all gluten.

Thankfully, nowadays dietary options are not as limited as before, and health shops stock a wide variety of gluten free products. Supermarkets stock some gluten free products but remember to always check the label.

If you are diagnosed with Celiac Disease then it is important to stick to a gluten free diet. Your intestine will eventually repair itself but any lapse in the diet will cause further damage and side effects.

If you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms then contact your doctor as soon as possible. Celiac Disease must be treated from the start to avoid lasting damage to the intestine, and whether you are young or old, male or female, Celiac Disease can cause sufferers a lot of pain and distress.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simple Key Facts Of Homeopathy

By Brugman Meizon

Homeopathy is based on fundamental principles that are followed in trying to develop remedies aimed to treat a variety of ailments and diseases. These principles make the practice of homeopathy a distinct system of alternative healthcare. Here are some of the basic principles known to the practice of homeopathy.

Law Of Similars The main basis for which homeopathy was eventually developed, the Law of Similars states that similar symptoms caused by certain substances on healthy people associated with certain diseases may be effective in using it for treatment. Through the Law of Similars, homeopathic practitioners may be able to find a remedy for ailments by means of identifying the symptoms that they may present similar to what actual diseases may present.

Curative Power Of Life Homeopathy is also based on the same philosophy that life itself has the power or the ability to cure. It is through unlocking the healing power of substances found in nature that becomes the calling of homeopathy.

Energy As Medicine Life in homeopathic philosophy is considered as a vital force that has its own inherent energy. Everything that lives has its own energy. These energies exist in balance and harmony in nature. But certain circumstances may lead to certain imbalances that may disturb the harmony between these energies. It is through this that homeopathic medicine believes will lead to diseases. Homeopathic remedies then aim to restore the balance of the vital force that is life.

Less Is More Homeopathic medicine is also governed by the Principle of Minimum Dose. It is based on the belief that the least possible action may be enough to necessitate any change in nature. Through this principle, homeopathic remedies are developed using extreme dilution of substances in such a way that the beneficial effects still remain while removing all the other harmful effect associated with the substance.

Individualism The practice of homeopathy is also based on the fact that each person is unique, completed by the integration of the person's various characteristics. Homeopathic treatments take into consideration the whole person's being- the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects- to become more effective. This leads to developing remedies usually distinct and unique to different individuals.

Obstacle Removal Since diseases are caused by certain imbalances and disharmony in the vital force, the practice of homeopathy also deals with trying to remove the obstacles that may be impeding the healing process. Such obstacles may be drugs, stress, diet, as well as other environmental, spiritual and emotional factors. It is up to homeopathic practitioners to aid people in trying to determine and identify what these supposed obstacles may be in their lives.

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The Beneficial Role Of Fish Oil Supplementation In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

By Jack Haddad

The beneficial effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have been widely described in the literature in particular those on cardiovascular system. In the last decade there has been an increased interest in the role of these nutrients in the reduction of articular inflammation as well as in the improvement of clinical symptoms in subjects affected by rheumatic diseases, in particular rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

While the typical diet in the United States has a much greater ratio of omega-6 fatty acids compared with omega-3 fatty acids, research is showing that shifting this ratio-by increased consumption of fatty fish or fish oil supplements-may provide significant health benefits. Reductions in cardiovascular risk, depression, and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms have been correlated with omega-3 fatty acid intake, and there is increased interest in the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for other psychiatric illnesses and prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

The beneficial properties of fish oil are well known and are related to its fatty acid composition rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. A variety of epidemiological and clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of fish oil supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil are linked to the production of alternative eicosanoids, to the reduction of proinflammatory cytokines, to the inhibition of the activation of T lymphocytes and of catabolic enzymes. Fish oil supplementation could represent a valuable support to the traditional pharmacological treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

A study by Berbert AA et al (Nutrition Feb 21 (2): 131-6, 2005) evaluated whether supplementation with olive oil could improve clinical and laboratory parameters of disease activity in patients who had rheumatoid arthritis and were using fish oil supplements.

Forty-three patients were investigated in a parallel randomized design. Patients were assigned to one of three groups. In addition to their usual medication, the first group received placebo (soy oil), the second group received fish oil omega-3 fatty acids (3 g/d), and the third group received fish oil omega-3 fatty acids (3 g/d) and 9.6 mL of olive oil.

Disease activity was measured by clinical and laboratory indicators at the beginning of the study and after 12 and 24 wk. Patients' satisfaction in activities of daily living was also measured. There was a statistically significant improvement in relation to group 1 with respect to joint pain intensity, right and left handgrip strength after 12 and 24 wk, duration of morning stiffness, onset of fatigue, Ritchie's articular index for pain joints after 24 wk, ability to bend down to pick up clothing from the floor, and getting in and out of a car after 24 wk. Group 3, but not Group 2, in relation to Group 1 showed additional improvements with respect to duration of morning stiffness after 12 wk, patient global assessment after 12 and 24 wk, ability to turn faucets on and off after 24 wk, and rheumatoid factor after 24 wk. In addition, Group 3 showed a significant improvement in patient global assessment in relation to Group 2 after 12 wk.

Ingestion of fish oil omega-3 fatty acids relieved several clinical parameters used in the present study. However, patients showed a more precocious and accentuated improvement when fish oil supplements were used in combination with olive oil.

More convincing data support the efficacy of omega-3 PUFA in reducing pain, number of tender joints, duration of morning stiffness, use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and improving physical performance in RA patients. Kolahi et al (Clin Biochem Dec 23, 2009) from the Biotechnology Research Center in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences conducted a clinical trial to prove that fish oil supplementation decreases serum soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand in female patients with RA.

Soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (sRANKL) to osteoprotegerin ratio is designated as a bone metabolism equation in many rheumatologic disorders and would be modified with fish oil (FO) supplementation. Eighty-three females with rheumatoid arthritis were divided randomly to 40 and 43 patients treated with (1 g/day) or without FO for 3 months accompanied with conventional drugs, respectively. Osteoprotegerin, sRANKL, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) serum levels were measured before and after treatment. Serum levels of osteoprotegerin increased, although sRANKL, TNFalpha and sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio decreased with FO therapy. A significant positive correlation was observed between sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio and TNFalpha levels (r=0.327, p=0.040) in the FO-treated group. CONCLUSIONS: FO could decrease the inflammatory response by lowering of serum TNFalpha levels and sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio.

In another study, Adam et al ( Rheumatol Intl Jan;(1):27-36) investigated the effects of both dietary measures, alone and in combination, on inflammation, fatty acid composition of erythrocyte lipids, eicosanoids, and cytokine biosynthesis in patients with RA.

Sixty-eight patients with definitive RA were matched into two groups of 34 subjects each. One group was observed for 8 months on a normal western diet (WD) and the other on an anti-inflammatory diet (AID) providing an arachidonic acid intake of less than 90 mg/day. Patients in both groups were allocated to receive placebo or fish oil capsules (30 mg/kg body weight) for 3 months in a double-blind crossover study with a 2-month washout period between treatments.

Clinical examination and routine laboratory findings were evaluated every month, and erythrocyte fatty acids, eicosanoids, and cytokines were evaluated before and after each 3-month experimental period. Sixty patients completed the study. In AID patients, but not in WD patients, the numbers of tender and swollen joints decreased by 14% during placebo treatment. In AID patients, as compared to WD patients, fish oil led to a significant reduction in the numbers of tender (28% vs 11%) and swollen (34% vs 22%) joints Compared to baseline levels, higher enrichment of eicosapentaenoic acid in erythrocyte lipids (244% vs 217%) and lower formation of leukotriene B(4) , 11-dehydro-thromboxane B(2) (15% vs 10%, P less than 0.05), and prostaglandin metabolites (21% vs 16%, P less than 0.003) were found in AID patients, especially when fish oil was given during months 6-8 of the experiment.

A diet low in arachidonic acid ameliorates clinical signs of inflammation in patients with RA and augments the beneficial effect of fish oil supplementation.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Sleep Solutions: Melatonin For the Sleep Deprived

By Kyleen T Shugar

Know what? All I want is a little more melatonin in my life so that I can sleep like a baby.

Such a wish sound bizarre to you? Then you likely don't have problems getting a good night's sleep. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking why a sleep aid of all things?

The reason is pretty simple really. You see, melatonin is a brain hormone that in supplement form can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. It is so powerful that research is ongoing into using melatonin as an insomnia treatment.

You see as this hormone secreted by our pineal gland it controls our sleep cycle. You'd be surprised to know that even a tiny drop in the melatonin production can deprive you of valuable sleep time. This is quite a common complaint as the amount of this produced naturally tapers off with age.

But you don't have to worry if your melatonin level dips since a good night of sleep will restore it. You see as darkness descends and when you're asleep your brain produces this hormone automatically. But there is a hitch! Sleep requires melatonin and melatonin requires sleep. See the dilemma?

Melatonin supplements can get you over the hump. Long used to deal with jet lag and shift-work issues, more and more it is thought to be a possible treatment of other sleep disorders as well.

It's a fact that even a small dose of melatonin can rescue those who work swing shift. Plus it works with few if any side affects. Leaving you bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning too.

Another advantage of melatonin is that there are no lingering effects after you stop using it.

Yet this supplement is not regulated as a drug by the FDA. So it lacks FDA approval and there is no proof that it really works and is safe. In fact some report that too much melatonin can cause headaches, depression, grogginess and nausea. Others complain of extremely vivid and bothersome dreams.

Lack of regulation also means quality can vary unexpectedly too.

And for best results, you shouldn't consume alcohol or take other medications with melatonin. Because this can impact how your prescription drugs work.

The bottom line? Melatonin is probably about as effective many modern OTC sleep aids. And it's a great help if you are dealing with the affects of jet lag. But if are suffering from insomnia or other more serious sleep disorders get to the root of the problem. Don't try to skate by on melatonin alone.

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Optogenetics - A Fast Growing Niche In The Internet World

By Allen Cleveland

The world is changing with new inventions and technologies. Various new terms, concepts and phenomenon are now receiving great attention with the help of which we can really invent new drugs and medicines. One such new phenomenon is about the Optogenetics with the help of which doctors can treat various critical diseases.

You would be surprised to know that researchers have found out a way through which they can find out more about the functions of the brain. Optogenetics is known as the lighting up of the brain and this process is conducted by passing optic fiber lights through the skull. Fiber optic lights are used during festivals for decorations and they are also used for signs and signals.

In this article, I would mainly like to give you more information regarding Optogenetics.

1. Need for Optogenetics

You will see that these days more and more people are searching for this niche on the internet because with the help of this concept one can really find about the working of the human brain. Doctors and researchers know very little about some critical diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Epilepsy that is why the drugs which are used for curing them treat the whole brain instead to treating the particular area that is affected by the disease. Chemicals and medicines which are given to patients for these diseases can really be harmful for them in the long run.

2. Experiments and tests

Optogenetics has not been used on humans yet and it will take at least five years to develop it completely. In the present time doctors are conducting their researches on rats, monkeys, donkeys and worms. After testing on animals it has been proven that this concept can really be very beneficial for treating patients who are suffering from the Parkinson's disease.

3. Working of Optogenetics

Optogenetics is used on certain brain cells and neurons to achieve the required results. The nerve cells and neurons in the brain are responsible for movement, speech, motions and muscles and for spending messages from one part of the body to the other.

4. It is not a relatively new concept

It is not a relatively new concept, in fact it has been developed from various old techniques and methods that have been used by the doctors since many years. During Optogenetics an electrical current is passed through the skull which helps the doctors to locate the brain cells which are responsible for specific diseases.

Well these are some important points that you most known about the relatively new concept of Optogenetics.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

How It's Manageable To Get Rid Of Acne Fast!

By Rex Walters

Causes of acne.

Firstly, we're going to help you to understand what causes acne and why it's not your fault. It's not certain as to what precisely causes acne or why it generally starts in adolescence, but definitely hormones ; especially testosterone, is almost definitely an element.

Many people that suffer with acne aren't even sure what the difficulty entails. A universal parable is that mucky skin causes acne ; blackheads and other kinds of acne aren't caused by mud. There are so many factors behind acne, including hormonal changes, genetics, and stress. Most of the people influenced by acne are aged between twelve and 25.

Evidence of acne.

The main symptoms of acne are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules and sometimes cysts. The 2 commonest sorts of acne are whiteheads and blackheads.

Acne is skin abrasions caused by the blockage of follicle channels of sebum glands. In turn, folk with acne are commonly suggested to use harsh, drying products on the skin, which is not always the most effective way to go about it, as our t-zones may be oily, while other affected areas might be dry.

Some of the home remedies to cure acne are orange, garlic, and cucumber.

Remedies for you.

A cure for acne is to get control.

A home remedy may help teenagers and adults who suffer with acne related issues get control of their skin conditions. As the best natural remedy for treating acne is water. It will help to properly hydrate the skin.

Drink at least eight tumblers of water a day to balance out the inner you. But to get you started right away with a home cure try these everyday household items that may hopefully free you from acne fast :

1) Green tea is, by far, the most superb herbal cure for acne ever to be uncovered.

2) Lavender oil that is used for acne.

3) Strawberries / Strawberry Leaves - used in a bandage are endorsed as an herbal remedy for acne.

4) Lemon juice is a citric acid which is part of AHAs group which is an efficient home cure for reducing the acne scars.

Folk that are suffering from acne are desperate to lose this affliction. Consultations for acne are far more frequent than for any other skin disease, so it's no wonder products promising to fight acne is big business.

Mild outbreaks of acne are best kept clean, treated and then left alone.

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All You Need to Know About the Renal dialysis diet

By Rachelle Gordon

Renal dialysis diet is really a recommended to sufferers who are undergoing dialysis. Why do we need this renal dialysis diet? Well, the purpose of this diet is to preserve a balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in patients who are on dialysis. The special eating habits is crucial because dialysis alone doesn't successfully eliminate ALL waste items. These waste products can also construct up between dialysis remedies.

But what is renal dialysis? Renal dialysis is an artificial process by which waste items and excess fluid are removed from the body by diffusion from one fluid compartment to another across a semipermeable membrane. Active or mechanical dialysis cycles blood through a machine (dialyzer) or cycles dialyzing fluid into and out of the clients abdominal cavity (peritoneum) through a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities and toxins and to maintain fluid, electrolyte and an acid-base balance. Passive dialysis uses the client's peritoneal membrane as the filter.

Acute renal failure might require dialysis until the client's kidney function improves and starts filtering the client's blood independently. ESRD is defined as irreversible, chronic renal failure requiring regular dialysis or a kidney transplant to sustain life.

You can find two types of renal dialysis eating habits procedures in common clinical usage: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are acceptable modes of treatment.

During the hemodialysis procedure, blood passes through an artificial kidney machine and the waste materials products diffuse across a synthetic membrane into a bath solution recognized as dialysate after which the cleansed blood is returned to the client's body. Hemodialysis is accomplished generally in three- to four-hour sessions, three times a week.

Occasionally, medical complications occur where a client retains a lot more fluid than is healthy following a normal dialysis remedy. Ultrafiltration is really a procedure of removing excess fluid from the blood via a dialysis membrane by exerting pressure. This procedure is part of a hemodialysis remedy and is included within the composite rate for the hemodialysis remedy. Ultrafiltration isn't a substitute for dialysis.

During the peritoneal dialysis procedure, waste items pass in the client's body through the peritoneal membrane into the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity where the dialysate is introduced and removed periodically.

Renal dialysis eating habits is used as an adjunct to patients undergoing dialysis. This unique diet will also help you maintain proper fluid and electrolyte levels in among dialysis treatments. Coupled with dialysis, it will effectively assist you feel as good as possible and lessen complications in the build up of toxins from having renal disease.

Low Protein Renal Diet For Chronic Kidney Patients

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cure Ankylosing Spondylitis Through Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

By Lerma Masip

Ankylosis spondylitis is a continual irritation that causes ache and inflexibility on the vertebrae. This condition might also result to a supreme union of the spine is popularly known as ankylosis.

The cause that are believed to be liable for the occurrence of the illness are environment and genetic factors. The symptoms that are frequently encountered associated with this disease is extreme pain and stiffness, eye inflammation and multiple joint aggravations. This kind of disease can as well as affect the heart, lungs and kidneys most especially if not given medical attention or even a home treatment.

In addition to that, one of the treatments that you can do if your experiencing the condition is the Ayurvedic treatment. the main function of this treatment is to reduce the aggravation and also the stiffness in the vertebrae and avoiding the other organs to be affected. It as well as control the immune function of your body immune system.

Hence, there are several medicines used in having ayurvedic treatment for this condition, and it includes:Triphala Guggulu, Yograj Guggulu, Punarnavadi Guggulu, Goksshuradi Vat Gajakush Ras, Trayodashang Guggulu, Panch Tikta Ghrut Guggulu, Laxadi Guggulu, Punarnavadi Qadha and Saarivasav. These medicines are used to lessen chronic irritations and helps you prevent ankylosis of the spine.

There are lots of things that you can do to treat and avoid yourself from suffering from the symptoms of the illness. One of the best natural means that you can consider is to have healthy balanced diet and accurate exercise. This is known as the safest but the most efficient remedy. The truth on doing this is that it is also the great way in having a good health and decreasing the possibility to suffer from the signs of virtually all diseases and conditions that can cause much irritations to you.

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Prostate Cancer - The Early Signs Of The Illness

By Lerma Masip

A prostate cancer sign does not necessarily show up in an early stage of cancer. Once you have the PSA test or the rectal examination this can be found. The symptoms of cancer may show up if the cancer tumor has made the prostate larger and it made to start to press in the urethra. This is the reason why you feel some pain and difficulty in passing of urine.

As the age men of increases, the prostate enlarged and this cause difficulties with the urethra and the bladder. If ever you think that the symptoms of prostate cancer is experience by you, the least thing that you should do is for you to visit your doctor.

Included in the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer are urge to urinate particularly at night, the need to pass the urine often, having a hard time to start and stop the flow of urine, not able to urinate, frail and intermittent stream of urine, ache while urinating, blood in the urine and hurting ejaculation.

If you feel that you are in great risk, better meet your physician and ask if you need some diagnosis or test to determine if it is really a prostate cancer. Having a PSA and a DRE tests is can be a great help to detect prostate cancer at an early stage. But sometimes these tests can also cause false alarms and may detect cancers that are not actually imposing any threat to you.

Most of the cases of this type of illness is cannot be distinguish until it extended beyond the glands for the reason that there are no signs and symptoms that you can determine on the early phase. As an end result, it is necessary for you to go through a prostate specific antigen examination. Once the cancer has been determined the cancer already widen. There are cancers that grows gradually, therefore it is very essential to talk about it with your doctor.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

About Buying Contacts Online And What To Expect

By Adriana Noton

If you often find yourself forgetting to call in your contact lens prescriptions or it is just becoming an issue to find the time to order them from the office, perhaps you should consider some other options. A great option to consider is to purchase your contacts online. By doing this you can save some money in the meantime and also keep track of your contact prescriptions. Here's a general overview of what you can expect.

In general there are a lot of sites that you can choose from. Everyone's main concern is whether or not a site can trusted or not. There are many sites on the internet that are dedicated lens providers. You should take the time to do some research and see what options are best for you. Opt for a site that will not only be reliable but also capable of sending your order to you in a timely manner.

Depending on the optometrist that you go to, some already have sites that they prefer to work with for their patients. If this is the case, you can sometimes get a decent discount on the price that you pay in comparison to what you might usually pay at the optometrist's office. This can also be a reasonable way for you to find out about sites that are trustworthy for purchases. Ask your optometrist if they have any recommendations that they can make.

There are always going to be some websites that will give you a discount in comparison to what price you are used to. You need to know to take the time to make the comparisons between sites and prices you are used to at your optometry office in order to ensure you get the best deal. You should also be aware that even sites with great prices might not have the prescription you need in stock.

One of the main concerns is to purchase from a site that actually checks on prescriptions individually. For the most part, it is illegal to purchase or sell prescription lenses to individuals that do not have the prescription for them. Generally, you know the site you are shopping at is secure if they ask for this information. Generally the company will ask for a copy of the information from either you or your doctor.

You should realize that some of the fees that you will pay for shipping will affect the price range. While you do have the convenience of receiving faster shipping in some circumstances, this can affect your price you pay for your lenses. Lenses that were at a discounted or low price can easily return to the usual price once you factor in shipping charges.

Prices that you might pay for lenses can also vary by your insurance. There are some sites that will give you a better price for your lenses without the use of your insurance. Alternatively, there are other sites that will give you the better price for using your insurance. You can also sometimes get a good deal for buying your contacts in multiple packs for the month or year instead of just what you may need currently. Take the time to compare all of your options.

Considering some of the above information can help you make a wise decision when purchasing contacts online. The choice can be particularly useful for keeping in stock on your prescription throughout the year. For some people, it can make keeping up with lens prescriptions more convenient.

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Get Free From Depression

By Tony Nathan

Depression is a disease that is increasing more and more in youngsters too these days. A few years back it was only assumed to be a disease that aged people used to have. But with passage of time more and more youth have been found victim of depression who carry one or other depression symptoms.

Although the depression treatment is not all that difficult or expensive but this should not be take in a light manner. While there are many studies which show that physical activity reduces depression and fatigue for folks struggling with chronic illness, what is new about this study is the suggestion that this may be a result of a person's self-efficacy.

An example of self-efficacy is the conviction that you can walk around the block or climb a flight of stairs without stopping. The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries, though this understanding is incomplete and many aspects of depression are still the subject of discussion and research.

Proposed causes include psychological, psycho-social, hereditary, evolutionary and biological factors. Psychological treatments are based on theories of personality, interpersonal communication, and learning. Most biological theories focus on the mono amine chemicals serotonin, nor epinephrine and dopamine, which are naturally present in the brain and assist communication between nerve cells.

One may be able to go to work but not have any enjoyment. Mild depression may last a lot longer than slight depression but can be overcome with changes in lifestyle, psychotherapy and social support. There are some individuals whom may develop mild depression which may start gradually for no reason. The individual may start to feel tired, restlessness, loneliness and have difficulty sleeping. In many cases, the individual loses interest in sex and wants to be left alone.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event which results in psychological trauma. This PTSD may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one's own or some others physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual's psychological defenses.

PTSD is a less frequent and more enduring consequence of psychological trauma than the more frequently seen acute stress response. PTSD has been recognized in the past as railway spine, stress syndrome, shell shock, battle fatigue, traumatic war neurosis, or post-traumatic stress syndrome. Various aspects of personality and its development appear to be integral to the occurrence and persistence of depression, with negative emotionality as a common precursor.

Depression is less likely to occur, as well as quicker to remit, among those who are religious. It is not always clear which factors are causes or which are effects of depression; however, depressed persons who are able to make corrections in their thinking patterns often show improved mood and self-esteem.Although depressive episodes are strongly correlated with adverse events, a person's characteristic style of coping may be correlated with their resilience. Additionally, low self-esteem and self-defeating or distorted thinking are related to depression.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

XSkater News

XSkater News

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Posted: 20 Feb 2010 01:51 PM PST

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Posted: 19 Feb 2010 06:37 PM PST

I consider we am a flattering quick tyro when it comes to skateboarding. Ive been skating for 2 weeks as well as we can roughly land a kick flip. Does a Yahoo village have any tips to guidance skateboard tricks?

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Friday, February 19, 2010

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Posted: 19 Feb 2010 02:50 PM PST

USA Top Searches – Feb 19, 2010
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Posted: 18 Feb 2010 06:37 PM PST

I only schooled how to skateboard a alternative day upon a single of my friends skateboards. we wish to get a skateboard of my own. What would be a great code of skateboard for someone who only learned? I’ve been seeking at Angelboy skateboards are those any great or not?

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Posted: 18 Feb 2010 06:37 PM PST

Angela Carella: Scalzi gets a facelift which melts
Scalzi Park is not well known for a beauty, as well as a flattering layer Tuesday didn’t assistance much. The heavy, soppy flakes did their most appropriate to adorn a park, sticking to a bellow of a large aged trees, defining a reaches as well as bends of their branches.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

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Posted: 18 Feb 2010 02:13 PM PST

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Posted: 17 Feb 2010 06:38 PM PST

I cant appear to get my skateboard to go faster. When ever im upon it, a skateboard is unequivocally tough to get starting at a great speed means it only goes unequivocally slow. we already put WD-40 upon it as well as it didnt unequivocally work. Any suggestions?

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